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Topic : Nutritional Deficiencies

Submitted by
Reshma Rillison.R.J
Natural Science
Candidate code :13359016

1. Which nutrient helps boadly activates ?
Ans : Vitamins
2. The nutrient that helps growth ?
Ans :Protein
3. The food that contains all nutrients in the correct propotion is
Ans : Balance Diet
4. Cereals provide the body
Ans : Energy
5. .............are energy giving nutrients .
Ans : Fats
6. ............... caused as a result of deficiency of vitamine D.
Ans : Rickets
7. Goitre is a desease caused by the deficiency of ..........
Ans :Iodine
8. Which is the desease caused by the deficiency of Iorn
Ans : Anaemia
9. Kwashiorkor is a ......................deficiency desease
Ans : Protein
10. Name a balanced Diet ?
Ans :Milk

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