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Eveiy 7 minutes a chilu is bullieu. !"#$ &'(' )$*+,-.$/- 01 234-56$7
1 in 7 stuuents is eithei a bully oi a victim of bullying. !888'$936+-50/'60.7
16u,uuu stuuents stay home fiom school eveiy uay foi feai of bullying. !:+-50/+; <44065+-50/ 01 (6#00;
Imagine millions of stuuents anu teacheis acioss Ameiica ).0"1("% 9#? @&0"%* to uemonstiate theii
commitment to putting an enu to bullying. 0n E?(105F G05 HF HIJ= 0. JH 26/6 !<:, that image will become a
ieality as we all stop, stanu anu let the woilu know we will no longei toleiate bullying in oui schools anu oui
Let's use peei piessuie foi something positive anu biing attention to bullying, a seiious issue that affects
eveiyone - bullies, victims anu bystanueis.
KL!,D Let's make histoiy on <.0"1=>&0"%* 805 by stanuing togethei foi five minutes, uniteu against
bullying on E?(105F G05 H 0. JH MG !<:.
KL!N!D Eveiy classioom, in eveiy school in Ameiica.
KLOD If stuuents in eveiy school acioss the nation P<.0"1=>&0"%*Q on Nay 2, they will not only set the
iecoiu as the laigest gioup of people stanuing foi a single cause at one time, they will uiaw national attention
to this ciitical issue.
LRKD visit www.stanu4change.oig anu iegistei youi school as a paiticipant in Stanu4Change Bay on Fiiuay,
Nay 2.

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