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Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron


Six Feet Under

put together by Oxymoron
photography by Oxymoron

first edition, November 2010

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron

Editors note:

The last time I watched every single episode of Six Feet Under, from the Pilot to Everybodys waiting,
I always did it with pad and pencil on my side. I always thought that many of the dialogs in Six
Feet Under have the value of writing them down and file them. Ranging from a certain kind of
(black) humor to philosophies of life. So on the next 44 pages youll find a subjective selection
which doesnt follow a certain objective pattern.

I am aware that this collection of quotes comes along with some kind of deconstruction since its
based on written form which is only a fragment of the initial audiovisual media. Most of the
quotes only make sense in the particular context together with their pictures.

In the end this collection of quotes can serve as an archive for people who already are in love
with Six Feet Under. For people who havent watched it, it may be an impact to do so.

If you have any further quotes in mind let me know (mail with time designation to and I consider them for a second edition.

Thanks for downloading and have fun reading,

Table of contents:

Quotes from episode one
Quotes from episode two
Quotes from episode three
Quotes from episode four
Quotes from episode five


Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron


Claire: Jesus. Put your dicks out and measure them. Lets get this over with.

Nate: I live in a shitty appartement which was supposed to be temporary. I work at a job which
was also supposed to be temporary until I figured out what I really want to do with my life which
apparently is nothing. I have lots of sex but I havent had a relationship last more than a couple
of months. I even havent had the self-discipline to floss daily. Ive had four root canals. Four.
Im 35. Ive had four root canals. ... Im gonna be one of those losers who end up in his death
bed saying Whered my life go?.
Claire: No, you wont. Youd be saying Where the hell is the morphine? ... Im just trying to
cheer you up.
Nate: Nah. I just spent my whole life being cheerful.
Lady: Im sorry about your father. But hes in a much better place now.
Nate: Youre so right about that.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
David: You want to get your hands dirty? You sanctimonious prick. Talk to me when youve
had to stuff formaldehyde soaked cotton up your fathers ass so he doesnt leak.

The Will

Brenda: We are all wounded. We carry our wounds around with us throughout and eventually,
they kill us. Things happen that leave a mark in space, in time, in us.

The Foot

Nate: So, in the end, were all just Human McNuggets.

Nate: My whole life Ive been a tourist. Now I have the chance to do some good instead of just
sucking up air.

Ruth: You both look so happy.
Guy: Its just an act.
Ruth: Just enjoy it when it lasts, which isnt very long.
Guy: Excuse me?
Ruth: You think you have forever, but you dont. ... Soon you start to get on each others
nerves, then you dont tell the other person as much as you used to, because really whats the
point? ... You thought they understand you. But they never did, really.
Amelia: Ruth.
Ruth: Finally, not only do you not tell him anything real, you actively start lying to him. ... And
then when you think it cant get any worse, he up and dies. ... No matter what you do, you end up
alone. Not knowing who you are and what you want.

David: I dont understand... kids. When I was her age, I never wouldve taken a foot.
Keith: David, I can help. Im a cop. Thats what I do for a living.
David: You find feet?

Nate: Fuck. If this isnt what Im supposed to be doing with my life, then what is?
Brenda: Living it. And youre doing that, so relax.

Keith: When someone sees you as you really are and wants to be with you, thats powerful.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
An open book

Nate: This is my... uh, my girlfriend, Brenda.
Brenda: I prefer the term fuck-puppet.

Brenda: You dont really believe in God, do you?
Nate: Well, yeah. I mean, I dont believe in some bearded, old, white man up in a cloud but I
believe in something. Some sort of undefinable creative force.
Brenda: I think its just all totally random.
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah. We live, we die. Ultimately, nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I dont know. Sometimes I wake up so fucking empty I wish Id never been born, but
what choice do I have?

The Room

Brenda: Are you gonna be okay here alone?
Mr. Jones: Everybodys alone. You born alone, you die alone, goddamn it.

Nathaniel: Thats one of the perks of being dead. You know what happens after you die... and
you know the meaning of life.
Nate: That seems fairly useless.
Nathaniel: Yeah, I know. Life is wasted on the living.

Ruth: Mr. Jones, see the beautiful flowers for your wifes viewing?
Mr. Jones: I dont know why you so excited. Theyre just gonna shrivel up and die.


Teacher: Algebra forces your mind to solve problems logically. Its one of the perfect
Claire: You think the world runs on logic? Come on, open your eyes.

David: So why did you decide to be so honest with me?
Father Clark: Because I can tell that right and wrong actually matters to you.

Claire: Power rests on the kind of knowledge one holds. (quoting Castaneda) So whats the use of
knowing something useless?

Claire: Is that the only option? Go to college, get a job, so you can be a good consumer until
you drop dead of exhaustion? I dont want that.
Gary Deitman: So, what do you want?
Claire: I just want something to matter.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron

Claire: I think I really learned something valuable. Everything I think I know is wrong.

Lifes too short

Nate: Ok. I feel pretty bad right now. You wanna make it worse. So is it really important to
make me feel worse?
David: I dont care what you feel.
Nate: Ah, bullshit. You like it when I feel bad because misery loves company.

David: Its not our job to force someone to something theyre clearly not ready to do, because
we think its the right thing. Because it will make us feel better.

Billy: There are plenty of places in the world where a kid dying is pretty common. But we cant
deal with it, because a dead child is the greatest failure of a culture that believes its reversed the
order of nature.

Brenda: You know what I find interesting? If you lose a spouse, youre called a widow, or a
widower. If youre a child and you lose your parents, then youre an orphan. But whats the word
to describe a parent who loses a child? I guess thats just too fucking awful to even have a name.

Brenda: Everybody dies, we all die, everything we ever care about will disappear, so whats the
fucking point of living?

Nate: You know, sometimes I wish I could be this completely selfish asshole that didnt give a
shit about anything and Id just work at some mindless job that paid me a fuckload of money.
Brenda: (laughs) No, you dont.
Nate: It would make my life a lot easier.
Brenda: You dont want your life to be easy.

David: Now Ill have to say, sorry, I lost them because Im this old-guy geek and Im
completely uncool in this world in which you seem to thrive, you perfect distillation of human

David: So, howd you guys meet?
Keith: Eddies an EMT. Met on the job. Newly weds in a car crash. He saved the bride right in
front of me.
David: What about the groom?
Eddie: Didnt make it.
David: Wow, so the bride had eternity with the man she loved right in front of her and then you
go and save her and she ends up left behind, alone.

Nathaniel: No tears.
Ruth: I miss what we had.
Nathaniel: So, find it again.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Nate: Everybody dies. Some of us live to be 100, some never make it through the first day.
Thats just the fucking fact of nature, pal.
Guy: Who the fuck do you think you are?
Nate: You can punch as many people as you want. Its not gonna change the fact that the boy is
dead. And your chance to be in his life is over. Did you use this time well or did you just piss it
away? And you own fucking life is a ticking clock too. Everybodys is.

The new person

David: Please, stop. And youre wrong. All she told the police was that he was boring.
Nate: Thats it? Thats all she said? ... The sick part is I understand it.
David: I do too.
Nate: Sometimes Im boring.
David: I am too...

David: Angela, were sort of used to a more professional appearance around here.
Angela: Gimme a break, David. Theyre just nipples. I mean, weve all seen them, weve all
touched them, weve all sucked on them! And its not like this guys lying in the casket, and
people are gonna be saying, Oh, my God, the enbalmers nipples were hard!. Theyre gonna be
saying, Oh my God, how did they put his face back together after he went through the
goddamned windshield?!

Nate: We didnt have a fight. She just pulls away from me at the weirdest times.
Angela: Hmm, well, maybe she senses that youre pulling away. So she just does it first.
Ruth: Sometimes people are hard to take. But only because the first side they present to you is
annoying or aggressive because theyre nervous, and its only after you spend some time with
them you realize that, maybe, theres another side to them thats worth knowing. ... Or not. I
have no idea what Im talking about.

Keith: People should be with people.
David: Yeah, sometimes people are just too stupid to know it.

Claire: No. Just... he needs me. For the first time in my life, I felt important. Like someone
needed me, you know, like not just like some annoying extra person lumped in with everyone
else. No ones ever needed me.
Nate: I need you.
Claire: Right. I felt this really intense connection, and now its just gone, and I want it back. I
want him back. Is there something wrong with me? Is there something bad about me that makes
me deserve something like this?
Nate: Deserve what?
Claire: Just feeling really close to someone and then having them just disappear, like I mean
Nate: Claire, Gabe just went to visit his father for a day. I think youre talking about Dad. Look,
we never talk about him, and thats OK. Thats what you want. But, at some point, youre gonna
have to deal with how you feel.
Claire: Oh, God, cant I just get upset without having to focus on whats really making me
Nate: Well, it worked for me for 34 years.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
The trip

Guy: Youre a lot nicer on-line.
David: Yeah, well, people arent always who they seem to be.
Guy: Tell me about it.

David: It might help if you think of it less as a funeral and more as a way of saying goodbye to
Dillons Mother: I dont wanna say goodbye. You know, he just barely got here.
David: Of course, its difficult for anyone to come to terms with something as unexpected as
this, but...
Nate: Its not just difficult. Its not even remotely possible. Some babies are just too good for
this world. Well fix things so you can spend as much time with him as you need.

A private life

Claire: Who gives a fuck what these people think? Everyone is too obsessed with what everyone
else thinks about them to think about anyone else!

Billy: Oh, no, its just plain fun. You know, if you mix up the letters in ,funeral, you get ,real

Claire: Well, isnt that comforting to know that being miserable is still better than being an

Robbie: A child knows what his parents need him to be.
Brenda: Everyone was jealous of Trevor. He was ridiculously gifted. One of those people
everybody secretly hates because hes good at everything and always gets what he wants.
Nate: Well, he didnt get you.
Brenda: No, please, he could do better.

