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Submitted By:
Intern ID: I-0701
Training & Development
Corporate HRD
Duration: 8 weeks

Immediate Supervisors
Ms. Khadija Mumtaz
Mr. Aamir Iqbal
Ms. Rabeea Khan
Section Page
Acknowledgement 3
!om"an# "ro$ile %
Acti&it# I
'raining e&aluation o$ (A)(! $or line managers *
Acti&it# II
'raining "resentations +
Acti&it# III
Recommendations to ,R- "olicies .
Acti&it# I/
0M1 training 12
Acti&it# /
Re"ort writing on 3M4 &isit 11
Acti&it# /I
5rientation on 6ob Anal#sis 17
Acti&it# /II 5&er&iew 8-!1 9A: 1
Acti&it# /III M# &ision o$ -;3 1%
Acti&it# I< Recommendations 1*=1+
I would like to thank #ou m# su"er&isors Ms. Khadija Mumtaz and Mr. Aamir Iqbal $or
their guidance and su""ort. 'he# ga&e me worth# knowledge about organization>s
o"erations? ga&e me orientation about com"an# which was &er# use$ul? hel"ed me
whene&er I asked or didn>t ask? assigned me di$$erent tasks that enhanced m# knowledge
about -escon ;ngineering 3imited@-;3.
3ast not least? I would also like to acknowledge Ms. Rabeea Khan who shared her
"recious time with me when I went $or discussion and guided me &er# well
!Aothing can sto" the man
with the right mental attitude
$rom achie&ing his goalB
Aothing on earth can hel" the man
with the wrong mental attitude."
WW #iege
As an Intern in -escon ;ngineering 3imited? I came to know the detail o$ organization>s
o"erations es"eciall# the detail eC"osure o$ 'D- 8!or"orate ,R-: with in limited
duration assigned to me. 'he major $ocus o$ the re"ort is on the working eC"osure rather
than the com"an#. 4hile working in ' D -? I had the o""ortunit# to come to know how
;Cternal D Internal trainings ha&e been conducted through "ro"er channel.
Aominations are made through 'raining Aeed Anal#sis 8'AAs:? generated during the
a""raisal o$ em"lo#ees. !or"orate ' D - is res"onsible to "rocess the nominations and
communications with the institutes on behal$ o$ the com"an#. I ha&e tried m# best le&el
to "ro&ide authentic and accurate $acts and $igures accordingl#.
'he $ollowing Internshi" re"ort will highlight the com"an# "ro$ile? some o$ the major
working areas like -!1 9A and m# Internshi" "rogram with ,uman Resource
de"artment at -escon ;ngineering 3imited.
Aow I would like to discuss the acti&ities assigned to me:
;Ccel sheet working 8training attendance sheet? training request $orm and training
'raining "rogram design
-ossier $ormation o$ (A)(! $or line managers
'raining "resentations
Re"ort writing on 3M4 &isit

-IM1 "olicies awareness

!ritical suggestions on ,R- "olicies
0M1 'raining
Recommendations on standard o"erating "rocedures 8150s:
,ow to make 6ob descri"tion
5nline registration o$ em"lo#ees $or 0M1 training
5nline -escon quiz association o$ em"lo#ees $or 0M1 training
-!1 5rientation
In the end I would like to mention that in m# tenure o$ eight weeks I ha&e learned a lot
and gained knowledge about the real world "ractices o$ ,uman Resource de&elo"ment
and its a""lications. M# su"er&isors su""orted me at e&er# stage and made me
understand the real world "ractices o$ ,uman Resource and its Im"ortance in e&er#
Com'an( P&o)ile
-escon ;ngineering 3imited is a well recognized multi@dimensional engineering and
construction com"an# o"erating in 0akistan and the Middle ;ast. 4ith o&er 3E2 million
man@hours o$ construction work eCecuted in industrial and in$rastructure "rojects. 'he
ser&ices "ort$olio co&ers "roject management? engineering? "rocurement? construction?
maintenance? and manu$acturing o$ "rocess equi"ment $or the sectors o$ 5il D Fas?
