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Road Bicycle Fit

Marc R. Silberman, MD,* David Webner, MD, Steven Collina, MD, and Brian J. Shiple, DO
(Clin J Sport Med 2005;15:271276)
roper bicycle t is essential for comfort, safety, injury
prevention, and peak performance. The goal is to balance
all of the issues at hand, optimize power and aerobic efciency,
and avoid injury. At an average of 80 revolutions per minute,
a cyclist may complete over 5400 revolutions during an hour
ride, up to 30,000 revolutions over a 100-mile course, and
81,000 revolutions in the span of 1 week. Compounded over
a season, one can see howoveruse injuries develop. If properly
tted, the majority of cyclists training correctly will remain
Bicycle t consists of static (measurements at rest) or
dynamic (measurements while riding) evaluation. Dynamic t
also involves video analysis with concomitant heart rate,
wattage, and pedal torque readings.
There are 3 contact areas a rider makes with the bicycle,
addressed in the following order (Fig. 1):
1. Shoe-cleat-pedal interface
2. Pelvis-saddle interface
3. Hands-handlebar interface
Whether a weekend warrior or elite Olympic hopeful, all
cyclists are positioned the same, with the exception of the
hands-handlebar interface. A recreational rider may prefer to
be positioned more upright.
Shoe-Cleat-Pedal Interface
For maximal power and injury prevention, the cleat
should be positioned so the rst metatarsal head lies directly
over the pedal axle (Table 1; Figs. 1, 2).
For leg length discrepancy, the shoe-pedal interface can
be adjusted in 1 of 3 ways. Shims can be inserted between the
cleat and the shoe on the shorter leg, custom orthotics may be
tried, or the cleat may be moved back slightly on the longer leg.
A true discrepancy of greater than 6 mm is considered
signicant in the cyclist, with some athletes unable to tolerate
a difference of 3 mm.
One third to half of the difference
should be corrected. If a rider has excessive malalignment of
the lower extremity, canted shims or wedges can be used. Heel
lifts and most orthotics are not sufcient for cycling as the
driving force is through the metatarsal heads.
Saddle Height
Historical studies on formulas to determine saddle
height have been discussed previously by De Vey Mestdagh.
These formulas are designed to t a rider in the highest seated
position to produce the most power at a minimal aerobic cost
without placing undue stress on the lower extremity. The basic
position is that of an almost fully extended leg when at the
bottom of the pedal stroke.
A formula endorsed by 3-time Tour de France champion
Greg LeMond and his coach, Cyrille Guimard, takes the riders
inseam length in centimeters and multiplies it by 0.883 to
equal the saddle height, measured from the center of the bot-
tom bracket to the top of the saddle
(Fig. 3).
An alternative method is to use knee angle measure-
ments. The knee should be exed 25 to 30 from full exten-
sion, with the pedal in the 6-oclock position
(Fig. 4).
Cyclists who tend to pedal on their toes can tolerate
a higher saddle height, whereas those who pedal by driving
through and dropping their heels will prefer a lower position.
Achilles tendinopathy can result from excessive stretch if the
position is too high or from excessive force in the downstroke
if the saddle is too low.
Saddle Fore-Aft Position
When the pedal is positioned at 3 oclock (forward and
parallel to the ground), a plumb line dropped from the inferior
pole of the patella should hang directly over the pedal axle
(Fig. 5).
Sprinters and time-trialists will adjust their saddle so the
plumb line falls slightly in front of the axle to get on top of the
gear in a more forward position.
Moving the saddle forward lowers saddle height,
whereas moving it backward elevates the saddle. To compete
in a time trial with clip-on aero-bars, a rider with one bike may
move the saddle slightly forward and higher from the usual
road racing position.
