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Lesson Plan

Lain Alex ADAM - Student Teacher Lesson Plan Murdoch University

Day: Wednesday
Class: Room 3
Subject: Environment

Date: 20
August 2014
No. of Students: 5-6
Year Level: Year 2/3
Topic: Antarctica
Start Time:
Finish Time:
Students Prior Knowledge and Experience:
From worksheets basic knowledge of climate, geographic location, some activities

Learning Purposes:

- To understand open and closed
- To develop their own open
- To be able to respond to and
answer a variety of questions

Student Evaluation:

Students will participate in a short
discussion about the topic demonstrating
their understanding of the types of
questions and contributing several
possibilities for answers to the questions.

Preparation and Resources:

- Question sheet [for student teacher]
- A little research to develop knowledge on subject [for student teacher]
- Pencil and paper for each student
- Table and chairs
- Any appropriate visuals
- Whiteboard or large piece of paper/card
- Textas/coloured pencils

13:15 - 13:18
(3 mins)

13:18 - 13:25
(7 mins)

13:25 - 13:35
(10 mins)
Explanation of lesson what will be happening
take students participating (5-6) aside
convey what is expected
give brief examples of closed and open questions
hand paper and pencils to each student

Main Body
Engagement of lesson as per explanation
Students write down 2-3 open questions each on their paper
Students will then be asked to share their questions with student teacher
and the group and favourite or most relevant questions will be written as
a heading on either a whiteboard or a large sheet of paper.

Discussion answering/contributing to questions
Students will take turns to answer one of the questions written (not their
own ones) and answers will be written underneath the appropriate
heading on the board or paper

- Each student should be able to get about 2 minutes each to come up with their
answers, others can think about theirs whilst they wait for their turn to discuss the topic.
- Student teacher may need to get the discussion started to break the ice and get ideas
flowing or hurry it along so that each student gets their turn.

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