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Saras Weekly Friday Newsletter

August 29, 2014
The second week of school included an informal reading and math benchmark assessment. We
also started small reading groups. Whole group reading included Jen the Hen for the short vowel
e sound, but we also incorporated science by studying hens and birds. We even took a nature walk
during science lab and gathered material to make our very own nests. Please ask your child to share
a few facts about hens or to retell the story about Jen and how she found the right home to live in.
For character building we read and discussed Strega Nona. Please ask your child to share the
story and the moral. As always, feel free to contact me with questions or concerns and never
hesitate to come into our classroom.

Respectfully Yours,
Ms. Sara
Skype: Sara,northern1

Help At Home
How many steps do you think it would take to get from the front door to your bedroom? Next
count the actual steps, or Lets make a schedule of your day.

Student Quote
James: You know what I like most about school? ...The math car game.
Eduardo: Oh.. Strega Nona, Abuela Strega NonaPasta!

I administered informal assessments in reading and math. I will be administering different
informal assessments and observations to ensure each childs learning needs are being met.
We have started our interactive Science, Social Studies, and Math journal curriculum.
I have also started a digital portfolio. This will be accompanied with the classroom portfolio.
This week we discussed feathers. Next week we will discuss scales. This will also be our
introduction into our ocean unit.
This week our class chose to act out the story Strega Nona, featuring Tekla as Strega Nona, Presley
as Strega Amelia, LuzMari as the Sister, James as the Mayor, and Eduardo as Big Anthony. We
finished by writing our own pasta sauce recipes. Now the class is asking for a pasta meal one day

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