Gary: Right. Relating to another person is a way that we relate to a part of ourselves.

Claire: This isnt about me.
Gary: Thats not a very good start, is it?

Gabe: Im scared that you are too good for me.

Knock, knock

Billy: And inside I feel like tears are streaming down my cheeks. But therere not, are they?
(Brendas eyes start to well up) Dont cry. Please dont cry just because I cant. You be happy. I want
you to be happy. Ill be happy if you are.

Billy: Im so lost inside. I wish that I could get out. I dont think I ever will.

Nathaniel: Maybe some of that attention you never got will motivate you to get off your lazy
and do something interesting with your life.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Nikolai: Because you are the kind of woman who needs a good lover.
Ruth: Oh, and why is that?
Nikolai: Because youre so scared of feeling. You are scared of your own heart. (he stands up) You
should have a man who can touch you there, who sees your beauty. Im hoping he is this man for
Tracy: [...] Why do people have to die?
Nate: To make life important. None of us know how long weve got, which is why we have to
make each day matter, and it sounds like your aunt Lillian did exactly that.
Tracy: Yes, she did.
Nate: Then you can be happy for her... for a life well-lived. Thats the most any of us can hope

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron

In the Game

Nate: You know, sometimes youve just gotta force yourself to be active when youre...
Brenda: When youre what? You think Im depressed?
Nate: Are you?
Brenda: (quietly laughs) Yeah. Doesnt mean I want to talk about it.
Nate: Okay.

Claire: Did you get high?
Gabe: Yeah. Im 18 years old, living in fucking California. Im not allowed to get high?

Ruth: Nate, Id like you to invite Brenda. Claire, Id like you to invite Gabriel Dimas. And
David, if youve got a special friend, Id like for him to come as well.
David: Why is my friend special?
Ruth: Alright. If youre having sex with anyone, Id like to meet him. Is that better?
David: Not really.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Ruth: Do you have a headache?
Nate: No, I read somewhere that you should take an aspirin a day. It keeps the blood thin.
David: Please, if our blood were any thinner, wed evaporate.
Ruth: Whats that supposed to mean? Was supposed to be some sort of insult, were thin-
David: Mom, no, it was a joke. Im more thin-blooded than any of us, probably.

Nate: I miss you.
Brenda: You just saw me.
Nate: I know. Id just really like to be with you this moment in time. Right now.

Nate: Sure. ... So, cardboard box, huh? Classy.
Rico: Well, she obviously didnt think her life was worth anything, so it makes sense to me. [...]
Nate: Its kind of sad.
Rico: Its not. She threw her fuckin life away. Its not sad. Its pathetic.

Nate: Uh. Shouldnt I wait for you to start a new game?
Life: This game aint never gonna end.
Death: Youre either in the game or youre out.

Nathaniel: All that lives lives forever. Only the shell, the perishable, passes away. The spirit is
without end. Eternal. Deathless.

Claire: This is really boring.
Manager: How very, very brightly indeed!
Gabe: No, its hilarious, is what it is.
Claire: Gabe, a girl died.
Gabe: So what? Everybody dies.

Brenda: Not tonight, okay? Im having enough trouble just being with myself right now. Im
sorry, its not you. Its me. Im fucked up. You cant fix it.

Out, out brief candle

Brenda: Thats the thing about depression: if you really allow yourself to feel it, it gets very
boring very fast.

Dave: Dont you watch the news?
Nate: Not if I can help it. Its too depressing.

Mitzi: Youre a runner, huh? Its bad for your knees.
Nate: Yeah, well, everythings bad for something.

Josh: I was so young. Why me?
Nate: Well, why the fuck not you?! What?! Did you think you were immune to this?! Everybody
dies! Everybody! What makes you so fuckin special?!

Guy: I realized I really like me. So you dont have to!

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Brenda: Okay. Tell me I look beautiful.
Nate: You are beautiful.
Brenda: Wow. (smiles) You even mean that. Okay.
Brenda: I was watching Trevor and Dawn tonight, thinking theyre just so--so--so complete.
Like they have something that I will never have, ever. Either I wasnt born with it, or it was
beaten out of me, or maybe, maybe I made myself into a self-fulfilling prophecy, and I really am a
borderline personality. Now, wouldnt that be ironic?

Gabe: Fuck! Everything I touch turns to shit! Everything is shit!

The Plan

Eileen: Im a psychic, so, you know...
Nate: Wow.
Dave: That must be very interesting for you.
Eileen: Its just more information.

Claire: You know, its polite for the first person downstairs to make the coffee, even if that
person has a penis.
Nate: Well, you know, its also polite for the first person who uses the bathroom to spend less
than 45 minutes in there, even if that person has a vulva.
Ruth (enters in a rush, all ready to leave): Oh, goodness, everybodys here.
Dave: With all their genitalia.
Ruth: Excuse me?

Claire: [...] and I really just thought he needed, like, I don't know...
Gary: You?
Claire: No. But someone, maybe, you know, some person on the planet who gives a fuck about
him, for once in his life. Yeah, I did think that maybe that would matter.
Gary: Well, it does matter. No one can ever solve someones life.

Nate: [...] Its everywhere! When corporations try to squeeze out all the competitors, the further
management gets from labor, the more alienation there is in the workplace, and the more
meaningless all our lives become!

Brenda: Listen, Nate, youve never been with anyone long enough to know this, but there is a
certain ebb and flow that happens.
Nate: Well, not for everybody.
Brenda: It does. There will be times when youre not attracted to me at all. Its just a normal
Nate: Well, how long does a normal ebb last?
Brenda: I dont know, but I think thats the kind of question that prolongs the standard ebb.

Alma: Waiting only gives you more time just to make excuses.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Nate: You dont think that thats possible? What about you saying that things happen that leave
marks in people, in places, in time?
Brenda: Thats physics. Energy affecting matter. Talking to dead people is delusional.
Nate: So you definitely dont believe in any kind of life after death?
Brenda: I think people live on through the people they love, and the things they do with their
lives. If they manage to do things with their lives.
Nate: But thats it? Thats it? Thats all there is? Theres nothing more? Theres nothing, like,
Brenda: Just energy.
Nate: But there isnt a plan?
Brenda: No, there is definitely no plan. Just survival. Should I have ordered the salmon?
Nate: Uh, I dont know. How can you live like that? I mean, what if you found out you were
going to die tomorrow?
Brenda: Ive been prepared to die tomorrow since I was six years old.
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, pretty much. We never got butter.
Nate: Well, why since you were six?
Brenda: Because I read a report on the effect nuclear war would have on the world, and it was
pretty clear to me at that point that this was definitely gonna happen.
Nate: When you were six?
Brenda: And I wake up every day pretty much surprised that, uh, everything is still here.
Nate: Well, I dont understand how you can live like that.
Brenda: Well, I thought we all did.

Driving Mr. Mossback

Claire: Yeah, well, sometimes coming in here talking about my life gets in the way of me having

Ruth: [...] Im beginning to think you dont ever want to talk to me again, and if thats the case,
well, we really need to talk! [...]

Margaret: No, no, wait, wait, wait, Im not angry. Im not gonna make a scene. I just need to
personalize the experience and humanize the situation. Its for all of us.

Margaret: For your information, Miss High-and-Mighty, this is life. People have crises. They
push each others buttons. They inflict pain on one another. And once in a fucking blue moon,
they bring out the best in each other. But mostly, they bring out the worst.

Margaret: What life? Youve spent 32 years being your little brothers nursemaid...
Brenda: Oh, fuck you!
Margaret: avoid having any emotional life of your own. And now that hes been put away,
youre gonna have to face your own demons, and, sweetheart, theyre legion.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
The Invisible Woman

Claire: Your moms life coach?! Parker, do you have any idea what a parody of yourself you

Letters on Brendas screen: Go ahead, write
What exactly do you have to say, that hasnt been said before?
All you do is observe yourself.
You are incapable of anything real.

Dave: Try her high school. Its on the form. Everyone has friends from high school.
Claire: No, they dont. Maybe they have people they talk to, or even do things with, but theyre
not really friends. Theyre just filler. ... What? Its true.

Dave: Maybe Emily Previn was autistic. I read an article once about a high-functioning autistic
person who didnt need people. She just had a job designing these big cattle slaughterhouses, and,
at night, she came home and sat in this little machine that made her feel like she was being
hugged. And that was all the intimacy she needed.
Nate: Thats really upsetting.
Claire: I dont see why this person has to be mentally ill just because she had a life that doesnt
conform to some familiar image we have in our heads. I mean, maybe she was living the life she
wanted. A life without the hassle of other people.

Keith: Then youll lie awake for hours and hours, wondering why life is so hard! Thats what the
rest of us do.
Taylor: That sounds boring.
Keith: You get used to it.

Brenda: [...] You know, its just so sad that you can love somebody so much and have absolutely
no idea whats going on in their head. Relationships are fucked.

Ruth: I hope so. But what if some nights she wanted to talk to someone and she picked up the
telephone and realized she didnt have anyone she could call, what then?

Gary: Because I see you getting your life together and it scares you, so you want to slip into the
old, familiar habit of focusing on someone elses drama, instead of concentrating on yourself.
You need to stop doing that.

Father Jack: [...] Everyone comes into our life for a reason, and it is our responsibility to learn
what they have to teach us. [...]

Nate: Strange, but somehow I feel like Emily won. She remains a fucking question mark right
up to the bitter end. [...]

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
In Place of Anger

Sarah: I met Vollhoffer at a party once, and he came on to me. But Id just dropped acid for the
first time and I thought he was some Mayan death priest who wanted to cut out my heart and
throw it into a pit. So I blew him off.

Sarah: Youre an artist, Claire.
Claire: Oh, please.
Sarah: Im not saying youre any good... yet. But if you focus and live fully, you could become
something. If youre lucky and dont self-destruct.
Claire: Right.
Sarah: Youve got an eye. You see through the veil. Oh, its a blessing and a curse.