!hemical)0etrochemical? 0ower? Gertilizer? !ement? and In$rastructure. All
establishments are s#stem oriented with I15 and 5,1A1 certi$ications and A1M;
stam"s. ,1; achie&ements are re$lected in the statistics with o&er 3E2 million man@hours
o$ work eCecuted. !onsiderable in&estment is made in human resources $ocusing on
de&elo"ment o$ this &ital asset. -escon is "roject@oriented and client@dri&en. (ualit# and
,1; are taken as H&alue@addersH and the com"an# culture encourages teamwork and
inno&ation. 4ith all these attributes and resources? the com"an# is well "laced to
com"ete and succeed in the local as well as international contracting arena while being
recognized as a qualit# ser&ice "ro&ider and manu$acturer o$ ca"ital equi"ment.
De%con *i%ion
To be!ome "orld !la## engineering$ manu%a!turing and Con#tru!tion Company
operating internationally&
De%con +i%%ion
To provide our valued !u#tomer# "it' !o#t e%%e!tive and reliable #olution# in pro(e!t
implementation and be re!ogni)ed a# t'e leading manu%a!turer o% 'ig' *uality e*uipment
%or plant#&
Acti,it( -. T&aining E,al/ation o) 0A10C )o& Line +anage&%
'his was In@house training and held in -escon ,eadquarter@-,( on 6ul# %@*? 7212. 'his
was 7 da#s training session in which I was guided that how to "rocess the nominations?
communicate with trainees? checklist awareness and training e$$ecti&eness measurement.
'he e$$ecti&eness o$ the training was measured b# the $eedback "ro&ided b# the
"artici"ants at the end o$ session? which co&ered &arious as"ects o$ the training? ranging
$rom the e$$icienc# o$ the trainer to the a""ro"riateness o$ the training &enue.
9# the hel" o$ $eedback $orms which was distributed at the end o$ session I was able to
reach to the le&el o$ satis$action o$ trainees. I was assigned the task o$ entering data in an
eCcel sheet care$ull#? through that data I got the corres"onding $igures which re"resented
the "ercentage e$$ecti&eness o$ training. I was mani"ulated le&el o$ satis$action with the
hel" o$ eCcel. Gurthermore? I had to com"ile comments gi&en b# the "artici"ants into a
consolidated $orm or in summar# $orm.
'raining res"onse was &er# good? anal#sis o$ training showed that training was "ro"erl#
organizedB trainer had enough knowledge that showed selection o$ trainer was right.
I "ersonall# concluded that training was &er# success$ul? in$ormati&e and u" to the mark.
I had gained good eC"erience about In@house training and how to arrange documents
8checklist? attendance sheet? and "re training corres"ondence? nominations $or the course
and stud# material and $eedback $orms: in a dossier.
Acti,it( 3. T&aining P&e%entation%
I was assigned to make the so$t skill "resentations on I!ommunication barriersJ?
I!ourtes#J and I,ow to im"ro&e moti&ationJ $or the -escon>s em"lo#ees. 'hese
"resentations were to enhance the moti&ation in em"lo#ees? how to eliminate or minimize
communication barriers and etiquettes $ollowed b# janitorial sta$$. I made these
"resentations under the su"er&ision o$ m# Instructors? searched through net and added m#
own ideas as well that was "ractical eCam"les? role "la#s and acti&ities.
Gor the "ur"ose o$ data collection? rele&ant images I used online searched and course
book o$ management. I added rele&ant eCam"les then com"iled data in a "resentable $orm
on word and went to m# su"er&isor $or the a""ro&al a$ter the a""ro&al I used "ower "oint
to "re"are the "resentation slides.
