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Grade Outside Reading

Overview The main idea is that you need to always have (at least) a book you are reading
on your own outside of class. What you must understand above all, however, is
that reading is a very important part of this class and my evaluation of your work
as a student.

Philosophy The philosophy behind the outside reading requirement is quite simple:

The more you read, the more you know.
Reading is fun, especially if you choose what you read.
The more you read, the better your vocabulary, the higher your test scores, the
better you think in all your classes and situations.
You need to choose your own books whenever possible, guided only by your
interests and needs at the time.
It is okay to abandon a book if it is dull or too difficult and get another onejust
talk to me first.
If you love to read you will never be bored!

You must read 800 pages if you are in English 8 and 1,100 pages if you are in
Honors. This will likely add up to 2-4 booksdepending on the length.
Books you will read later at SFC do not count nor do books you have already
You must always have a book you are reading outside of class.
I expect you to always have your book with you; I will designate specific days
when we will all read silently as a class.
Do not save your outside reading until the due date.
You must complete an assignment for each book you read. (Discussed later)
They must be books appropriate to your age, interests, and ability.
Parent permission is required.

Important Note: I have many excellent books I would be happy to recommend to you. My
ultimate recommendation, however, is to be sure you find a book you are really interested in
reading. What I know is this: reading well is the price of admission to success in school, work,
and life: it enriches your life, strengthens your mind, and helps you understand yourself and

Book Ideas
This list below does not even scrape the surface as to the authors you can choose. Go to for more ideas. Please note that not all of the books on this site are
recommended for your outside reading projectbut it is merely a resource to get you started. Also, go to your
public library and go to the young adult section (there is a public library at Earl Warrenright down the
streetit has an awesome young adult section!!!)

Choose your book by ______________ and have your parent sign the release form below.

Some ideas:

Austen, Jane. Any Book
Bradbury, Ray.
Bronte, Emily. Any Book
Christie, Agatha. And then there were none
Dickins, Charles
Funke, Cornelia.
Kadohoata, Cynthia.
Kipling, Rudyard.
*Lewis, C.S. Any Book.
LEngle, Madeleine. A Wrinkle in Time
London, Jack.
Lowry, Lois. Any book but The Giver.
Patterson, James.
Paulson, Gary. My Life in Dog Years.
Peck, Richard.
Peck, Robert. A Day No Pigs Would Die.
Rang, Ayn.

Rawls, Wilson. Where the Red Fern Grows

*Rivers, Francine. Redeeming Love & others
Sacher, Louis.
Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation, Chew on This
Speare, Elizabeth George.
Spinelli, Jerry. Stargirl, other books
Tolkein, J.R.R. The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings series
Twain, Mark. Adventures of Tom Sawyer*no honors
Verne, Jules. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,
Around the World in Eighty Days,
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Wells, Herbert George.
Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief, I am The Messenger,

*Books by Christian authors are encourage
Permission Slip
I, ____________________________________ give my child, ___________________________
Parent name childs name

permission to read __________________________________________________________ and
title of first book

__________________________ and __________________ by ___________________________.
title of second book* title of third book (optional) author of books

I understand that if my child chooses to switch books, I will email Mrs. Burkholder to let her
know that I have approved this change.

____________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of parent Date

*How many pages do ALL books add up to? ______ Is this less than the required amount? (circle one) YES NO

Twitter Book Reviews
Write the name of each outside reading book in the box. Then challenge yourself to write a book review
in 140 characters (that includes spaces). This is a useful link that will count characters for you See Mrs. Bs examples below:

Epic battle with fish leaves Christ-like figure bleeding 55
and exhausted. Rich in biblical allusion
Dystopian world. Oppressive leader force teens to battle to death.
Also, _love is confusing for strong teen girl while trying to survive





The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
By C.S. Lewis
The Hunger Games
By Suzanne Collins
Epic sea journey to the ends of the earth to save Narnia. Dragons, battles,
kidnapping, illusion, spells, etc. Rich in biblical allusion. (138 characters)
Dystopian world. Oppressive leader force teens to battle to death.Even still,
love is confusing for strong teen girl while trying to survive (140 characters)

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