Sarah: [...] She needs feedback, even if its just so she can learn to ignore it. [...]

Nate: You know, I keep thinking its going to get easier, but it just doesnt.
David: No, it doesnt. It just gets more familiar.

Nate: Can you imagine hating someone that much and staying with them for 20 years?
Brenda: What makes you think people stay together because it makes them happy?

Back to the Garden

Melissa: Okay, please dont tell me youre one of those couples that likes to bicker in front of
the company until it gets uncomfortable and I have to leave and you guys fuck?

Rabbi Ari: You must be really scared.
Nate: Yeah, Im going to die.
Rabbi Ari: Yeah, me too.
Nate: Really, what do you have?
Rabbi Ari: A body.

David: You cant be perfect all the time, Keith.
Keith: Thats what lifes about... striving for perfection.
David: And when that fails, accepting ourselves for being imperfect.
Keith: Not in my book.

Nate: Hey, I dont even know what a soulmate is, do you?
Rabbi Ari: The person that makes you be the most you that you could possibly be. ... Maybe
your soulmate is the person who forces your soul to grow the most. Not all growth feels good.

Sarah: You know, I think she hides inside of herself because shes so afraid well reject her so
lets dont, okay? Shes had enough heartache for one lifetime.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Its most wonderful time in this world

Ruth: David?
David: You can put me down for one.
Ruth: But what about Keith? Arent the two of you, uh...
David: Yes, were having healthy, affection-based sex on a regular basis. Twice a day

Claire: Okay, if you were a gay mortician, what would you want for Christmas?
Toby: Um, a new life?

Marilyn: Jesse never liked to have a fuss made over him. He always said that when his time
comes, just set him out by the curb on trash day.

Claire: I know. And you cant even go anywhere that isnt decked out with like candy canes and
Santa heads and shit. Its all so phony! I think in hell its always Christmas!

Nathaniel, Sr.: Me neither. Not many people can say that, you know? And mean it.
Nate: Yup. I guess weve got a lot to be thankful for.
Nathaniel, Sr.: Either that or weve lowered our expectations so much weve given up on
anything better than this.

Saleswoman: Anything I can help you with?
Brenda: Yes, Im looking for clothes so expensive only an idiot would buy them. Oh, there they

Melissa: Does this mean you have, uh, maybe some mixed feelings about marrying Nate?
Brenda: No. No, seriously, thats not it at all. I think its just natural biological drive at work.
The need to sample as diverse a selection of people as possible before settling down with one
mate. It's normal.

Nate: Then why do you treat me like shit all the time?
Brenda: Because I had a really fucked-up life and I use sarcasm to hide how ridiculously
vulnerable I really am, okay? Come on, Jesus, you know that.

Nate: So, I guess youre happy to be home.
Billy: Oh, happys a concept I try not to buy into. It just gets me into trouble.

Billy: I love it when people who really should get married do. Doesnt happen that often, you

Nate: Youre probably wishing he treated himself as carefully.
Marilyn: Oh, honey, it just wasnt in his blood. If he were a careful man, he might have lived
longer, but... would he have enjoyed his life as much? Would I have enjoyed his life as much?

Brenda: [...] Why didnt you tell me about this?
Nate: I didnt want to be a burden.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Someone elses eyes

Brenda: Im marrying you because I love you. Because youre the first man that I thought I
could actually stand to spend the rest of my life with... or the rest of your life, if its tragically cut
short or whatever. Youre not some car I want to trade in because it has faulty transmission.
Jesus, do you really think Im that shallow?
Nate: Of course not.
Brenda: All we have is this moment. Right here, right now. The futures just a fucking concept
that we use to avoid being alive today. So, be... here... now.

Nate: Its a marriage, its a sacred occasion. Youd rather have just some fucking civil servant
Brenda: Well, personally, I think the two of us should be enough to make it sacred.

David: Maybe you should talk to your doctor about medication.
Keith: Yeah, drugs, thats the answer.
David. Youre right, choosing to suffer when you dont have to, thats much more constructive.

Claire: Oh, we made up. I figured it was better to have a total loser for a friend than to have no
friends at all.

Ruth: I pity you, Claire. You are under the mistaken impression that life owes you something.
Well, you are in for some very harsh surprises.

Louis: Of all the lies were fed on which we gorge in our comfort-addicted world, none is more
insidious than the lie of romance, the seductive but infantile notion that somewhere there exists
someone to complement us in every way. Someone who will make us complete. Of course, this
illusion keeps us from ever being complete in and of ourselves, and eventually encourages us to
despise our shortcomings, our flaws, everything in which our humanity lies. Our humanity,
without which, of course, we are nothing.

Billy: What you dont know is youre going to be 18 for the rest of your life.

Billy: [...] And I think it really is impossible for somebody to see themselves. You need someone
elses eyes. I need somebody else to see me.

Billy: [...] Thats the thing about Narcissus. Its not that hes so in love with himself, because he
isnt at all. Fucking hates himself. Its that without that reflection looking back at him, he doesnt

Brenda: [...] Its about... its about me not being outside myself, for once. Not watching, not
analyzing every goddamn moment as it happens. Not holding back. Just becoming... just
becoming pure sensation. Becoming energy. Just becoming nature!

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
The Secret

Lisa: When I die, I want to be one big mess. Thats what life is, messy.

Dr. Michaelson: I dont know how much you know of this issue, but obviously it involves the
sublimation of emotions that are too painful to address. Its the root of all addiction, really.

Nate: You know, Ive read all this stuff about Buddhism, but it never stays with me. I just know
that everything is nothing.
David: Is that it? I thought it was nothing is everything.
Nate: Thats the same thing, isnt it?

David: Because, if you arent, things come up, and you have no idea how big the things gonna
be. Its like this constant negotiation. You can never just relax. Is that just a phase or is it always
going to be like that?
Nate: Dont ask me. Look, I have no fucking idea. Maybe thats just what a relationship is.
Constantly doing things you have absolutely no desire to do.

David: You cant just schedule things without asking me first. Thats not what couples do.
Keith: How would you know what couples do?
David: I watch TV. Or at least I used to when I had a comfortable chair to sit in!

Brenda: [...] Anyway, they invited me, you know, to go with them, and I thought, now, this
would be crossing a line. Which I seem to be doing more and more these days, because you know
what? The lines are only in our heads. In actuality, there are no lines at all, which is really fucking
terrifying, if you think about it.

Claire: Im not really, like, want-to-go-to-sleep tired. Im just sort of like sick and tired of
Ruth: What do you mean?
Claire: Just like all the lies were fed. And the bullshit were supposed to care about, and how
like everybody is so scared of anything thats different from like everything else. [...]

The Liar and the Whore

Claire: Let me sleep late. Its the last enjoyment Ill know before I become another cog in the
wheel making mocha lattes for the people who have a life.

Brenda: Okay. Can I just say that I think total honesty is not always the best thing? You know,
what about privacy? What about trying to maintain the mystery of a relationship? And sometimes
truth is irrelevant.

Gary: Shes the kind of person that needs her life to be meaningful. Im sure you know this
better than I do.
Ruth: No, I dont feel as though I do. ... And by the way, who doesnt need their life to be
Gary: Youd be surprised.

Rabbi Ari: All of our actions have consequences. We may not even be aware of them, but they
exist nevertheless.
Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Nate: The funeral is really for the people you leave behind to help them come to terms...
Aaron Buchbinder: What if youre not leaving anybody behind? ... What if your whole fucking
life has been one big waste of time for everybody, including yourself?
Nate: You dont know that.
Aaron Buchbinder: Hey. Im all for thinning out the human race. There are just too many
fucking people.

Karla: People dont change. They just get older. Thats all.

Claire: See, if we live our lifes the right way then every single thing we do becomes a work of art.
[...] And thats the whole fucking problem with the world right now. Its that we dont try to be
creative with every single thing we do.

Keith: Look, I am not ambivalent about wanting kids.
David: Then youre ambivalent about wanting kids with me.
Keith: Of course not. I just want to be ready.
David: Life doesnt work that way. It just dumps things in your lap and then you try to make the
best of it.

Ruth: Well, maybe its for the best.
Nate: Or maybe its not for the best. Maybe it just is. And now I just have to live with it.

Ill take you

David: Letting her know that we love her for who she is builds trust.

Aaron: I mean, yeah, I had girlfriends. Relationships. But Id be in something for whatever, like
two months, two years and then it would just get too... too... Nothing. Just too. Id start
thinking, I dont like this about her, and I dont like this about her. And then I would start to
feel this thing on the back of my neck, just like one of those SuperBalls, and it would just throb
with the word Leave. Leave. Leave. And so I would. And the second I got my life back, the ball
would disappear. ... I suffer from that American thing big time. You know, always looking around
for someone better. Shopping.
Nate: I think a lot of people go through that.
Aaron: No, they dont, man. Okay? They dont. Most people just pick someone.

Social Worker: Ill need to have a conversation with your supervisors about your work and so
David: Well, Im my own supervisor. Im a business owner.
Social Worker: Okay.
David: And, as my supervisor, Id like to say that David Fisher is a great person and great to
work with.

Bernard Chenowith: I say, if life offers you a new beginning, take it.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Claire: Youre looking at me weird... What?
Billy: You are so... That I just wanna reach over and... But I also want to do nothing... because I
wanna make sure I know you for as long as I possibly can without fucking it up... which is, like,
my special superpower. Thats why I dont want to touch you... And thats pretty much verbatim,
moment for moment, what I was thinking when I was looking at you with the weirdness. ... Im
sorry I made you uncomfortable. ... Youll never be able to see yourself the way other people see
you. The way I see you. Which is a shame. Because you are... I really think you have no idea how
beautiful you are.