9# the hel" o$ these training "resentations I came to know how to manage time? how to
make slides inno&ati&e $or "ro$essionals? multi"le tasking because I had to work on
"resentations simultaneousl# which were assigned to me.
'hese "resentations were to enhance morale o$ em"lo#ees that will increase e$$icienc#
and "roducti&it#.
Acti,it( 4. Recommendation% to t2e 5RD Policie%
As the "art o$ -escon I ha&e to be well aware $rom the ,R- "olicies? there are total .
eCisting "olicies at -IM1. I was assigned the task to read these "olicies and making
recommendations and critical suggestions with "ro"er justi$ications. 'he assigned
"olicies were I,iring "olic#J? IManagement sta$$ trainingJ and IInternshi"sJ? other than
I ha&e read I-e$initionsJ? I1alar#J and IMedicalJ which enhanced m# knowledge.
I studied the "olicies $rom -IM1 8-escon integrated management s#stem: in great de"th
and $ounded how these "olicies were made on "ro"er $ormat and con&erted these "olicies
in 0-G. 1o no one can bring an# amendments because these "olicies are the controlled
documents through (A)(!. A$ter reading these "olicies I made recommendations and I
handed o&er to m# su"er&isor $or consideration.
5nce I had submitted to m# su"er&isor she a""reciated m# suggestions and told me these
suggestions will be considered when an# o$ these "olicies will re&iew.
Acti,it( 6. P+S T&aining
'his is actuall# in house training which is conducted b# the cor"orate ,R-? through ' D
- 8'raining and -e&elo"ment: in e&er# month. I was handed the task to made entries o$
$inal nominations? attendance sheet? ga&e res"onsibilit# to "ro&ide stud# material to the
"artici"ants? entered entries in on going status $or record and moreo&er at the end o$
training $eedback $orm were gi&en to the "artici"ants to determine how much the
"artici"ants learned $rom trainings? online "ost training tests were conducted. -uring m#
internshi" at -escon? I was assigned the task o$ doing the registrations o$ the candidates
a""earing in the test o$ each training. I was "resent at the training lab to enable the 0!s o$
the trainees? log in $or the test and in&igilated them.
I made attendance sheet on eCcel? distributed stud# material to the "artici"ants and made
a reminder call to the trainer be$ore time. I made online quiz associated $or all the
"artici"ants during m# tenure at -escon on -escon online. 'he tests in 0M1 were
0rima&era 0roject 0lanner? 0rocess@-!1? 0rocess@I'1? 0rocess@-0M1 and 0rocess@
MM1? all trainings were conducted on time and $eedback were enough good.
5nce the "artici"ants ha&e attended training the# must ha&e to a""ear in test which is
conducted at the end o$ training a$ter eCercise. I had the task o$ generating their results? i$
the "artici"ants $ailed to quali$# once the# would be assigned tests againB total 3 attem"ts
were allotted to each "artici"ant.
Acti,it( 7. Re'o&t w&iting on L+W *i%it
I &isited 3ahore Manu$acturing 4orks@3M4 $or the sake to get to know about
manu$acturing? Girst o$ all Mr. Agha Khalid Ameen ga&e us the orientation? which was
&er# use$ul and in$ormati&e. ,e told us about 3M4 in detail? its histor#? working?
strategies? culture? working en&ironment? rules and "rocedures which their em"lo#ees
ha&e to be $ollowed. Moreo&er? this &isit was $or re"ort writing and assigned me write u"
on 3M4 &isit.
'he re"ort co&ers the details o$ learning through the short #et in$ormati&e &isit to 3ahore
Manu$acturing 4orks.
I had the data in raw $orm on m# notebook which I wrote during orientation? I $ollowed
rules o$ re"ort writing then I wrote re"ort on M1 4ord in m# own words. 1tandard
$ormat was used and made re"ort that co&er all as"ects o$ &isit which were
acknowledgement? introduction? working? rules and regulations that labors are $ollowed
during their job and $inall# m# "ersonal eC"erience.
