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and clamping stationary worpi!c!s to t"! mac"in! ta#l!s$ t"! location o% t"! worpi!c! is not
a%%!ct!d #y t"! &ariation in diam!t!rs$ and %'rt"!r location and clamping can #! accomplis"!d
('icly and r!adily )ig. *+.,.
-. .o'tio%t fr01lt Irregular Sur/lias. / t"! dim!nsions o% t"! worpi!c! &ary %rom part
to part and %'rt"!r i% t"! s'r%ac! is ro'g"$ t"! s'r%ac! may #! consid!r!d to #! an irr!g'lar
s'r%ac!. 0astings %orgings$ and w!ldm!nts ar! typical !1ampl!s o% irr!g'lar s'r%ac!s.
)or %lat and g!om!trically tr'! irr!g'lar s'r%ac!s sam! locating m!t"ods as t"os! 's!d.%or
'plan!.anJ drc'lar s'r%ac!s may #! !mploy!d.
2"! 'n!&!nn!ss o% t"! irr!g'lar s'r%ac! do!s not allow mor! t"an t"r!! points o% contact.
/ mor! t"an t"r!! points o% contact ar! 's!d t"! worpi!c! will d!%orm 'nd!r t"! clamping
pr!ss'r! and t"!r!%or! it #!com!s imp!rati&! to 's! ad3'sta#l! r!st pins or !('li4ors to
comp!nsat! %or t"! 'n!&!nn!ss o% t"! worpi!c!.
In t"! a#o&! disc'ssion a#o't t"! location o% t"! irr!g'lar s'r%ac!s$ location "as #!!n
consid!r!d in on! plan! only. .ocation in t"! two r!maining plan!s is to #! don! in a similar
2"! location ar! 's'ally ad3'sta#l! to allow %or dim!nsional irr!g'larity.
*+.,. .O0A2ION im25ODS AND DE6I0ES
Sp!ci%ic locating m!t"ods "a&! #!!n d!alt wit" "!r!. 7ass prod'c!d locators ar! c"!ap!r
and !%%ort s"o'ld #! mad! to s!l!ct t"os! m!t"ods t"at r!('ir! standard locating d!&ic!s.
1. Pi... or Rest Butto................8ins ar! 's!d %or location %rom ro'g" s'r%ac!s and t"!y s'pport
t"! worpi!c! #!n!at" t"! clamps$ )ig. *+.9 and *+.: s"ow t"! )i1!d and Ad3'sta#l! 8ins
Fig. 28.5. Rest Pin (Fixed Fig. *+.:. Rest Pin (!"#fusta$le
r!sp!cti&!ly. All s'pporting pins can #! !it"!r ro'nd "!ad!d or %lat "!ad!d$ t"! %orm!r #!ing
's!d %or location %rom a ro'g" s'r%ac! and t"! latt!r %rom a mac"in!d s'r%ac!. .
)ig. *+.7 s"ows a spring load!d ad3'sta#l! locator pin in w"ic" t"! pin positions its!l%
&!rtically and clamp!d in position #y an arrang!m!nt pro&id!d in it.
*. %&lindri"al lo"ators. )ig. *+.+ s"ows cylindrical locators$ t"!s! #!ing 's!d w"!n r!am!d
or %inally %inis"!d "ol!s ar! a&aila#l! %or positioning p'rpos!. 2"! point!d locators )ig.
*+.+ A$5 %adlitat! t"! corr!ct positioning o% t"! worpi!c! #y t"! op!rator. 2"! pins s"own in
)gry%#r"%#r!g%yrg%yrc##cyg%ry%gyrg%ya!%## "d)ig. *+.+. 0 ar! 's!d %or "!a&y worpi!c!s.
3. Rest Pads R!st pads )ig. *+.; ar! 's!d to s'pport and locat! t"! larg! and "!a&i!r
worpi!c!s. 2"!y ar! "!ld to %i1t'r! #as! plat! #y a soc!% cap scr!w <as s"own in t"!
R!st plat!s ar! !ss!ntially r!st 8ads wi> larg!r #!aring s'r%ac!s and ar! 's!d to s'pport
larg!r parts on pr!&io'sly mac"in!d s'r%ac!s. 2o r!d'c! t"! #!aring ar!a$ r!st plat!s ar!
som!tim!s groo&!d$ t"si %'rt"!r pro&id!s spac! %or t"! small c"ips$ w"ic" may a%%!ct t"!
o% location o% t"! worpi!c!. 2"! !dg! o% t"is groo&! s!r&!s as a c"ip cl!an!r to scrap! t"!
%rom locating s'r%ac!s w"!n t"! worpi!c! is slid o&!r t"!m.

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