Saddle Tilt
Saddle tilt should be close to level or parallel to the
ground. About 60% of body weight can be centered on the
narrow saddle. Saddle sores (skin wounds secondary to bac-
teria, moisture, pressure, and friction), perineal pain and numb-
ness, or impotence may result if the saddle is not wide enough
to support the ischial tuberosities or set to a correct height and
angle. Time-trialists, who ride on aero-bars in a more forward
Received for publication January 2005; accepted May 2005.
From the *New Jersey Sports Medicine and Performance Center LLC,
Gillette, NJ; Sports Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; and
Crozer-Keystones Healthplex Sports Medicine Institute, Springeld, PA.
Reprints: Marc R. Silberman, MD, Director, New Jersey Sports Medicine and
Performance Center LLC, 689 Valley Road, Suite 104, Gillette, NJ 07933.
Copyright 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Clin J Sport Med

Volume 15, Number 4, July 2005 271
exed position, prefer a slight downward tilt to decrease saddle
pressure on the perineum.
Stem and Handlebar Height
Stem height is more of a subjective measurement, but is
extremely important in terms of aerodynamics, power pro-
duction, comfort, and injury prevention. With the hands on
the brake hoods and the arms slightly exed, the torso should
ex to about 45 in relation to a nonsloping top tube
(Fig. 5). When the hands are in the drops, the torso should
ex 60 (Fig. 1). The vertical distance between the top of
the saddle and the top of the stem or bars should be 1 to 3
inches (58 cm) below the saddle, depending on the athletes
(Fig. 3). A recreational rider may prefer to sit
more upright, with a shorter reach and higher placed handle-
bars, for a more comfortable position at the expense of
The rider accounts for 65% to 80% of the total aero-
dynamic drag.
The lower the stem, the more aerodynamic
a rider can be, though at the expense of comfort and power.
An average size male cyclist can decrease his frontal area by
about 30% by moving from the upright touring position to
a racing position in the drops. If forward-exed excessively,
maximal sustainable power is often reduced due to diminished
crank torque through the top of the pedal cycle.
Indurain (5-time Tour de France champion) and Lance
Armstrong (6-time champion) are two notable cyclists with
an upright time-trial position despite the total aerodynamic
Handlebar tilt is a personal preference, but most cyclists
prefer the lower curve and brake hoods to be slightly elevated.
Too often, the bars are tilted downward or the hoods are rotated
low, forcing the athlete to overreach. This may result in over-
use strain, increased pressure on the hands, and loss of power
through the core.
Stem Length or Extension
Equally important in the t of a cyclist is that of upper
body position or extension. The athletes core musculature is
extremely vital to performance. Too short a top tube plus stem
length (Fig. 4) and the rider will be too bunched up. Too long,
and the rider will be too stretched out.
When the rider looks down with the arms slightly bent
and the hands in the drops, the front hub should be obscured by
the transverse part of the handlebars. Also, when the rider is
comfortably in the drops with the elbows exed 60 to 70 and
the knees are at their maximal height and forward position, the
distance between the elbows and knees should be small, 1 to
2 inches (25 cm).
The adjustment of upper body extension is achieved
through changing the stem length. If the frame was properly
tted, the top tube length will allow an optimum position to be
achieved with the use of a 10 to 12 cm stem.
TABLE 1. Static Fit: Order of Adjustments and Recommended Neutral Position
1. Foot-shoe-cleat-pedal interface First metatarsal head lies over pedal spindle
2. Saddle height A. Knee angle exed 25 to 30 short of full extension when the pedal is at the bottom of the downstroke
B. Saddle height, measured from center of bottom bracket to the top of saddle, equal to the riders inseam
length in centimeters multiplied by 0.883
C. Leg extended fully and comfortably (without any pelvis rocking) with heel resting on back of pedal at the
bottom of the downstroke (6-oclock position)
3. Saddle fore-aft Plumb bob dropped from the inferior pole of the patella should fall directly over the pedal spindle, with the cranks
positioned forward and parallel to the ground (9-oclock position)
Note: Recheck saddle height after making fore-aft adjustment
4. Saddle tilt Level to the ground
5. Stem height 0 to 3 inches below the height of the saddle
With the hands on the brake hoods and the arms slightly exed, the torso should ex to 45 in relation to the top tube
With the hands in the drops, the torso and top tube angle should be about 30
6. Stem length or extension With a rider comfortably in the drops with the elbows exed about 20 degrees, and the knees at their maximal height and
forward position, the distance between the elbows and knees should be a small distance, up to 2 inches (make sure
rider can stand and climb without hitting knees against bars)
With the hands in the drops, looking down, the front hub should be obscured by the transverse part of the handlebars
FIGURE 1. Order of the three contact areas to address in a bike
t. Torso exes 60 degrees with hands in the drops. Photo by
Mike Spilker.