It was a good eC"erienceB I reall# came to know that what is actuall# ha""ening in the
$ield o$ manu$acturing? what are the requirements to be a "art o$ 3M4. 'his was a great
o""ortunit# $or me to go there and &isit their setu"? how the# work in sho"s either its
summer or winter. It was an o"en area where the em"lo#ees were working b# ignoring
that the job is tough. I wondered how the# work in o"en area in the month o$ 6ul#B this
showed that em"lo#ees are so "assionate and hardworking.
I ha&e learned that the# "eo"le are like us? i$ the# can do job in tough en&ironment wh#
can>t we and actuall# the# are an asset o$ not onl# 3M4 but $or -escon ;ngineering 3td.
O&ientation on 8o$ Anal(%i%
In this session o$ 6ob anal#sis "rocess I ha&e learned lot o$ knowledgeB this orientation
was &er# in$ormati&e and use$ul. I came to know about the im"ortance o$ 6obs because
jobs are the basic unit o$ organization structure and it &aries $rom organization to
8o$ Anal(%i% P&oce%%.
+et2od% o) 8o$ Anal(%i%.
- 6ob descri"tion
3 6ob s"eci$ication
8o$ De%c&i'tion P&e'a&ation P&oce%%.
Managers) job holder com"lete a dra$t 6- which is $urther re&iewed and de&elo"ed with a
consultant or trained in@house $acilitator e.g. the ,R Manager.
8o$ De%c&i'tion De,elo'ment.
'here are total E ste"s in 6ob descri"tion de&elo"ment
1. Anal#ze jobs de&elo"ment
!ollect 6ob
0re"are 6ob
7. -e$ine ke# accountabilities
3. Re&iew $or consistenc#
. !irculate and discuss dra$t "ro$ile
E. Im"lementation
+( E9'e&ience.
'his orientation was totall# about jobs? job anal#sis "rocess? methods o$ job anal#sis?
writing job descri"tion? de&elo"ment o$ job descri"tion? job design? job redesign and
$inall# job e&aluation. 9# this session I came to know how to make job descri"tions K6-s
on standard $ormat and what are the requirements $or the de&elo"ment o$ 6-s. 6ob
descri"tions o$ "osition in ,R- com"rise o$ three "arts which are: Ke# 0er$ormance
Indicators 8K0Is:? 6ob 1"eci$ications and other In$ormation 80osition 'itleB 9A)91-B
Re"orting Relationshi"B GunctionB 6ob 0ur"oseB 6ob !onteCtB !ommunications and
4orking Relationshi"sB Grameworks? 9oundaries and -ecision@making Authorit# etc.:
'here are &arious uses o$ 6-s:
Recruiting and selecting candidates according to the job requirements 8designing job
ads? $acilitating inter&iewers in selection "rocess etc.:
Identi$#ing and anal#zing em"lo#ee training and de&elo"ment needs
!ommunicating work and "er$ormance eC"ectations to em"lo#ees
;&aluating em"lo#ee "er$ormance 8"er$ormance a""raisal:
1etting indi&idual objecti&es to su""ort o&erall goals o$ the organization
Fenerating in$ormation $or &arious other acti&ities o$ ,R as well as line $unctions
5nce I ha&e attended this session I came to know the im"ortance o$ 6-s in an
organization that is in$ormation gained through 6-s is hel"$ul in managing the
"er$ormance o$ em"lo#ees? identi$#ing job@s"eci$ic training and de&elo"ment needs?
making hiring decisions and standardizing the work "ractices.

O,e&,iew :DCS BA;
-!1@9A stands $or -omestic !onstruction D 1er&ices 9usiness Area and it is a merger
o$ 0!1 D I0.
