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State of Connecticut

Windham Technical High School

210 Birch Street. Willimantic, CT 06226
(860) 456-3879 ext. 374
Bin Gao, Mathematics Instructor
Advanced Algebra Grading Policy

Student grades are based upon and determined by:

Quizzes 25%
Tests (100 pts each) 30%
Class-work 30%
Homework 10%
Class preparation and participation 5%
Students must come to class prepared to work with their textbook, notebook,
graph paper, pencil, calculator, agenda planner, and any other materials the
instructor requires.

**Three District Summative Assessments (DSAs) will be given during the school year.
The DSA will be counted as a regular test.

**There will be four quarters instead of three trimesters in one school year. You have to
earn 240 points to pass the math class for the year.

All categories and percentages are subject to change based on CTHSS recommendations.

Because Math is sequential and can be learned by practice, it is important that all
assignments be completed on time. In order to get full credit, assignments must be
completed by the due date (usually the next scheduled class following the day it is
assigned). Students will be expected to make up work missed by an absence according to
the student handbook.
If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at the above email or telephone
** All important documents are posted on my teachers website:

Please sign and return the portion below by September 3, 2014.

We have read and understand the Math Grade Policy stated above.

Student: Date:

Parent/Guardian: Date:

Parent phone: or Parent email:
Class Expectation
Make-Up Work : Responsibility
For legitimate absences, all work must be made up in a timely fashion. This includes class
assignments and quizzes. If you fail to meet this expectation, you will receive a zero.

Extra Help: Responsibility
If you do not understand something, please ask! You may be the brave one
that asks the question that everyone else is thinking of! Remember--The only
stupid question is the one that you do not ask !If you need extra help, please
see me at the end of class to make arrangements. Do not wait until the last minute!

Tardiness- Responsibility
By the time the bell rings you should be in your seat ready to work; I will begin class with the bell.
& 2nd tardy = warning; 3
tardy and up = 30 minutes detention.

Uniform- Responsibility
You are expected to be in uniform, displaying your ID badge every day.

Retake Tests & Quizzes
No retaking opportunities will be given except for reasonable excuses. No help
will be given during the tests and quizzes, so please dont ask questions
such as, I forgot how to do it. Can you help me? Study before the tests!

Bathroom Pass Responsibility
As a common courtesy, please ask permission after the teacher finishes teaching.
You will have one chance each class. .

Cell Phone and Various Electronic Devices: Community
It is proper etiquette to turn all cell phones to an off/silent mode during class time. As a common
courtesy, please refrain from using your electronics during class.

Required Materials: Responsibility
Everyday, you are required to come to class with a pen/pencil, calculator, and a notebook.

Classroom Respect
Everyone in my classroom is expected to behave in a respectful manner. If you fail to do so,
certain actions will be taken.
Any student who wastes class time may be required to serve a detention after school of a variable
length. Some interruptions may be sent to the administration immediately.

Food & Drink Responsibility
You are expected to finish eating and drinking in the cafeteria. No food or drinks are allowed in
the classroom except water.

Agenda Policy - Responsibility
You are required to use your agenda to write daily objectives, daily assignments, projects, and
upcoming tests or quizzes. Also, you have to use your agenda as a pass to go to the bathroom, or
have a drink, etc.

Check teachers webpage Responsibility
Please check my webpage for the information about daily assignments, projects, tests, quizzes, and
other important resources related to your class.

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