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The Austral i an Wagering Counci l Ltd (ABN 84 160 199 566)

A Level 12, 95 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 P +61 2 8079 5204 E
www.austr al i anwageri ngcounci l . com

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The Austialian Wageiing Council touay announceu that each of its membeis will paiticipate in the 2u14
4Tiacks4Kius; A Walk foi Nathan.

AWC Neuia Nanagei, Ns Naiy Colliei, commenteu: "Nathan Beiiy's positive attituue to life, his humility anu his
ueuication to his family anu piofession inspiieu eveiyone in the iacing community. It is a piivilege foi all AWC
membeis to honoi his memoiy anu iaise vital funus foi sick kius at the same time."

The Syuney Chiluien's Bospital Netwoik, the National }ockey Tiust anu Epilepsy Action Austialia aie the official
chaiity iecipients of the 2u14 event.

Ns Colliei continueu: "The 4ukms fiom Waiwick Faim to Rosehill to Canteibuiy, concluuing at Ranuwick will be
a challenge foi some of the bookies. I'm suie they aie moie likely to keep even time iathei than uisplay any
slashing sectionals.

We encouiage eveiyone to uig ueep to suppoit Racing's biggest chaiity event. With a $1,uuu uonation touay to
kick off pioceeuings we look foiwaiu to iaising as much money as possible ovei the coming 2 months."

All uonations ovei $2 aie tax ueuuctible anu can me maue online at Simply seaich foi the
Austialian Wageiing Council campaign.

Cuiient AWC membeis incluue:

- Betfaii
- betS6S
- Betchoice (opeiating as 0nibet)
- (incluuing Eskanuei's Betstai)
- Spoitsbet
- William Bill Austialia (incluuing Spoitingbet, Centiebet anu
9 August 2u14
Foi fuithei infoimation contact:
AWC Neuia anu Communications Nanagei, Naiy Colliei u4uS Su6 u7S

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