Nate: Life doesnt have to be miserable just because you are. I know, weird shit happened to
you. You know what? It happened to all of us. And I am sick to death of you using it as an
excuse to act like some fucking cunt from hell.
Brenda: Wow. ... How long have you hated me like this, Nate?
Nate: I dont need to hate you. You do a pretty damn good job of hating yourself.

Brenda: [...] The truth is, youd run from real love if it ever came at you.
Nate: Real love? What the fuck do you know about real love?
Brenda: Yeah, real love. With the shit and the neediness and the ugliness and the responsibility.

The Last Time

Brenda: I dont wanna be one of those horrible people that walks around in pain all the time.
Scot: What about when you are in pain?
Brenda: I choose not to be.
Scott: Whats so bad about a little pain?
Brenda: I feel like itll kill me.
Scott: It wont.

Nate: Is Father Jack doing your service?
David: No, but thats just because I dont want to give him the wrong idea.
Nate: What kind of idea is he going to get when youre dead?
David: I dont know, I just dont want him cruising me in the afterlife.

Claire: And everyone says you get out of college what you put into it, anyway, so...

Nate: I just didnt want to worry you.
Ruth: Youre not supposed to protect me. Im supposed to protect you.
Nate: But you cant. You cant protect me from this.
Ruth: I know. But I can try. Thats what a mother does. She tries to protect you, and most of
the time, she fails, but its the trying that makes you feel loved.
Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron

Perfect Circles

Nate: Would you hurry up? I dont wanna be late for my funeral.
Nathaniel, Sr.: Relax, youve got plenty of time. Hell, youve got nothing but time! Which
doesnt exist anyway, so

Brenda: Oh, great, hes got the hiccups again!
Nate: So shake him and scream in his face! ... What? The world is a hostile and terrifying place.
He needs to learn that.

Man: So. The universe has split in two.
Woman: Two? Try two billion!
Woman: Whats gonna happen to us?
Man: There, there.
Man: We always end up a universe in which we exist. Remember Copenhagen?
Women: Ah, yes! The Eigenvalues in bloom!
Man: You just keep telling yourself everything that can happen, doessomewhere.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Nate: Just tell me. Am I dead? Yes. Or No.
Nathaniel, Sr.: Yes. ... And no. ... Some places youre dead, some places youre alive. Some
places you never even existed. Possibly, theoretically. Or who knows, this could just be the
anesthesia talking.

Nate: [...] Look, I swear, when you live with a baby, you get to see the world as being totally new
all over again. Theyre just so pure and uncorrupted. Its a fuckin privilege. [...]

Carol: You really amaze me, Lisa.
Lisa: Why?
Carol: Your energy, its boundless. You should be bottled as an alternative energy source. You
would save the world, Im serious.

Nate: Yeah, I mean, its just about a year ago I got engaged. Remember that? You know, I
thought I loved Brenda, or maybe I thought I could just make it work out of sheer will. But, you
just never know. You have no fucking idea what life has in store for you.

Nate: Its justI dont know.
Lisa: What?
Nate: I dont like knowing that my whole existence is any accident. Its just too
Lisa: Yeah, but thats the way it happened. Things happen the way theyre meant to, Nate.
Nate: See, theres a kind of fatalism in that that I just dont buy.
Lisa: Well, whats the alternative?
Nate: We make choices.

You never know

Claire: I got a bottle of champagne with my friend, Parker, and we climbed the fence to school,
and we just sat in the quad, and got drunk, and said good fucking bye to high school.
Phil: Nice!
Claire: Then we both totally started crying.
Phil: Why?
Claire: I dont know. I guess we were like saying goodbye to our childhood, or whatever. It just
seemed sad.
Phil: Yeah?
Claire: I mean, I hated fucking high school, but still, it was my life. And it was all I knew, and it
was just over. [...]

Claire: [...] You keep distracting me.
Phil: I keep distracting you?
Claire: Yeah, my hands are like magnetically drawn to your dick!

Russell: Thats cool. Not even my imaginary friends understand me. ... Or maybe they do. They
just dont like me.
Claire: I think you need better imaginary friends.
Russell: No. I think theyre the best I can do.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Claire: Well, I hope it could go both ways. If youre dating anyone, you can totally talk to me.
Russell: Thanks, but, no, Im not dating. No dating. Um, I think Im kind of allergic, actually. I
start itching and swell up and bleed profusely. ... But no, it sounds really nice, having somebody
in your life that makes you hate yourself less. I could use that.

David: Even so, I would think having a baby adds so much stress.
Nate: No, actually, having a baby helps put everything in perspective.

David: Jesus Christ, Federico! Im really getting sick of all this moral superiority! Everything is
so goddamn black and white for you.
Rico: You know what? I just think...
David: You cant ever really know a person. If you think you can, youre living in a fucking
dream world.

The Eye inside

Bettina: Lucky, unlucky. I dont know. Im unlucky I ran through three husbands. Im lucky I
got to retire early off the insurance. Im unlucky my son set fire to the house. Im lucky I never
had a urinary tract infection. I dont even care if it works out fair in the end. Im sure it doesnt. I
still have to haul my own ass out of bed in the morning.

Ruth: [...] How long would you wait to call the person to set up another date?
Phil: Who called who first?
Ruth: [...] I did originally.
Phil: Wait. Its his turn. Its really bad to be, like, begging for it.

Olivier: [...] But go now, so we dont have to deal with ambivalence in this room. Ambivalence
is poison for art. [...]

Olivier: Because youre using Kandinskys language here. Its the same with most of these
drawings. We despise ourselves so much that we consider our own point of view as trivial, but
thats bullshit! [...]

Olivier: Okay, thats exactly what Im saying. She sees 50 paintings by Hopper, she starts to
draw like him, because its easier than drawing from the eye inside.
Russell: Yeah, but artists get influenced by art. Thats part of the process.
Olivier: Until you locate the inside eye, its all bullshit. Its like a coloring book. Every work you
make has to be a surprise to the Earth, a seeing that never happened before. Because its what
happens when exactly what is inside of you confronts exactly what is outside of you.

David: Well, Im sorry, but sometimes I just get exhausted by the running commentary in my
head all day long about how to be. Is this shirt too tight? Is that gesture too flamboyant? Who
am I offending just by being here? Maybe youre beyond all that, but I wouldve thought youd at
least understand.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Olivier: Can you see why this is good?
Russell: Because its in her own language.
Olivier: Yes, but the way I tell if something is good isdoes it make me want to throw up? ...
This drawing instantly makes me feel nauseous. You can tell if something is truthful, even if you
dont understand it, if it affects your body. Your liver and your bowels are more important as an
artist than your eyes, because they are so far away from your brain.
Claire: I dont know. I think it seems kind of obvious.
Olivier: Because youre embarrassed by yourself. In the beginning, if you hate something, its
good, because you dont recognize the beauty of your own truth. Youre used to being a normal,
pathetic human who does only what other people want. But what the other people really want is
to fuck you and to make money off of you and to hang you in the living room with the fancy
security system. [...]

Nobody sleeps

Kevin: It was cardiomyopathy. Enlarged heart. His heart was too big. We used to joke about it.
It was caused by a severely leaking heart valve. We used to joke about that too. Bleeding heart.

Bettina: So why didnt you?
Ruth: I dont know. I was afraid.
Bettina: I think if youre afraid of something it probably means you should do it.

Rico: Yeah, right! You know what Ive been noticing a lot lately? A lot of guys coming in with
their balls shaved. Whats that all about?
David: Actually, it makes them more sensitive. You know, for oral stimulation? ... Besides, no
one likes getting pubic hair stuck in their teeth. ... Do you want to ask me if I shave my balls?
Rico: Uh, no, not really.
David: No, Im happy to tell you. I am. And I doshave. Have to. Lotta hair down there. Keith
doesnthave to. Anything else you want to know? Now is the time.
Rico: Nope. Im good.

Olivier: Why dont you two join us?
Claire: Seriously?
Olivier: Claire, an artist never questions her right to experience everything the world has to
offer. Never.

Olivier: And why are you an artist?
Claire: Um, becausebecause I have, uma lot of pain.
Olivier: Good. Good. Pain is good for an artist.

Olivier: And why are you an artist?
Russell: Because I dont have a fucking choice. If I cant create art, I dont want to live.

Nate: Does this party seem a little weird to you?
David: On a scale of 1 to 10? 90!

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Olivier: Would I lie to you? I might. But who gives a fuck? The world is gonna love you. Thats
why, no matter what, you cannot care what other people think.
Russell: No, I dont. I dont care what other people think.
Olivier: Phony baloney, ka-ka shit! Everybody your age cares what other people think. You
dont even know what you think yourself.

Olivier: And God created beauty, and then he retired.

Claire: Its so weird.
Russell: What?
Claire: I mean, every single person at our school thinks theyre gonna be successful, right?
Otherwise they wouldnt even be doing this.
Russell: Yeah.
Claire: But I meanwhat is success? Is it just money? Or fame? Or is it, like, the critics, loving
you? Or is itis it you knowing that youve done good work? Or what?

Claire: God. I feel like such a phony.
Russell: No, youre fucking brilliant.
Claire: Because I cant imagine ever being this dedicated or this consumed by anything.
Russell: Maybe you just havent found whatever it is thats worth cutting off an ear for.
Claire: I would never cut off my fucking ear! Never!
Russell: Van Gogh did it for love.
Claire: He did it because he was totally insane!
Russell: Well, its only an ear. You know, its not like he couldnt hear out of it. I mean, there
was still a hole there!

Kevin: I never thought that Id be in a relationship at all. I thought I didnt have what it takes,
that no one could possibly love me enough to stick around. ... But Bob did. He stuck around.
And so did I. And for 22 years, we shared our hearts, our bodies, our souls. ... It wasnt always
easy, it wasnt always fun. But it was always worth it. I dont know what I did in a previous life,
but to quote Julie Andrews as Maria Von Trapp, it must have been something good, because
Ive been rewarded a thousand fold in this life.

