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The Elements of Art Song

(sing to the tune of The Addams Family)

Theyre the building blocks of Art
And if youre really smart
Youll learn to tell them apart
The Elements of Art
Line Value Shape (snap, snap)
Line Value Shape (snap, snap)
Line Value Shape, Line Value Shape,
Line Value Shape (snap, snap)
Lines the path of a dot
Values the ink you blot
Shapes a 2D lot
The Elements of Art
Space Color Form (snap, snap)
Space Color Form (snap, snap)
Space Color Form, Space Color Form,
Space Color Form (snap, snap)
Space is back middle foreground
Colors a hue that astounds
Forms a 3D compound
The Elements of Art
Textures how it feels
Like soft and slimy eels
Or bumpy street car wheels
The Elements of Art
Da da da da (snap, snap)
Da da da da (snap, snap)
Da da da da, da da da da,
Da da da da (snap, snap)
Theyre the building blocks of Art
And if youre really smart
Youll learn to tell them apart
THE EL-E-MENTS OF ART (snap, snap!)

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