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Event titlebiief uesciiption: S
Annual Night of Bioauway

Key public (auuience) incluuing cuiient level of unueistanuing of piouuctseivice:

Paients of school-ageu chiluien in 0tah County aie noimally pait of the
woiking miuule class. They make enough money to live comfoitably, but still
neeu to watch theii spenuing. Nany 0tah County paients aie membeis of the
Chuich of }esus Chiist of Lattei-uay Saints anu holu callings in theii chuich.
Nany of them woik in the aiea oi the suiiounuing aiea (Salt Lake City) anu
have a minimal uiive to woik. They often go out as a family anu tiy to finu
quality clean enteitainment. They noimally have sufficient tianspoitation
anu can get anywheie in the aiea in which they live.

Paients of school-ageu chiluien in 0tah County want what's best foi theii
chiluien. They want clean enteitainment anu to spaie them the
complications ceitain images anu enteitainment can cause. They want to
save money, but also want to keep theii kius enteitaineu. They want theii
chiluien to be successful anu want to pioviue well foi them. Paients aie
motivateu by low piices, quality of enteitainment, availability of
enteitainment, whethei oi not the enteitainment is clean.
Seconuaiy publics (auuiences), if any:

Elueily auults in 0tah County noimally belong to the Chuich of }esus Chiist
of Lattei-uay Saints. They noimally have auult chiluien who have chiluien of
theii own. Noimally they have extia money fiom theii ietiiement funus anu
can affoiu to spenu money on enteitainment. Nany of them go out often
with theii gianuchiluien anu family, but they tenu to go out uuiing the uay oi
eaily evening as opposeu to late at night.

Elueily auults in 0tah County want to spenu time with theii families,
especially theii gianuchiluien. They want to make memoiies that will last
theii gianuchiluien a lifetime. They want theii family to be enteitaineu anu
cultuieu. They also aien't useu to mouein noims in enteitainment anu aie
useu to clean enteitainment. Elueily auults aie motivateu by low piices,
quality of enteitainment, availability of enteitainment, builuing accessibility,
whethei oi not the enteitainment is clean.

Action uesiieu fiom public(s) aftei attenuing this event: To have a goou time anu
continue theii ielationship with SCERA aftei the event thiough euucation piogiams
anu futuie events. The event shoulu be a goou enough expeiience to attiact moie
suppoiteis foi SCERA foievei anu help keep existing suppoiteis.

Bow that action ties to the piimaiy public's self-inteiest: SCERA is gieat foi families
anu helps them giow togethei. It pioviues an oppoitunity foi low cost, clean family
enteitainment anu fuithei uevelopment anu suppoit of theii chiluien.

Influentials (thiiu-paity opinion leaueis who may influence the key public):

Bow they will be useu to influence the key public (testimonials, examples,

Event uate anu time: }anuaiy Su, S1 Febiuaiy 1,S 7:uu p.m.

Key NessageTheme: Come help celebiate 8u yeais at SCERA with the S
Night of Bioauway, a night of inexpensive, quality family enteitainment that will be
fun foi the whole family.

venue (auuiess, ioom, etc.)
SCERA Centei: Showhouse II
74S South Stieet, 0iem, 0T 84uS8

Activity uetails (chionological list of what is happening at the event):
-Website announcement, piess ielease- Nov. 11, senu to meuia list
-}anuaiy 2
- Kelby staits stageset plans foi uiffeient acts.
-}anuaiy S
- team meetin to go ovei set iueas anu possible changesplans
-}anuaiy 16
- Begin stage. Set piep.
-}anuaiy 2S
- Finalize stage plans, look at concessions plans, make suie supplies aie
-}anuaiy 2S
- Piess ieleasewebsite ielease lineup of songsacts
-}anuaiy 28
- Neeting with local acts, go ovei stage piep, uiess ieheaisal-Auam
-}anuaiy 29
-Neeting with all acts, uiess ieheaisal-Auam
-At all events
- 6:uu all cast iepoits to SCERA-Auam
- 6:1S-6:Su cast meeting-Auam
- 6:uu- Boois open, ticket takeis anu concessions in place at S:SS- }ustin
- 6:SS Welcome fiom CE0-Auam
-9:uu Post show cast meeting, iefieshments seiveu- Kiistin iesponsible foi
-9:uu clean-up ciew -}ustin

Paiticipation iequiieu (who uoes what; speaking, welcoming, setting up, meuia
management, etc.)
}ustin- iesponsible foi set up ciew anu clean up
Auam- welcome auuience, manage cast
Kiistin- manage iefieshments anu concessions
Kelby- Neuia contacts anu stage management

Facility neeus (electiicity, Av equipment, sounu equipment, lighting, etc.)
We will use what is in place in the showioom as fai as lighting, staging anu seating.
We will neeu supplies aftei plans maue foi any uiffeient stage sets. We will use the
sounu in place in the showioom as well.
As fai as outsiue the showioom, we have concessions stanus in place anu iegulai
ueliveiies foi foou, We have ticket booths in place anu the ticket takeis have all the
equipment they neeu.

Peimits iequiieu: No peimits iequiieu

Nateiials neeueu foi auuience (piogiam, flyei, etc.): A piogiam will be pioviueu
with a lineup of the event anu infoimation about SCERA with copy taken fiom oui
key messages.

Specific meuia to invite: The meuia will be inviteu to the fiist show.
KSL-Neuia contact foim on website
ABC- Neuia contact foim on website

Nateiials to pioviue to meuia (piess kits, backgiounuei, photos, etc.)
-We will pioviue a piess ielease, photos anu a backgiounuei with facts about SCERA
anu the event as well as footage of last yeais' event befoie anu footage of this yeai's
event aftei.

Special iequiiements foi meuia at event (photo location, seating, inteiviews, etc.)
-Theie is a photo location on the fiist iow on the left foi the fiist show. The
photogiapheis will be given a guiueline sheet, as some acts may be sensitive to flash
-Inteiviews will be available with CE0 upon iequest

Follow-up with meuia (if any):
-Senu footage anu photos of the show

- Facilitiesequipment ieseivations: None iequiieu
- Paiticipant invitations: Nov. 11
- Neuia invitations: }an. 2
- Piinteu mateiials: }an. 16

Buuget: $1,uuu

Niscellaneous uetails (if any):

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