272 q 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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Volume 15, Number 4, July 2005
A cyclists performance capacity is determined by three
components: the athletes metabolism, biomechanics, and aero-
dynamics. A dynamic evaluation assesses all three of these
Whereas the ofce examination of the athlete and bi-
cycle is well suited for measuring geometric values, no labo-
ratory investigation can simulate the real-world performance,
balance, and aerodynamic issues that confront the athlete out
on the road. Video analysis, measurement of wattage, heart rate,
and pedal torque comprise a dynamic bike t.
Any adjust-
ments to position can then be re-evaluated in terms of objective
rider physiological measurements. If a stem is lowered to pro-
vide a more aerodynamic position, but the rider is now too
exed to produce power effectively (demonstrated by lower watt-
age, higher heart rate, and/or ineffective pedal torque numbers
or pattern), then the position change was ineffective.
Pedal Torque and Spin Analysis
Muscles involved in the power phase drive the crank
downward in an effort to rotate the crank, whereas the muscles
that are active in the recovery phase are ring primarily to
reduce resistance versus the contralateral propulsive limb. Al-
though most athletes believe they pull up on the pedals while
cycling, this is rare in road cycling during steady-state efforts
and is not essential to an efcient seated pedal stroke.
on elite cyclists during steady-state cycling have shown that
even on the upstroke, the vector of forces is downward in
the opposite direction of the pedal motion.
The leg in the
recovery phase is not lifted as fast as the crank is rotating. The
elite cyclist, however, exhibits reduced negative force during
the upstroke, in addition to decreased time in producing these
There are commercially available tools to evaluate pedal
torque. Spin Scan (Racermate) provides net torque, a multi-
color graphic depiction of one 360 pedal revolution broken
down into 15 segments based on the riders pedaling tech-
nique. An efcient or optimal pedal stroke pattern is felt to be
one with a atter or more even bar graph.
An examination of
national team riders demonstrated that maximal torque during
the downstroke is what differentiated elite athletes from the
recreational rider.
FIGURE 2. Cleat is positioned so rst metatarsal head lies directly over pedal spindle.
FIGURE 3. Lemond-Guimard method
of determining saddle height. Sad-
dle height = 0.883 3 inseam length
in cm. Inseammeasured by placing a
book between legs to simulate sad-
dle and measuring line to mark on
q 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 273
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Volume 15, Number 4, July 2005 Road Bicycle Fit
In terms of bike t, pedal torque appears most useful
when evaluating injured cyclists and implementing drastic
position changes for those riding with aero-bars. Further re-
search needs to be conducted before a pedal torque examina-
tion can be universally recommended.
De Vey Mestdagh
has described cycling posture based
on posture height and posture length. Complaints related to
the lower extremity may be addressed by adjusting the saddle
(posture height), whereas complaints related to the upper
extremities, neck, and back may be addressed by adjusting the
handlebars (posture length). The genital, pelvic, and lumbo-
sacral region all fall in an intermediate area. Knee injuries are
the most common, and by localizing where the knee hurts,
sometimes all that is needed for correction is a small bicycle
adjustment (Tables 2, 3).
