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Activity: "Public Service" Lets speaking in Ramadhan "

On July 1
! "1#! Student $% &$urism 'arketing 'anagement study Pr$gram
"1! (niversity $% )nd$nesia had been carrying $ut the activities $% the Public
Service titled "Lets Speaking in Ramadhan" in c$$perati$n *ith Save Street
+hild ,andung c$mmunity! under the guidance $% Lecture namely: -e*i
Panca*ati .! S / Pd/! ''! 'rs/ Rini Andari! S/Pd/! S0/! Par/! ''! and 'rs/
1eni 1unia*ati! S/Pd/! ''! its pr$gram had held in the a city park! ,uah
,atu! ,andung/

&his activity *as d$ne as a
%$rm a*areness $% t$urism
marketing managements student t$
their envir$ntment and street
children especially in ,andung
+ity! )nd$nesia/ &he aims $% this
pr$gram t$ educate them ab$ut
basic %$reign language *h$ used in
the *$rld! a%ter learned ab$ut
language! then they learned ab$ut
t$urism $% ,andung +ity t$ make
them be a*are and kn$* ab$ut their
&his activity started at 12:"" am
until 13:4" pm and *as %$ll$*ed by
$ver " street children/ 5e pr$vided
basic 0nglish language! basic Japanese
and +hinese language *ith used s$me
medias such as pictures and children6s
s$ngs in th$se languages/ &hese
medias ch$$sed because images and
s$ngs c$uld made the children learned
easier and en7$yable/
&he event *as greeted by rain!
street children studying under $ur tent
that *e built at a city park $% ,andung! under the tent *ith the rain! the spirit $%
t$urism marketing managements student t$ teach their kn$*ledge is n$t l$st $r
%ading at all! as *ell as the spirit $% street children t$ learn ne* kn$*ledges!
they learned *ith enthusiasm and cheer%ul in spite $% that limitati$n/ &hey did
n$t c$mplain at all and surrender t$ circumstances/
+heer%ulness $% that
beauti%ul day *as cl$sed by
sharing *ith $thers! *e break the
%ast t$gether *ith happiness amid
limitati$ns/ All mingled and %used
*ith$ut any restricti$ns that
ultimately create mem$ries that
*ill n$t be %$rg$tten by us all/

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