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Rabbit Gets Lost

Rabbit was in his garden, harvesting carrots. Suddenly rabbit fell

on his back. The carrots in his hands scattered. Rabbit looked at
Tigger and sighed.
Oh, Tigger, Rabbit said, Can you sto bouncing!
"o, Tigger answered, #ouncing is $y %ob.
&n the afternoon, Rabbit saw 'iglet and 'ooh. (e $ust $ake Tigger
wary. Rabbit said.
#ut how! asked 'ooh.
(e invite hi$ to walk across the wood, Rabbit said, )nd let hi$
That*s not good. (e $ay not do that. 'ooh said
+on*t worry, Rabbit said, (e*ll find hi$.
,e will be wary. )nd he will be olite. ,e will not bounce any$ore.
,e will be sorry. ,e said again.
The ne-t $orning, 'ooh, 'iglet, Rabbit and Tigger went walking. The
weather was cold and hu$id. The $ist was dense. They couldn*t see
the street.
#ut Tigger didn*t get trouble. ,e bounced briskly, breaking the $ist.
Tigger overtook his friends. ,e bounced into the wood.
,urry, Rabbit shouted, let*s hide. .et hi$ lost. Rabbit hid. 'iglet
and 'ooh followed hi$.
"ot long after that, Tigger ca$e. ,ello, friends/ Tigger yelled,
(here are you!
Tigger bounced away. ,ooray/ Rabbit cheered, ,e*s gone. 0uick,
let*s go ho$e
&t*s funny. 1verything looks the sa$e in the $ist Rabbit said.
& think we have assed this sandy it, 'iglet said.
That*s right, 'ooh said
2ortunately, & know this wood Rabbit said, &f not, we*ll be lost.
'iglet felt cold. ,e thought they had been lost. +on*t worry, Rabbit
said. 2ollow $e.
They followed hi$. They ket walking. )nd again they ca$e back to
the sandy it.
& got an idea, 'ooh said (hen we tried to find the way ho$e, we
found this sandy it. 3aybe, if we try to find this sandy it, we can
find the way ho$e.
+on*t be silly, Rabbit said if & walk away this it, and back again, &
will find this it again.
Rabbit went away to rove it. 'ooh and 'iglet waited Rabbit in the
sandy it. They waited for a long ti$e. 'ooh*s sto$ach got ru$ble.
& a$ hungry, 'ooh said. (e $ust go ho$e and have lunch.
#ut we do not know the way ho$e 'iglet re$inded.
There are twelve %ars of honey in $y shelf, 'ooh said. They call $e
to go ho$e. .et*s follow the sign fro$ $y sto$ach.
On the way, 'iglet and 'ooh crashed Tigger. (here have you been!
Tigger asked. )nd where*s the long ears!
& think he got lost 'ooh answered.
+on*t worry, Tigger said. &*ll find hi$. ,e bounced into the wood.
The $ist was getting denser. The wood was getting darker. Rabbit
really scared. Suddenly, rabbit heard a sound. &t was Tigger.
Tigger, & think you get lost Rabbit shouted.
Oh, Tigger never get lost Tigger answered.
Rabbit held Tigger*s tail. Tigger led Rabbit ho$e. "ow, Rabbit felt so
leased to $eet Tigger again.

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