Posterior neck pain and scapular discomfort may be
caused by an elongated reach and can be remedied by placing
a rider in a more upright position. Ulnar neuropathy or cyclists
palsy, a common ailment, results from excessive pressure on
the handlebars. Contributing factors may be bars positioned
too low or a saddle too far forward or tilted downward. Hand
symptoms may be rectied by increasing handlebar padding,
changing hand position frequently, adjusting handlebar tilt
and/or height, and rechecking the saddle height. Low back
pain may occur in riders who are overstretched on the bike.
Riding more upright, raising stem height, and shortening stem
length may resolve back discomfort (Table 2).
A saddle too high may lead to lower leg symptoms,
tibialis anterior, or Achilles tendinopathy. A saddle too low,
with excessive heel drop at the bottom of the pedal stroke, may
also cause Achilles pain. Correcting saddle height may ad-
dress these problems. Mortons neuroma or foot neuropathy is
common in cyclists and may be due to cleat position, shoe
tightness, or shoe-sole irregularities (worn sole with cleat bolts
pushing through; Table 2).
Knee pain is the most common ailment of cyclists and
may be due to training error, poor bike t, or both. Anterior
knee discomfort may be due to a saddle position too low or
too far forward in addition to excessive climbing, use of
big gears, or too long a crank arm. Adjusting saddle position
and modifying training can improve conditions such as pa-
tellar tendinosis and patellofemoral pain. Posterior knee pain
may occur if the saddle is too high or too far back. Saddle
adjustment as well as limiting pedal oat can eliminate the
Medial knee pain can develop from outward pointing
toes and/or excessive oat in the pedals and can be addressed
FIGURE 4. Saddle height set so knee angle is 2530 degrees
with pedal in 6 oclock or dead bottom center position. Bert
Webster performing bike t. Photo by Mike Spilker.
FIGURE 5. Saddle fore-aft. When pedal
is in the 3 oclock position, plumb line
dropped from inferior pole of patella
falls directly over pedal spindle. Bert
Webster performing bike t. Photos by
Mike Spilker.
274 q 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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Volume 15, Number 4, July 2005
by changing cleat position and limiting oat. Lateral knee
pain and iliotibial band symptoms may be seen with toes
pointing in and/or excessive oat in the pedals. Appropri-
ate cleat and pedal modications can eliminate lateral pain
(Table 3).
Perineal neuropathy is seen with saddles set too high,
tilted excessively downward or upward, or too narrow to
support the ischial tuberosities. Saddle height and tilt may be
reduced (Table 2).
The sooner the overuse ailment is addressed through
evaluation and modication of training and bike t, the greater
chance of rapid recovery.
Proper bike t is essential for peak performance, com-
fort, safety, and injury prevention. There is no one set of
guidelines or geometric measurements scientically validated
to t an athlete properly. Each athlete must be tted indi-
vidually. Changes should be made during the off-season, one
change at a time, in small increments. The goal is to balance all
of the issues at hand: injury prevention, aerodynamics, com-
fort, and performance. The use of video analysis in con-
junction with objective physiological measurements such as
heart rate, power output and pedal torque has added science to
the art of bicycle t. Whether caring for an elite cyclist or the
weekend warrior, the knowledge and skill to t a cyclist are
useful training tools.
1. Baker A. Medical problems in road cycling. In Gregor RJ, Conconi F, eds.
Road Cycling. Oxford, United Kingdom: Blackwell Sciences Ltd; 2000:
2. Sanderson DJ. The biomechanics of cycling shoes. Cycling Sci. 1990;
September: 2730.
3. De Vey Mestdagh K. Personal perspective: in search of an optimum
cycling posture. Appl Ergon. 1998;29:325334.
4. LeMond G, Gordis K. Greg LeMonds Complete Book of Bicycling. New
York: Perigee Books; 1987.