Claire: We went out afterwards, me, Russell, and our teacher, and then this artist, and Im not
even sure what happened, but I just had this, like, glimpse of what might be possible, and for
whatever reason, the world just seemed like really open and interesting and not totally screwed
up. And I dont know. I dont know. I just felt really happy.

The Trap

Arthur: My Aunt Perl gave up everything for me. She home-schooled me.
Rico: Yeah, yeah, you seem a little... home-schooled.

Brenda: Being alone is the prison. Just thinking about yourself, just being trapped in this fucking
vortex of always watching yourself, which I suppose is okay, if youre interesting. The truth is,
nobodys that interesting.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Olivier: No, no, no, no. I had had my first real success and all eyes were on me, what was I
going to do next? I was a coward. I focused on another person. I could have been great. So can
you. If you get lonely, have sex. But if you meet somebody who you think means something to
you, youre doomed.

David: I dont know why things should have to be so hard for people.
Terry: I think just because we make them that way.

Tom: Dont give me that shit. You are so fucking trapped.
Nate: Yeah?
Tom: Yeah.
Nate: Well, who isnt? The only way not to be trapped is to not have anything.
Tom: You look me in the eye and tell me sometimes you dont want to get in your car and just
start driving and never look back. Come on. I dare you.

Making Love work

Todd: But realizing, you know, everything has happened in my life, so I could be ready for this.
Nate: Yeah, its like your heart is outside your body and you can see it for the first time.
Todd: And knowing that all of it, all of it, its all been about her.
Nate: Yes. God Yes. I feel the exact same way about Maya.
Todd: No, I was talking about Dana.

Russell: [...] I mean, how can you grow as an artist if you dont have the freedom to fail now and
Claire: I failed.
Russell: No, he likes yours.
Claire: Really? Because that wasnt that clear to me.
Russell: Fuck it. What difference does it make? The worlds gonna be blown to smithereens any
day now.

Olivier: And why do you even give a shit?
Russell: Because youre my teacher and I respect you.
Olivier: Dont you fuckin respect me. Im an idiot, see? Im not God. Dont you ever respect
anyone except your fuckin self.

Claire: Thats gross.
Ruth: Its just a hanky.
Claire: I know, and hankies are gross. I mean, first of all, the word is gross. Hanky.
Ruth: Its just a word.
Claire: And second of all, hankies themselves are gross. A snot-covered rag that sits in your
pocket all day.
Ruth: That could be fine.
Claire: Take it out, dont know where the snot is, it could be anywhere. Put it back in your
pocket and save it for later. I mean, Mom, not all progress is bad. Theres Kleenex, hello.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Timing and Space

Nate: So how about it, can you watch Maya for me today? Twenty bucks.
Claire: I cant.
Nate: Well, why not?
Claire: Russell and I are going to the art store.
Nate: Claire?
Nate: Nate? You know this isnt the matrix. The rest of us who dont have babies, were real.

Marvin: So let it be said of me when I am gone. He lived by the light of the ten thousand things.
His heart, starry sparks, was thus sustained. Love and meaning passed through him and fled to
carry joy from dark to dark, was joy enough for him. The man is dead.

Billy: I just have some pictures. This first one is of Dad and me in the backyard standing next to
my hole to China. I was five years old, trying to dig a hole to China. He never ever told me I
couldnt actually get to China. He just kept digging with me until I got bored. It was a good day.

Brenda: Watching him die.
Nate: Yeah.
Brenda: Was like watching somebody get washed out to see, only theyre sitting right there in
bed. A wave comes, takes them a little away. Another wave comes, takes them a little away. Every
wave is a day. Little by little, off they... off they go. Can I tell you something?
Nate: Sure.
Brenda: I dont want to put you in a weird position.
Nate: Im already in a weird position. I live my whole life in a weird position.
Brenda: I missed you. Through this.
Nate: I missed you too. I mean, its not I dont know how much being with you changed me.
How much you woke me up as a person. I wouldnt be who I am today if Id never met you. [...]
Brenda: You changed me too.
Nate: Yeah, how so?
Brenda: Youre the first person Ive lost, where it really cost me something. Thats why I havent
been with anyone since.
Nate: No one?
Brenda: Its too scary, that Ill go screwing it all up again.
Nate: Yeah, youll find somebody.
Brenda: That is so not the answer. You know what I think?
Nate: About what?
Brenda: I dont know, about life.
Nate: What?
Brenda: I think its all about timing. I think timing is everything.
Nate: I think you might be right.

Russell: [...] I have a theory that every now and then a person should get what they want when
they want it. It keeps you optimistic.
Claire: Good theory, but Ive never been optimistic, so.
Russell: Well, maybe its time to start.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Tears, Bones & Desire

Olivier: There isnt one person in this country who knows how to fuck. Cause real fucking
would overthrow your government, real fucking would sent Americans screaming into the

Olivier: Bullshit. Youre 18, whats wrong with you? Wheres sexuality? Ha? You should be
consumed with sex. Everything that happens should make you wanna fuck. Your flesh should be
on fire all the time.

Brenda: I was working on your hara. Thats the seat of mind-body power. [...] There are placed
we store trauma, tension. Our selves know what we go through. Our bodies remember.
Sometimes just a little pressure then tears.

Lisa: [...] You look sad.
Brenda: Im not so lucky. Not lately. But I wouldnt change anything.
Lisa: No?
Brenda: No. Well, if you change one thing, that changes everything. And some things are the
way should be.

Woman: And this is what Daddy wants us to know: I depart as air. I shake my white locks at
the runaway sun. I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love. If you want me
again, look for me under your boot soles. You will hardly know who I am or what I mean but I
shall be good health to you nevertheless. Missing me one place? Search another. I stop
somewhere. Waiting for you.

The Opening

Claire: Olivier, do you think I should have priced my photograph higher?
Olivier: You two with the price tag and the placement. Its disgusting. 20 years old, you should
wanna give your work away. Nobody in this country is born with a soul. It has to be beaten into

Rico: Was she depressed?
Husband: For years, yeah.
Rico: What was she like? [...]
Husband: It was like those tribes or whatever, they think if you take their picture, theyll lose
their spirit. It was like her spirit got stolen, and all that was left was this body that she didnt even
want any more.

Billy: How you doing?
Brenda: OK. ... Im sick of being so fucking conscious all the time. Its like Im this incredibly
boring, watered-down version of myself.

Claire: Wasnt that sort of a fucked-up power dynamic, though?
Billy: Theres always a fucked-up power dynamic in sex, isnt there?

Nate: That sounds like an improvement.
Brenda: Yeah. Its my new thing. I wont take care of anyone else so Ill be forced to take care of
myself. Theoretically.
Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Rico: She did it because he left her.
Nate: Yeah. Its depressing how deluded people are about what love is.

Brenda: I cant believe how much money Ive spent fucking up my life.

Everybody leaves

Claire: I wonder how much of art really is accidental.

Olivier: He could have at least made the effort to slam the door. Young people have absolutely
no commitment today.

Arthur: I love intimacy. Intimacy is my best friend.

Russell: Claire, I need to tell you something.
Claire: The words every woman longs to hear.

Billy: Were so damaged, Bren. We can go about our lives and pretend everythings gonna be
OK, but it never will be, ever.
Brenda: Thats not true. Were getting better, both of us.
Billy: You are. Im not.
Brenda: Come on, you know you are.
Billy: I really dont feel like I am.
Brenda: Those are just feelings.

Ruth: I miss him too. There will never be another man who will love me when Im young and
pretty and always have that picture of me somewhere in his heart.

Ruth: But the real question is, why do you like them?
Claire: Its like Ill fall for any guy who shows any interest in me.
Ruth: I guess we all wanna be loved. Its hard to say no to that, no matter who its coming

Nate: Its scary to hope things will turn out good because then youre taking the risk of being
disappointed of they dont.

Death works overtime

Olivier: You sit in such judgement of the world. How do you expect to ever be a part of it?
Claire: I dont wanna be part of your world, where you get to be a manipulative loser who fucks
his students.
Olivier: What do you wanna be, Claire, ha? An uptight puritan whos not even in her own body?
Or a brilliant artist with blood and a heart and a cunt?

Olivier: And when are you going to get over the fact that if you take a chance, you might fall flat
on your face? But thats the best thing that can ever happen to you, as an artist and as a human

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron

David: You dont really like me. Youre not for me. I look at you, Keith, and all I think about is
how I can help you be whatever it is you wanna be between now and the day that you die. You
look at me and all you see are problems.
Keith: Thats not true.
David: Im so fucking sick of it. God! Why should I stand for this? Why should this constant
abuse be what I call love?

Ruth: Get the cordless. Ill help you make sure it stays charged.
George: Its a deal.

Nurse: I see you chose Twilight.
Claire: I dont know.
Nurse: The sedation.
Claire: Oh. Yeah.
Nurse: Thats Twilight. Youre not really gone but youre not really here.
Claire: That sounds good.

David: Im so bored of this kind of unhappiness. I think Im ready for some new unhappiness.

David: So, I dont know, shouldnt my life be, better?
Father Jack: Truth and relationships dont make life better, David, they make life possible.
David: So do you think I should stay with Keith?
Father Jack: I think you should do whatever brings you deeper into the reality of your life.
David: The reality of my life.
Father Jack: Yes, but not the life you think you can have, the life youve got.

Nate: I wanted to love you, I did love you. And I just felt like we were beginning to... I know we
were, I know it, I know it in my heart. And I just feel like I had this once-in-a-lifetime chance and
I fucked it up.
Lisa: Nate, Im not a chance, Im a person.

I'm sorry, I'm lost

David: Mom, maybe with Lisa and everything...
Ruth: Life doesnt stop, all right? We didnt die. We have this precious gift of life and its so
terribly fleeting and that is precisely why its important to keep on living, to not give up hope.