I0 @@@@@@@@@ In$rastructure 0rojects
0!1 @@@@@@@@@ 0lant !onstruction D 1er&ices 0rojects
-!1@9A was called 0!D1 that was "lant construction and "lant ser&ices but now its
name has been changed and in&ol&es in In$rastructure "rojects. -!1 is s"eci$icall# "ro$it
generation area.
In$rastructure "rojects include dams? roads and canals.
0lant construction includes oil? gas and "etrochemicals.
In$rastructure "rojects 0lant construction 0lant ser&ices
0lant ser&ices include "lant maintenance? solution and shut down.
-!1 has di$$erent su""orting de"artments which are ,R? Marketing and GinanceB these
su""orting de"artments are at local le&el and needs cor"orate ,R- $or im"lementation.
-!1 is not inde"endent de"artment in$ect it has 1E22 em"lo#ees working in this
de"artment. As the name tells its stor# that this is domestic or local don>t ha&e direct
interaction with o&erseas. 91-s are here $or direct communication with o&erseas and $or
backu"? -!1 is onl# res"onsible $or domestic in$rastructure "rojects and "lant
construction D ser&ices and ha&e a res"onsibilit# o$ re"orting to ,ead -!1 9A and
$inall# ,ead is $urther res"onsible o$ re"orting to !;5 which is -r. 1alman Lakaria.
;&er# su""orting de"artment has di$$erent members which are working as a team and
leads their de"artments.
Special Thanks!
I would like to thank to +& I&)an =%mani who ga&e us worth# knowledge about
-!1 @9A.
+( E9'e&ience at DEL
'hroughout m# tenure at -escon? I ha&e been im"ressed b# the culture o$ the
organization? com"an#>s objecti&es? "olicies and the dedication o$ em"lo#ees towards
their duties)tasks. ;&er# em"lo#ee in -escon is "assionate this is the succession ke# "oint
o$ the com"an#. 'he most outstanding $eature o$ -escon is its $ocus on constantl#
u"grading the skills o$ its em"lo#ees and tasks assigned to them. ,ence? working here
enables a "erson to constantl# increase their store o$ knowledge because -escon "ro&ides
good learning o""ortunities through 'rainings. I got a good eC"osure about the com"an#
and ,uman Resource -e&elo"ment 8,R-: knowledge due to m# su"er&isors that will
hel" me in "ro$essional li$e.
As I was the "art o$ -escon $or + weeks? so I "ersonall# obser&ed that working
en&ironment? 150s and 0olicies are u" to the mark but as e&er#one knows that change is
the main requirement $or the succession o$ the com"an# and change must be unique and
attracti&e. 0eo"le $irst criticize change but i$ change has some logics then "eo"le come to
know its worth? so I $elt some suggestions $or the certain areas where needed.
,R "erson must ha&e good communication st#le because he or she has to
communicate as coordination is the main dut# o$ ,R o$$icer. I $elt that man# em"lo#ees
were in need o$ enhancing their communication skills? so the# are able to $eel more
con$ident about "resenting their ideas. Gor this "ur"ose 'D- ha&e to conduct at least one
so$t skill training once in a month that will moti&ate em"lo#ees and will increase their
Internet access must be gi&en to Interns that will show the equi&alence and broad
&iew about the com"an#.
In normal da#s timing is ok but in Ramadan the timing u" to "m is tough and
hard to do concentrate on job till "m. Grida# must be hal$ da# when 1aturda# is
working da# $or the "ersonal li$e acti&ities as well.
'he ca$eteria at -,( is not u" to the mark regarding the taste o$ items the# ser&e
there? the# should im"ro&e qualit# and ser&ices as well. 'he $ood a&ailable at ca$e is
tasteless and eC"ensi&e so the# ha&e to decrease their "rices and should $ocus on qualit#
o$ the $ood.
'he com"lete 6ob descri"tion should be established $or the internees. Internees
should rotate in all sections o$ the s"eci$ic de"artments so that the# can gain knowledge
and "ractical eC"erience about all the as"ects o$ the organization.

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