5. Burke ER. Serious Cycling. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2002.
6. Holmes J, Pruitt A, Whalen A. Lower extremity overuse in bicycling. In
Mellion MB, Burke ER, eds. Clinics in Sports Medicine. Vol. 13(1). Bicycle
TABLE 2. Overuse Injuries, Contributing Bicycle Posture, and Bicycle Adjustments
Ailment Contributing Position Bicycle Adjustment
Posterior neck pain, scapular pain
for clarity
Too great of a reach, handlebars too low,
too stretched out
1. Ride more upright, shorten reach
2. Raise stem height
3. Shorten stem length
4. Ride with hands on hoods or tops of bars
Hand neuropathy (cyclists palsy,
ulnar nerve)
Too much pressure on bars, handle bars
too low, saddle too far forward, excessive
downward saddle tilt
1. Increase padding on bars and gloves
2. Avoid prolonged pressure, change hand position often
3. Raise stem height
4. Move saddle back if too far forward
5. If saddle is tilted down, position it level
Low back pain Too stretched out 1. Ride more upright, shorten reach
2. Raise stem height
3. Shorten stem length
Tibialis anterior tendonopathy Saddle height too high Lower saddle height
Achilles tendonopathy Saddle height too high (excessive stretch) Lower saddle height
Saddle height too low (with concomitant
dropping of heel to generate more power)
Raise saddle height
Mortons neuroma/foot pain/numbness Cleat position Usually, move cleat back, but may be forward
Irregular sole Check sole for inner wear or cleat bolts pressing inward
Shoes too tight Wider shoes, loosen Velcro straps/shoe buckle
Perineal numbness Saddle too high Lower saddle height
Tilt angle excessively up or down Adjust angle closer to level with the ground
TABLE 3. Bicycle Adjustment Based on the Location of
Knee Pain
Location Causes Bicycle Adjustment
Anterior Seat too low Raise seat
Seat too far forward Move seat back
Climbing too much Reduce climbing
Big gears, low rpm Spin more
Cranks too long Shorten cranks
Medial Cleats: toes point out Modify cleat position: toe in
Consider oating pedals
Floating pedals Limit oat to 5
Exiting clipless pedals Lower tension
Feet too far apart Modify cleat position: move closer
Shorten bottom bracket axle
Use cranks with less offset
Lateral Cleats: toes point in Modify cleat: toe out
Consider oating pedals
Floating pedals Limit oat to 5
Feet too close Modify cleat position: apart
Longer bottom bracket axle
Use cranks with more offset
Shim pedal on crank 2 mm
Posterior Saddle too high Lower saddle
Saddle too far back Move saddle forward
Floating pedals Limit oat to 5
Reprinted with permission.
q 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 275
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Volume 15, Number 4, July 2005 Road Bicycle Fit
injuries: prevention and management. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 1994:
7. Hughes J. Dr. Andy Pruitt on Bike Fit. Available at: http://www. Reprinted from Ultra Cycling,
About Ultracycling Magazine.
8. Armstrong L, Carmichael C. The Lance Armstrong Performance Program.
Emmaus: Rodale Press; 2000:3536.
9. Gregor RJ, Conconi F, Broker JP. Biomechanics of road cycling. In Gregor
RJ, Conconi F, eds. Road Cycling. Oxford, United Kingdom: Blackwell
Sciences Ltd; 2000:1839.
10. Drake S. Dynamic Bike Fit With the CompuTrainers Spin Scan Takes the
Guesswork out of Positioning. Available at: http://www.computrainer.
11. Faria IE, Cavanagh PR. The Physiology and Biomechanics of Cycling.
New York: Wiley; 1978.
12. Broker JP, Gregor RJ. Cycling biomechanics. In Burke ER, ed. High Tech
Cycling. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 1996:145146.
13. Broker JP. Cycling biomechanics: road and mountain. In Burke ER, ed.
High Tech Cycling. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2003.
14. Baker A. Bicycling Medicine. NewYork : Fireside, Simon and Schuster, 1998.
276 q 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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Volume 15, Number 4, July 2005

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