Ruth: George, I dont wanna wait. I feel like Ive spent my entire life waiting.
George: Then lets not wait.

David: The day after tomorrow? They dont even know each other. Although maybe thats the
best time to marry someone, otherwise youd never do it. ... How are you holding up through all
Claire: Not that good.
David: How wanna talk about it?
Claire: How can I? With Lisa just gone and Nates like totaly losing it. I feel like I dont really
have a right to have my own problems.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Joe: Well, we could do dinner, later tonight. Theres a Korean barbecue nearby just opened up.
Brenda: I dont really think thats...
Joe: Think of it as lunch in another time zone.

Claire: I wish I could have helped you more.
Gabe: Claire, cmon, there was nothing anybody could do. Life just ... wasnt the right
environment for me.
Claire: But dont you miss it?
Gabe: No, not really. Actually, I like it better here.

David: I believe we should do the right thing but not because well gonna be rewarded in
heaven. Its just like bravery.
Keith: No, we should do the right thing because we can do the right thing and we choose to do
the right thing, even if its gonna make life harder, which it often does.

Brenda: The oddest part is that I actually returned with the intention of reconnecting with my
family, and then within a matter of months Im in this place where, without saying too much
again and scaring you...
Joe: Say whatever you want.
Brenda: I, I actually have no one. I dont think Ive ever been so by myself. But, believe it or
not, Im not lonely.

Keith: I mean, you were born in this business. He actually chose it.
David: See, youre picking on me again.
Keith: I was not, I was picking on him.
David: And me, adjacently.
Keith: Adjacently is not a word.
David: See, thats picking.
Keith: I was not picking, I was teasing. Its my style. Youre picking on my style.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron

Falling into place

George: Look. Youve lived your life one way, Ive lived mine another. The costs are different.
But I can tell you this: Every day when I wake up, Im glad that Im alive, and if people dont like
the way Ive done things, thats their business. But right now, Im so very happy Ive found you.
And Im looking forward, not back.

Lisa: When I die, I dont want any of that stuff in me.
Nate: Yeah, I dont blame you.
Lisa: No, Im serious. I dont want to be chemicalised and boxed up. I just want to be taken out
to some open space in the forest somewhere, buried right in the ground. Nothing between me
and the earth that made me.
Nate: You dont want to end up in a graveyard.
Lisa: Nate, the whole worlds a graveyard.

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Claire: What have you been up to?
Russell: Not much. Making bad art. Saying stupid things. Continuing implementation if my
master plan to be completely forgotten when Im gone, and totally forgettable while Im here.

David: Then why do we...
Keith: Keep fuckin it up?
David: Yeah.
Keith: Because were human?
David: If there was a way to start over, if there was actually a way to start over, Id do it, I really
would. But is there even really a way to start over? Really? Just even in general?
Keith: I dont know.
David: I mean, I was talking to Claire and shes trying to see in this new way, you know, for her
art. I dont know how it happens. I dont know where the new comes from. You know, the
genuinely new.

In case of rapture

Ruth: Youre up early.
Nate: Im always up early. Every days a new adventure.

Edie: Your penis is kinda nice. Too bad youre attached to it.

Claire: But I havent picked up my camera in months.
Edie: Why not?
Claire: I dont know. I went through a tough time for a while.
Edie: Thats the best time to work. I mean, thats when your guts are all raw and you dont to
have to waste too much time thinking about it.
Claire: Yeah, I just feel like anything I do is going to be shit.
Edie: So? Whats the worst that can happen? I mean, some asshole make fun of you?
Anita: Like you made fun of poet guy?
Edie: Yeah, exactly. I mean, Im sure there are plenty of people here right now making fun of
Claire: Yeah. I guess Im just waiting for the right time, you know.
Edie: Well, none of us may be here tomorrow. I mean, you of all people should know that,

Nate: I quit my job.
Nathaniel Sr.: I quit my whole fucking life.
Nate: You didnt quit, you got fired.
Nathaniel Sr.: I guess maybe I did, yeah. May notve been the best thing that ever happened, but
it was right up there. Getting married, becoming a father, getting creamed by a bus, those are
some of lifes big moments.

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Parallel Play

Claire: This always happens. I get stoned and then Im locked in this prison.
Edie: What, youre paranoid?
Anita: Oh, God, please, no one thinks anything bad. Youre like the beautiful, fair-skinned,
untouchable art princess.
Claire: No, Im not so much paranoid. More like Id rather choose to just be this observer.
Cause for one, I know that if I feel any vibe about any guy, I should know it means red flag, red
flag! Beyond that, basically I hate everyone. I hate her... and her. And that guy with the fucking
Boy Scout jacket. Like, is that supposed to be ironic?
Edie: Yeah, I would say more misanthrope than paranoid.
Claire: Yeah, but Im also so tired of hating everything, you know? I mean, truly.

Can I come up now?

Lawrence Mason: Im sorry.
Young Woman in Elevator: No, its my fault.
Lawrence Mason: Nothing is anybodys fault.

Joe: Parenthood is such a huge responsibility. Youre ever, you know, terrified?
Nate: Yeah, but, you know, I just remind myself that some things in my life, I just dont have
any power over, and I never will. You know, because fear is no good. You know, fear can take
over your life.

Margaret: Art is a just a sentimental construct to alleviate our fear of death.
Olivier: No, theres no way to even determine what it is that makes art art, much less to teach it.
Its a goddamn illusion that anyone can be taught anything. I mean, yes, we can all be conditioned
up the wazoo, but, you know, to really learn something, something important, that always comes
from within.

Thats my dog

Alice: Dead. Thats what I like about them. This girl, whos like, dead and beyond everything.
Beyond hunger, beyond sex, beyond boredom. And, really, its so beautiful to be in that state.
Like, nothing can reach her. Nothing can get to her.

Nate: [...] And now I have a, I have a two-year old daughter who doesnt have a mother and so
she, she has to get everything from me because Im all there is, but I dont know what to do with
that. ... You know, most of the time, I just, I just feel numb. ... And then sometimes I feel just...
just terrified. ... And then sometimes, I just feel so angry, but then I dont want to be this bitter
guy, so I try to deal with it because I dont want my daughter to have to live with that poison. ... I
try and be thankful. I try so hard to be thankful. And I am thankful. Thankful I have a beautiful
child that Lisa gave me. ... Yet some days, some days I just feel like Im going crazy, like Im
literally losing my mind. (the fire alarm goes off)

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Terror starts at home

Claire: Its like, how many evildoers do you have to kill before you become one yourself, you

Brenda: I just, I cant become this totally different person living this simple, happy little life.

The Dare

Edi: What are you hiding?
Claire: Oh. Nothing. Its just one of my photos. ... Its one of those I took of you.
Edi: OK, so its bad.
Claire: Its not. Its really good.
Edi: Then why cant I see it?
Claire: Its too good. Its like I can' believe this actually came out of me. Its so good, I dont
even want anyone to see it. Im not even gonna show it at my crit tomorrow because, I dont
know. Its just for me.

Teacher: The woman in the photograph looks at us like she wants us to come closer. But we
dont. She teases us, almost like shes daring us. But what is the dare? Is it to touch her? She looks
like she knows were scared. But whats so scary about this beautiful woman? Whats so scary
about getting close to someone? Because we dont quite know the answer to any of these
questions, the photo haunts us.

Sarah: Maybe its true what they say. We all pick the same person over and over again. Theres
something nice about that.

Coming and Going

Brenda: I know what you said. But I cant just surgically remove you from my life. It doesnt
make sense.

David: I have to get control of myself.
Claire: No, David. If you were any more controlled, youd be a sculpture.

Claire: Itd be so much easier to be gay.
David: Oh, no.
Claire: Yeah, Id have a really defined sub-culture.
David: Overrated.
Claire: And were both women. Id have some idea of what she was thinking and feeling.
David: Not necessarily.
Claire: I wouldnt have to deal with unfamiliar sex organs.
David: Theyre all unfamiliar unless theyre yours.

Joe: Heres a question for you? What do you call a person without character, without integrity,
without loyalty, without respect? I call that person a fucking waste of my time.

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Grinding the Corn

David: Youre serious? You slept with Celeste?
Keith: It was just once. It was an accident.
David: You were walking by and just happened to fall into her vagina?

Ruth: I made a terrible decision and brought us to a horrible place.
Bettina: Oh, come on, its Rosarita. And were in a foreign country, Fisher. Horrible and terrible
are two of the most underrated qualities when travelling in a foreign country. Horrible and
terrible often lead to fun and adventure.
Ruth: Really and truly?
Bettina: You know the saying, you cant make chicken salad out of chicken shit?
Ruth: I dont believe Ive ever heard that one.
Bettina: Well, Im here to tell you, you can and I have.

Billy: [...] Whats going on with you?
Claire: I dont know. I guess Im depressed. I dont think its clinical, but... I just cant seem to
have a normal, healthy relationship with another person.
Billy: Right. Get in line. Nobody has normal, healthy relationships. ... My theory, which I yet to
put into practice, is to pick someone slightly less crazy than you.
Claire: Yeah. Society like propagates this vision of people hooking up and staying together
forever. In reality, how often does that actually happen? I think it comes down to basic animal
chemistry. If you get the chemistry wrong, its like bleach and whatever that shit that makes
bleach explode.
Billy: Right. I think its ammonia.
Claire: Ammonia.
Billy: Yeah, I hear you.

The Black Forest

David: Please.
Roger Pasquese: Excuse me, did you say something? ... What did you just say?
David: Nothing.
Roger Pasquese: Bullshit. You said something. What did you say?
David: I said, please.
Roger Pasquese: To me?
David: No, for you. Somebody had to.
Roger Pasquese: Who the fuck do you think you are? Seriously.
David: I think Im a member of the human race which makes me wanna treat my fellow humans
with a certain amount of respect. Thats who I think I am. Seriously.

