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Daniel A.

Chapman 19 January 2014 Fieldwork Seminar Fieldwork Journal Osmosis Lab Reflection General Reflection/ What went well: For this week's ournal! " want to re#le$t on and e%amine the &'smosis (a)* assi+nment that we ha,e ust #inished up in my #i#th and si%th period -iolo+y $lasses. "n this assi+nment! students were instru$ted to immerse a $ommon +ro$ e++ into di##erent su)stan$es! as a means o# o)ser,in+ osmosis /the mo,ement o# a su)stan$e a$ross a semi.permea)le mem)rane! #rom a hi+h $on$entrated area to a low $on$entrated area0. Durin+ our time! we were a)le to $omplete all o# the pie$es o# the la) and the la) report! whi$h " #eel really +ood a)out. " was a)le to s$hedule our time ,ery well so that we $ould +et throu+h all o# the ne$essary pie$es o# the la)! whi$h was di##i$ult with the $ompressed 1eystone s$hedule that we ha,e had all week. At the same time! " #eel that " was ,ery su$$ess#ul in my $lassroom mana+ement skills durin+ the $ourse o# this assi+nment. " had to )e ,ery $ons$ious o# where ea$h o# my students were at! and the #low o# the a$ti,ity o,er the $ourse o# the period2 su$h that the students were )ein+ produ$ti,e /or as produ$ti,e as possi)le0 #rom the moment they entered the $lass to their departure. Additionally! this took a lot o# or+ani3ation and intentional plannin+ so that the students would ha,e all o# their instru$tions and materials at their disposal when they entered. " was ,ery e%pli$it re+ardin+ where the students $ould #ind what they need! where they should )e per#ormin+ di##erent la) pro$edures! and where they should )e storin+ their e%periments at the end o# ea$h period. 4any students de#initely en oyed the la) and many o# those who did! ,er)ally e%pressed this to me o,er the $ourse o# the la). " think that this a$ti,ity was en$oura+in+ #or students in that it allowed them to +et out o# their seats and intera$t with their peers and with the la) materials 5tasks in a way that is not always as prominent a pie$e o# the $ourse. What could have been improved: 6he pie$e o# this a$ti,ity that " )elie,e $ould ha,e )een mu$h stron+er! was the $onne$tion #or students )etween what we were o)ser,in+ in the la) itsel#! and what we are tryin+ to learn and rein#or$e in the $ontent. " )elie,e that it was di##i$ult #or students to make these $onne$tions on their own! and )e$ause o# the s$hedulin+ limitations! the de+ree to whi$h we were a)le to spend time outside o# the pro$edures to talk throu+h and en$oura+e the $ontent in the midst o# the a$ti,ity was restri$ted. Additionally! we lost a lot o# important time in ha,in+ to e%plain and +o o,er pie$es o# the la) report2 most prominently! what is5how to write a hypothesis! and how to make +raphs and insert our

$olle$ted data into a ta)le. 7e ha,e done these pre,iously in $lass! )ut " was not prepared #or the le,el o# assistan$e that the students would need. Also! in re+ards to the la) report! the e%pe$tations were not e%plained $learly enou+h to the students! and there was lot o# ,arian$e when it $ame to their #inal produ$ts. ow could ! chan"e it: "n retrospe$t! these pie$es $ould ha,e )een $ountered )y! #irst per#ormin+ this la) a$ti,ity on a di##erent week. A di##erent week would ha,e +i,en us more time to +o o,er the la)! rein#or$e the rele,an$e! and try to make sure that ea$h o# our students understood and was on the same pa+e with $onne$tin+ the la) pro$edures and o)ser,ations to the $ontent. Additionally! this would ha,e +i,en us more room to pro,ide supplemental instru$tions and demonstrations to speed up and $lari#y di##erent aspe$ts o# the a$ti,ity. Se$ond! " think that i# " do this a$ti,ity a+ain! " will dedi$ate a portion o# time at the )e+innin+ o# ea$h period to des$ri)e the la) pro$esses and make e%pli$it the $onne$tions to the $ontent )e#ore we a$tually per#orm them. And third! " think that the students /or at least some o# my students0 $ould ha,e +reatly )ene#ited #rom a more s$a##olded la) report handout. " +a,e a lot o# room #or students to put all the se$tions into their own words! and " think " set the )ar a )it to hi+h. 6o alle,iate this! " $ould ha,e pro,ided students with a la) report in whi$h the hypothesis and $on$lusion se$tions in$luded the words and the stru$ture that " was lookin+ #or! it $ould e,en )e in a &#ill in the )lank* #ormat /i.e. " predi$t that when " 8888888888888 then 888888888888888. 0. " $ould e,en utili3e this is a #orm o# di##erentiation and either assi+n dependent on a)ility! or +i,e my students the option to $hoose whi$h #ormat they would pre#er. "n all! " #eel that there were aspe$ts o# this la) in whi$h " was ,ery su$$ess#ul in #a$ilitatin+2 althou+h i# " were to do it a+ain! " would de#initely make a series o# $han+es to en$oura+e students understandin+ o# the e++ la) as a tan+i)le and ,isi)le e%ample o# osmosis.

#ppendi$: !% Lab Report W%&% '"" Lab Report Observin" Osmosis (pothesis: 7rite down what you thou+ht would happen to the e++ a#ter )ein+ su)mer+ed in 10 9ine+ar! 20 Corn Syrup! :0 7ater.

Results: ". "n the ta)le )elow! report the data that you $olle$ted o,er the $ourse o# the la). 4ass o# ;++ 1 /+rams0 "nitial 4ass A#ter 9ine+ar A#ter Syrup A#ter 7ater "". Create a )ar +raph showin+ your results #rom the ta)le in part ". 4ass o# ;++ 2 /+rams0

)onclusion: 7rite a 4.< senten$e para+raph des$ri)in+ 10 7hat happened to the e++ when immersed in the three solutions! 20 7as your hypothesis $orre$t or in$orre$t! and :0 7hy did the e++ rea$t the way it did to the three solutions=

!!% &tudent '$periments:

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