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Activity Date Topics to be covered

Reading and analysis of

August 22nd
Poetry and inspiration, descriptive skills,
hypothesis of interpretation, social and
cultural contexts, aesthetical dimension
on art, establishment of artistic and
ideoligical relations.
Reading and analysis of
sportive chronicles
August 25th
Hypothesis of interpretation, social and
cultural contexts, acknowledge of women
in social, cultural, and personal fields.
Reading and analysis of
August 27th
Descriptive skills, hypothesis of
interpretation, establishment of artistic
and ideoligical relations, establishment of
artistic and ideoligical relations.
Watch, analyse and
discuss about a video
August 29th
Descriptive skills, hypothesis of
interpretation, establishment of artistic
and ideoligical relations, establishment of
artistic and ideoligical relations.
Play a soccer match August 31st
Planification of a physical activity, use of
corporal techniques for getting an
objective, use of sportive tactics, use of
free time.
Share final products September 2nd Colaborative learning, creative skills
Readings Assignments
One Look by Ashley
In the poem, identify
the voice's intention
Essays about soccer written
by scholars
Examine the parts of
the texts and its
function around its
The Never-Before Told Story
of the Biggest Soccer Fan
by Jos Hernndez
Determine the
actantial pattern in the
short story
artistical work by Zoran
Lucic. Available in
Debate the psychology
of color theory
Read the game
Represent their own
experience during the
game through a poem,
a chronicle, a short
story or a video.
The students' texts
Read and analyse the
products of the other
students after the

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