Bomb Shelter

Billy: You know, Jean Baudrillard once said, every possible art form has already been explored.
All thats left is to deconstruct and play with the pieces.

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Brenda: I cant compete with a dead woman.

Kenneths Ex-Wife: The way he died, oh God, its awful. I cant stop thinking about it. If there
was anyone who deserved to go on their sleep, it was Ken.
Rico: Well, its the way Ken lived thats important.
Kenneths Ex-Wife: We werent close anymore.
Rico: He was your husband once.
Kenneths Ex-Wife: 15 years ago. Honestly, when I got the call, I had to think, Ken? Ken who?
And then I remembered. Every minute we spent together, I remember everything. Im going
to bury him with the rest of my family. Thats the way it should be, dont you think?
Rico: Yes, yes I do.
Kenneths Ex-Wife: Even if I marry again, when Im dead, I want Ken there, too.
Rico: Familys family. Divorce doesnt change that.
Kenneths Ex-Wife: Not divorce, not death, not anything. When people... get in your heart...
Rico: They stay for good.

Billy: None of your pieces have names. How come?
Claire: Ah, I couldnt think of any.
Billy: Come on, dont bullshit me. Im actually interested.
Claire: Well, I feel like when you give something a name people take your word for it. Which is
OK for some things, but not these. I didnt want to tell anybody what to see.
Billy: Its like music thats called Opus 15 or Three-Part Invention in a Minor. Whats that
Claire: Well, I want you to really look at it and deal with it on your own. You know, its like life.
Billy: Its, ah, its kinda scary. With no guide, I dont know where Ill end up.
Claire: You know what? I have no fucking idea what these pictures mean.
Billy: I know. Isnt it great?

Olivier: And so it all begins. With the first success, corruption.
Claire: Its corrupt to feel like I finally did something right?
Olivier: Actually, yes, it is. Youll see. But so what? Who wants to be a saint, right?
Claire: Not me.
Olivier: No, no one does. And the work suffers.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
David: I thought it would set me free but it didnt change anything, except now I know he really
is insane.
Nathaniel Sr.: Youre missing the point.
David: There is no point. Thats the point. Isnt it?
Nathaniel Sr.: Dont give me this phoney existential bullshit. I expect better from you. The
points right in front of your face.
David: Well, Im sorry, but I dont see it.
Nathaniel Sr.: Youre not even grateful, are you?
David: Grateful? For the worst fucking experience of my life?
Nathaniel Sr.: You hang onto your pain like it means something, like its worth something. Well,
let me tell you, its not worth shit. Let it go. Infinite possibilities and all he can do is whine.
David: What am I supposed to do?
Nathaniel Sr.: What do you think? You can do anything, you lucky bastard. Youre alive. Whats
a little pain compared to that?
David: It cant be so simple.
Nathaniel Sr.: What if it is?

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A Coat of White Primer

Keith: So, have you found her?
David: I cant do this, Keith. Im sorry. I cant just rent out some womans uterus like its a
storage locker.

Margaret: Im telling you, more women have miscarried than they have masturbated with a
dildo. They just dont talk about it.

Lisa: Oh, please. Every time you try to have a nice normal life, you fuck it up. Youre never
gonna have your happily-ever-after moment, no matter how many white veils you put on, honey.
Youre just too fucked up for all that. Maybe you should just accept that, instead of trying to be
something youre not.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Dancing for me

Tom: [...] Its just... its that... that young... all that energy, you know? Its like she reminds me of
this part of me that Id forgotten even existed. You know?
Nate: No, I dont know.
Tom: Really, Nate? Dont you ever lie awake in bed at night and just think, Jesus, fuck. Im
gonna be 40 fucking years old. 40.?
Nate: No, I dont. I lie in bed awake at night thinking, thank you, God, thank you, for letting
me live this long.
Tom: Are you, like, Christian or something?
Nate: No. ... Ive just had a lot of serious shit happen to me in my life. Then I really get it now,
that this doesnt last and Im no different from anybody else. Yes, indeed this will happen to me.
It is happening to me a little bit each day. And that doesnt freak me out. If anything, its
Tom: OK, so I guess it comes with the territory? I mean, your job.
Nate: No, I dont think its the job, really. Its just... The job allows me to practice being OK
with it.
Tom: Yeah, OK, so there. You have to practice. So, youre not really OK with it.
Nate: Well, of course you have to practice.
Tom: Yeah, but, Nate... its just so fucking big. I mean, its just all going by so fucking fast.
Nate: Well, would you change anything?
Tom: Like what?
Nate: Like who youre with, what you do or what kind of person you are. Because if you would,
do it now.
Tom: Whoa, dude. Thats really harsh.
Nate: Well, look. This is it, Tom. This is all we have. Right here, right now.

Hold my hand

Roger: Heres to children. May they be wanted and loved just as they are. Because anything less
is hell, as we all know.

Angela: I think its great that you still talk to each other. I mean, I guess with kids you have to.
Rico: What happened with your divorce?
Angela: I dont know. It was like the relationship got cancer. The fast kind where nothing helps
and now... were both dead to each other. I kind of forgot what he looks like.

Mary: Let me tell you a secret: A pregnant woman is the most beautiful woman in the world.
Everybody talks to her. Everybody wants to touch her. Its like having a magical power to make
people happy.

Billy: Do you think its helping?
George: I think that, as Emile Cou used to say, every day in every way, I am getting better and
better. But not everyone agrees.
Billy: Yeah, its hard to get your shit together with someone watching all the time.
George: Yeah, it is. But when no ones watching, then where you are? Where the fuck are you

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Maggie: Good birthday?
Nate: Ha, yeah, its OK. I feel like all I can get out of this birthday is that life is really fucking
Maggie: You have this wonderful family. And a baby on the way.
Nate: I know. And its really fucking lonely. I just feel like all I do all day long is manage
myself, try to fucking connect with people. But its like no matter how much energy you pour
into... getting to the station on time or getting on the right train, theres still no fucking guarantee
that anybodys gonna be there for you to... pick you up when you get there. You know what I
Maggie: Well, I know if you think lifes a vending machine, where you put in virtue and get out
happiness, then youre probably gonna be disappointed. I know that.
Nate: Is that how I sound?
Maggie: A little.

George: I am so lucky. I hate that Im the lucky one. No ones ever lucky to have me. Nobodys
ever been lucky to have me.

Time Flies

Nate: Time flies when youre having fun, huh?
Nathaniel Sr.: No. Time flies when youre pretending to have fun. Time flies when youre
pretending to love Brenda and that baby she wants so much. Time flies when youre pretending
to know what people mean when the say love. Face it, buddy-boy, theres two kind of people in
the world theres you and theres everybody else, and never the twain shall meet.

Eat a peach

George: I just think its very provocative and disturbing. And beautiful.
Claire: Yeah...
George: Isnt that what art is supposed to be about?
Claire: Yeah. Just, right now, with all this shit going on in the world, art seems kind of beside the
point, you know?
George: Yeah, I do know.
Claire: Plus, Im just not, like, inspired.
George: If the muse isnt with you, the muse isnt with you.

The rainbow of her reasons

Sarah: Was I frothing like an idiot last night? Something in red wine doesnt agree with me. I
dont even remember what I said.
Ruth: You were blaming yourself.
Sarah: I dont know why I do that. Its so narcissistic, you know. I am the asshole at the center
of the universe, forgetting how vaste the universe is, and how nothing is in our control. An idea
both terrifying and beautiful as spirit itself.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Marianne: Whats the matter, Claire? It is Kirsten? Is she being a butt?
Claire: Oh, no. Its not that. Its just... its just these pantyhose.
Marianne: Oh, do you have a run? Cause I have a little clear polish you can put on...
Claire: No, no, its not that. Its just theyre like squeezing against my entire torso and I feel like I
cant even breathe. I mean, none of this work would even seem that hard if I didnt feel like I was
sitting here inside of a torture chamber all day.
Marianne: Maybe you should try a different brand. Mine energise me.
Claire: No, its not the brand. I mean, theyre all the same. I mean, I dont understand, how
having your legs sheeted in this like smooth plastic Barbie leg, like encased in a sausage casing,
would help you do your job better. I mean, doesnt it seem sexist that its a regulation only for
Marianne: Men have to wear ties.
Claire: Right, but they dont suffocate you. And its not on their penis.

Nate: Nah, you know, love isnt something you feel, its something you do. And if the person
youre with doesnt want it, you know, do yourself a favour and save it for someone who does.

Sarah: Whats the matter, honey?
Claire: I just got rejected for my grant.
Sarah: Those dicks. Let me see that. Oh, well, there will be another one.
Claire: Shit.
Sarah: Maybe youre not an artist.
Claire: Why would you say that?
Sarah: Did it hurt your feelings when I said it?
Claire: Yeah.
Sarah: Maybe Im right. Maybe if you were an artist, youd have laughed when I said that. Like if
you told me I was purple I would laugh because I know Im not purple. But when I said you
werent an artist, you felt bad, maybe theres a grain of truth in it.
Claire: You were the one who took me by me shoulders and looked me in my eyes and told me
that I was an artist.
Sarah: Maybe you were. Maybe you are. Maybe you arent. I dont know. ... No one else can tell
anyone what to do, least of all me.

George: I loved you. ... You loved me. ... That was a good thing. ... Now its changed. So...
consider yourself free.

The Silence

Claire: I want to try to do some work tonight.
Ruth: Oh, what are you working on now?
Claire: Actually nothing. I am totally dry. I havent even been to my desk in weeks, because
every time I sit down and try to think how I want to express myself, I just come up empty. Its
like this giant abyss with total stillness. Its... its kind of the loneliest feeling in the entire world.
Ruth: Oh... Well, youd better hurry up and change. Dinner will be ready soon.

