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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Aeronautics and Space Administration better known as NASA. It is the USA
government agency responsible of the space programs. NASA was created on October 1 in 1958
and presented by the Congress and the President of USA, Dwight David Eisenhower, with the
following words An act to provide for research into the problems of flight within and outside the
Earths atmosphere, and for other purposes, Its principal purpose was related to the pressures of
national defense, because of the Cold War with the soviet Union. In this period space exploration
became a contest and it was known as the space race.
NASA has accomplished a lot of scientific and technological achievements and represents a
leading force in scientific research in aerospace exploration. Ay it
NASA wanted to include manned and unmanned programs into its achievements, in that
way it can be mentiored 3 main programs.
The first program was called Mercury which started in 1958 with the objective of
discovering if men could survive in space. On May 5 in 1961 Alan B. Shepard became the first
American astronaut that piloted the Mercury Capsule the spacecraft was called Freedom 7. Its
flight lasted 15 min. Four years later John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth on
February 20 in 1962 in a Flight called Friendship 7. Mercury project made three more orbital flights
after friendship 7. The last one in 1963.
Project Geminis main purpose were conducting experiments and developing and practicing
technique needs for lunar mission. Between 1965 and 1966. Were ten flights that provided NASA
with more information about weightlessness. On June 3 in 1965 Edward H. Write become the first
American to go on a spacewalk.
Gemini had four objective:
1. To train aeronauts for long flights because this was a requirement for later trips to the
2. To divelop methods between spacecrafts and to help caught vehicles in space.
3. To improve methods of.
4. To gather additional information of the weightlessness and to record the physiological
reactions of crew members during long flights.
Project Apollo one of the biggest goals of NASA was to explore the Moon. On May 2 in 1961
Apollo became a priority. NASA spent eleven years to carry out this project. They spent 25.4 billon
to make it real.
In October 1968, Apollo 7 oriented Earth. Apollo 8 was the first satellite to orbited the Moon.
However, on July 20, 1969 Neil Amstrom steped onto the moons super face, Thats on small step
for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind

Para poder desarrollar estos proyectos, la NASA creo distintos satlites artificiales con el fin de
poder lograr observar y registrar lo que ocurre en el universo. Entre estos destacan:
EXPLORER 1: Fue el primer satlite enviado al espacio por la NASA, fue lanzado el 31 de
enero de 1958 en respuesta del lanzamiento de Sputnik (Lanzamiento de la Unin
Sovitica). Descubri los cinturones de radiacin que rodean la Tierra.
LUNA ORBITER: Fue lanzado el 10 de agosto de 1966 y tomo las primeras fotografas de la
Tierra desde la Luna.
SKYLAB: Orbit la Tierra desde el ao 1973 hasta el ao 1979, fue lanzado por un cohete
llamado Saturno V con el cual se obtenan fotos de la tierra y confirmarion la existencia de
agujeros en la capa de ozono.
DART: Fue lanzado el 15 de abril de 2005 mediante un cohete Pegasus Xl , estaba diseado
para desarrollar y demostrar capacidades de navegacin y encuentro autnomas en naves
no tripuladas.
KEPLER: Fue lanzado el 6 de mazo de 2009, en el cohete Delta II, permitio el
descubrimiento de nuevos planetas con un tamao parecido al de la Tierra.

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