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Dear Friends,

At the beginning of the year, I asked for

prayers to discern where God wanted me
next since I can no longer live in
Zimbabwe. I spent three months in Cape
Town, South Africa and helped in a
township there. Then, I was able to visit
Abigail, Grace and all the Fairfield
children for a month in May. The girls
are happy, healthy and enjoying
preschool. I came back to the States fully
expecting to apply for a work visa in
South Africa and return there for
full-time mission work. After attending a week-long program in Colorado in June that
is specifically designed for missionaries changing fields, I started to realize that God
may have other plans. I realized that Cape Town is not where I am supposed to go for
this next part of the journey. My heart is still in Zimbabwe and if I cant live there, it is
time to come home and support the ministry as best I can with your continued help.
I am applying for jobs in the US (which makes my parents very happy!) and am hoping
to find one that will allow some extra time off each year to go visit Grace and Abby and
to check on the HOPE programs. My mission organization, CornerStone, has been so
supportive and agreed to continue to receive donations for the HOPE Project, the
education, nutrition and medical programs in Zimbabwe. I have been approved as a
part-time missionary so that I can return to Zimbabwe and make sure everything is
running smoothly each year.
Please, especially if you are sponsoring a HOPE child, continue with your
donations so that we do not have to close these life-changing programs. Everything
will continue to function as it was when I was there full-time. There are strict checks
and balances in place to ensure that all funding goes exactly where it was intended.
Any assistance you can offer toward the goals for HOPE will be greatly appreciated.
I will return to Zimbabwe for another month in August to help make sure all the
children have their fees paid and supplies distributed before the third school term.
Hopefully by the time I come back, I will be able to tell you where I will be living next!
Thank you for your continued support!
Wenyu Munashe,
J U L Y 2 0 1 4
The Lord is
For a decade of
hope, prayer and
love with HOPE
I visited Abby and
Grace and
Fairfield in May.
For the Colorado
Abby and Grace
That I will find the
job that God has
for me
project will con-
tinue to be funded
For my trip to
Fairfield in August
That the HOPE
project will con-
tinue to run well
Send to:
CornerStone International
PO Box 192
Wilmore, KY 40390
MEMO: HOPE Project
Donate online from:
Current needs
Education Program:
We have been supporting Cleopatra since Form 1 (8
Grade). Cleo is a
double-parent orphan who was raised by her grandmother, but unfortunately, her
grandmother passed away this year. Cleo is extremely bright in both math and
science and is consistently top of her class. She has had a faithful sponsor for the last
four years to pay her boarding school fees but is now in need of funds to help her
finish the last two years of high school.
Funding already pledged for Cleopatra: $30/month
Fundingstill neededfor Cleopatra: $100/month
Collen has started college this year after working very
hard to finish his high school classes. He is the oldest
boy in a child-headed family and will be responsible for
ensuring his younger brothers attend school once he
completes his course and finds employment. Collen has
had a consistent sponsor during high school, but with the
increase in funds needed for college, he is in need of an
additional sponsor to cover all expenses. Collen is re-
ceiving a $750 scholarship twice a year to cover his college expenses.
Funding already pledged for Collen: $75/month
Fundingstill neededfor Collen: $50/month
Nutrition Program:
The HOPE program continues to assist babies up to the age of 2 years with milk formula
when their mother dies or is very ill with AIDS. This program takes a large chunk of our
HOPE budget, however if the children do not receive milk formula during the first two
years, their health and life are in serious risk. Please consider donating any amount on a
monthly or yearly basis to this important program.
Current cost of milkformula: $475/month
Each Monday, HOPE provides eggs, bananas and peanut butter to over 60 children who are malnourished or HIV
positive. If you or a church group would be willing to
donate funds specifically toward one of the following
items, it would be greatly appreciated.
Bananas: $80/month
Eggs: $150/month
Peanut Butter: $175/month
Please consider assisting with any of the above needs.
The amount listed is the total amount needed, but any
donation will help reach the goal of continuing the
much-needed HOPE programs.
Thank you!
CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390
Memo: HOPE of Zim

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