George: I think we should get a quicker divorce. Ive been doing some research, and if one of us
flies to, say, Haiti, for the weekend, we can take care of this a lot sooner.
Ruth: Is this really necessary?
George: I think it will be healthier for our psyches if we just, you know, move on.
Ruth: You want to fly to Haiti for a quickie divorce just for our psyches?
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Cindy: You look so forlom standing here all alone. Lets circle and see if we can find some nice
quirky guy for you.
Ruth: Thanks, Cindy, but I dont think so.
Cindy: Oh, come on, Ruth. Itll be fun.
Ruth: No, it wont be fun. I am seven million years old. And I have this emptiness that wont go
away. Ive gone everywhere and done everything. I even went to the stupid Skirball Center. And I
am still all alone. Everyone else gets to find someone just like that. So Im done, thats it. I just
want to be left alone so I can shrivel up in peace. Please.

Keith: Fine, then you go by yourself tomorrow, because I think you its the wrong thing to do.
David: Dont you feel anything for these poor kids? Dont you have a soul?
Keith: Of course I have a soul. Thats a terrible thing to say about your partner.
David: Yeah, well, its a terrible thing to feel about your partner.

Claire: You know, I was an artist before I started working here. [...] I was in art school, I mean.
But I dropped out cause I was sick of it. And I thought I would have more time to just create.
Except Ive been just a little uninspired, so I havent do much of anything. And now it feels like
maybe thats over, which is kinda scary, because thats how Ive always defined myself. But then
maybe its kind of freeing, in a strange way.

Singing for our Lives

Durrell: You look like a witch.
Ruth: I assure Im not.
Durrell: I didnt say you were. I said you look like one.

Nate: It was just nice, Bren. It was really nice to be around some people who didnt think they
know everything... and who thought there might be something more to life what they can see and
feel and then be right about.
Brenda: Well, I feel sorry for you that you have such emptiness inside you that you need to fill it
with something so... ridiculous.
Nate: You really dont believe in anything?
Brenda: You know I dont.
Nate: Well, I feel sorry for you, then. And I dont understand where you draw the line. I mean,
the service is basically silent meditation. You meditate.
Brenda: Yes, but Im not waiting for some mythical, historical ghost with his shaming blood-
sacrifice bullshit to come and save my soul. I meditate to see the world as it is. To accept the
world, to... just feel alive.

Nate: [...] There is no real reason for most of what we do. We dont need to embalm bodies.
Rico: Well, there is a little problem of smell.
Nate: So what? Thats a part of death. And I think thats where this business went wrong. We
tried to disguise it, make it look pretty and neat, and someone elses problem.

Claire: This is Jimmys. Hes sort of the star of our class.
Ted: Why?
Claire: Well, his use of gigantism... sculpting these little cultural tokens but on such heroic scale.
It sort of forces us to look differently at the things that... surround us.

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Olivier: She smiles. Do you know how long its been since I saw that smile? Wheres your self-
Claire: I guess I lost it.
Olivier: So, whos this young man youre with tonight?
Claire: Id introduce you but I dont want you to fuck him.
Olivier: Theres your self-righteousness, Claire.

Olivier: We all go through fallow periods when we must let the soil rest to prepare for new
Claire: Really? You think thats true?
Olivier: Oh, God, please let it be true, otherwise Im doomed.

Nate: Lately, the whole business just seems unnecessary... I just feel useless.
Maggie: Nate, you are far from useless.
Nate: I dont just mean at work. I mean everywhere. We may have this handicapped child, right?
And there is not a damn thing I can do about it. I cant make the baby healthy. I cant make
myself feel any more ready to deal with it. I cant even make myself want to deal with it. I cant
do anything.
Maggie: Youre allowed to be scared. Life is scary.
Nate: Yeah, its fucking terrifying.


Ruth: Id like to see life clearly, but thats the first thing to fly out the window when I get
romantic. I wonder if theres a way to do it where that doesnt happen.

Vanessa: Youre not supposed to love someone who cheats on you. Its stupid. Its weak. I
know, because I work with these women. They get their hearts broken every Saturday night and I
wont be like them. I fucking refuse.
Rico: It will never happen again.
Vanessa: But then here I am in the same house with you and Im so scared because youre closer
to me than my skin. Thats how much youre part of me, Rico. I cant ever stop loving you.
Thats why I treat you like shit.

Nate: Im not sorry for anything. Youre making love with somebody and your head explodes.
Thats a good sign.

Rico: [...] Theres an intake. This guy got mauled by a cougar.
Nate: No shit.
Rico: Yeah, right here in L.A.. He was walking in the canyon.
Nate: The ecotone.
Rico: Mh?
Nate: Ecotone. Its the area where two ecological worlds overlap. You know, like wilderness and

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All Alone

Brenda: What is this? Some sort of Quaker thing? You fuck someones husband to death and
then you bring them a quiche?

Ruth: But why would God take someones son at the one moment they were ever, in their
whole lives, not able to be with him? What kind of message is that?
Father Jack: I dont think its helpful to see it as a message to you.
Ruth: Then why would it happen that way? Unless there really is no God.
Father Jack: Its natural to be angry but maybe its best to view God as a light through this dark
time, as opposed to seeing him as the cause of it.
Ruth: God is an asshole.
Sarah: Yes, God is a huge asshole. And I fucking hate Him for this.

David: You could have dressed.
Claire: I couldnt.
David: The rest of us managed.
Claire: The rest of you win.

Sarah: From the Mystic Odes of Rumi.
Our death is our wedding with eternity.
What is the secret? 'God is One.'
The sunlight splits when entering the windows of the house.
This multiplicity exists in the cluster of grapes;
It is not in the juice made from the grapes.
For he who is living in the Light of God,
The death of the carnal soul is a blessing.
Regarding him, say neither bad nor good,
For he is gone beyond the good and the bad.
Fix your eyes on God and do not talk about what is invisible,
So that he may place another look in your eyes. [...]

Nate: Curt Kobain died today.
Claire: Oh.
Nate: He killed himself. He was just too pure for this world.
Claire: Well, his music will live on.
Nate: Yeah. Yeah, it will.

Sarah: [...] It is the eternal light which is the Light of God,
The ephemeral light is an attribute of the body and the flesh.
Oh God, who gives the grace of vision.
The bird of vision is flying toward You with the wings of desire.

Nate: You couldve married Joe, if you wanted to be with somebody who really wanted to be
with you. But deep down you know that anybody who really wants to be with you is a fucking
Brenda: Shut up.
Nate: Because just like everybody else in your psychotic family you have to destroy everything
and everyone you love.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Ruth: I forget how anyone ever gets over anything.
Bettina: You dont, really.
Sarah: Dont say that. You do.
George: Its just time.
Sarah: And remembering love, really.
Ruth: What the hell does that mean?
George: Slowly, you fall back in love with whatever really mattered to you.
Sarah: Yes. And maybe you find a way to make sense of what youve lost.
Ruth: That doesnt seem possible.


Nate: Im just saying, you only get one life. Theres no God, no rules, no judgments, except for
those you accept or create for yourself. Then once its over... its over. Dreamless sleep forever
and ever. So why not be happy while youre here? Really. Why not?

Brenda: I used to think that Id have more people in my life as time went on.
Billy: Mh, it doesnt work that way.
Brenda: Im starting to realise that.
Billy: Its almost like as we get older, the number of people that completely get us shrinks.
Brenda: Right. Until we become so honed by our experiences... and time and...
Billy: Nobody else understands.

Claire: You know how I always used to tell you you werent Dad after Dad died?
Nate: Yeah.
Claire: It was such a waste of time thinking that way.
Nate: No, it was just part of how you dealt with it, thats all. It kept you from missing Dad so
Claire: No, it kept me from ever knowing you, like, as much as I really could have. And now you
are so completely fucking gone. Its... its just...
Nate: Claire.
Claire: What? It sucks.
Nate: Stop listening to the static.
Claire: What the fuck does that mean?
Nate: Nothing. It just means that everything in the world is like this... transmission making its
way across the dark. But everything death, life, everything, its all completely suffused with
static. (imitates the sound of static) You know? But if you listen to the static too much, it fucks you
Claire: Are you high?
Nate: I am actually, yeah. Im quite high.

David: Keith, I feel like my face is coming off. ... I keep trying to hold it on, but I cant. It keeps
coming off. Whats underneath is just...

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron
Everybodys waiting

Ted: (message on the answering machine) I hope youre OK. And I hope you will please call me and
let me know you are. I know youre mad about me taking the keys, but dont be stupid, Claire.
Yeah, the world is fucked up, but you ending up in a wheelchair isnt gonna make it any better.
Youre too smart. Youre too good. Dont waste that.

Ted: (on the next massage) OK, I just turned into my father. Like, exactly. That was my father. This
is what you do to me. Call me, please.

Claire: God, I feel like Im trapped underwater. And its not just Nate dying. I mean, I have
absolutely no idea what I am supposed to do with my life.
Ted: Dont you still wanna be an artist?
Claire: [] Yeah. ... But Im scared that maybe Im not good enough.
Ted: Is that true?
Claire: Might be.
Ted: So get better.
Claire: I really dont wanna go back to school. And even though its art, I still feel like Im just
being programmed.
Ted: Just take pictures. If youre good enough, youll find out. And if youre not, youll get good
enough. Or youll find out that you cant. ... But I bet you are, though.

Margaret: You leave your door open like that?
Ruth: We were just outside picking flowers.
Margaret: Ruth, it isnt the 50s anymore, no matter how you dress.

Claire: I cant play it tonight at my big farewell dinner? That you wont even come to.
Ted: Everybodys gonna want a piece of you. Im sorry but... I dont wanna share you.
Claire: Thats sweet. And strangely possessive.

Claire: Oh, I wanna take a picture of everyone.
Nate: You cant take a picture of this. Its already gone.

Quotes from Six Feet Under put together by Oxymoron

Ruth: Mr. Jones, see the beautiful flowers for your wifes viewing?
Mr. Jones: I dont know why you so excited. Theyre just gonna shrivel up and die.


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