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urpose: 1o pay LrlbuLe Lo a person, place, ob[ecL or absLracL ldea

Length: 6 - 7 mlnuLes (yes, l wlll be Llmlng you)

o|nts: 100 polnLs (ouL of a LoLal 700 avallable ln Lhe class)
AbouL 14 of your LoLal class grade

Spec|f|c kequ|rements:

ln Lhls speech, you wlll choose a person, a place, an ob[ecL or absLracL ldea Lo pay LrlbuLe Lo. 1hls may also be a LoasL, a eulogy or
besL man/mald of honor speech. 1he purpose of Lhls speech ls for you Lo demonsLraLe your knowledge of Lhe power of creaLlve
language Lechnlques and Lo pracLlce Lhe arL of ceremonlal speaklng. 1he creaLlve use of arLful, descrlpLlve language and Lhe use of
language resources such as repeLlLlon, parallel sLrucLure, anLlLhesls, meLaphor, slmlle, alllLeraLlon, eLc. wlll be lncorporaLed lnLo Lhls
speech Lo demonsLraLe Lhe connecLlon beLween Lhe creaLlve and emoLlve power of our words. 1h|s speech shou|d be 6-7 m|nutes |n
?ou are requlred Lo lncorporaLe Lhe Lechnlques of |dent|f|cat|on and magn|f|cat|on lnLo your speech ln order Lo emphaslze shared
values, emoLlons, memorles, moLlves and culLure as well as Lo malnLaln focus on Lhe relevanL, honorable and pralseworLhy
characLerlsLlcs of your chosen person, place, ob[ecL or absLracL ldea.
8emember you are paylng LrlbuLe Lo your Loplc, so speclflc examples and shorL sLorles are greaL for supporLlng your lnformaLlon ln a
way LhaL enhances credlblllLy buL more lmporLanLly LhaL demonsLraLes whaL you are saylng ln a way LhaL creaLes lnLeresL for your
audlence, helps us undersLand Lhe Loplc and lLs slgnlflcance and beLLer commemoraLes your chosen Loplc. lL also can be a greaL way
Lo lncrease your eLhos and paLhos. ln a Lulogy you mlghL Lell a brlef sLory or an example Lo demonsLraLe Lhe lndlvldual's characLer,
quallLles, lnfluence or how Lhey lmpacLed you and oLhers.
Make sure your speech ls easy Lo follow ln Lerms of sLrucLure, organlzaLlon and clarlLy

8e sure Lo lncorporaLe Lhe use of language sLraLegles as menLloned above (refresh yourself on Lhose language sLraLegles by
revlewlng Lhe LexLbook)

MeeL Lhe needs and baslc expecLaLlons of a LrlbuLe speech

Cverall, pay LrlbuLe Lo Lhe speclflc Loplc chosen and connecL wlLh your audlence as Lhough Lhey were paylng LrlbuLe Loo

SLrong dellvery ls kL? Lo success, please be well prepared and exLemporaneous ln dellvery

1hls needs Lo be a 18l8u1L speech (honorlng your Loplc). ?ou are noL Lo glve a roasL, afLer dlnner speech, accepLance,
presenLaLlon, lnLroducLlon speech or a moLlvaLlonal speech.

8efer Lo your LexLbook and Lhe class webslLe for examples of Speclal Cccaslon Speeches and for addlLlonal reference

8emember you wlll need Lo submlL a full senLence ouLllne wlLh Lhls speech

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