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Pride Leader

Dinner set, Seating set, Slaa incenses burning, artificial pheromones

applied to serval Ladies, we are all set.

Its going to be a wild night for you girls.

You could join us. SsErcace, as well as Lisa are.

I wish I could, but the doctors said Marks size could really hurt the kits. So
I have to sit it out.

His size? How could that be a factor?

Oh you will find out tonight. With all the pheromones that are being built up
in here, youll be lucky to make it thru dinner.

Its going to be fun!

I hope so. With all this planning and him spending the last four days doing
nothing but working.

Thats why I keep the Slaa in stock, Mark will work himself into a frenzy. So
once in awhile we have a special dinner for him. And why if you notice
there is never males in here, even his War Lords will not enter.

What about the kits?

Theyre in the nursery for the night, all happily tucked in and sleeping by
now. Sarah is even taking her dinner in there. Shes happily expecting kits

Oh you girls are going to be so sore tomorrow.

Sore, why would we be sore?

Because we know what to expect, and you are in for one hell of a shock
once the Slaa gets to him.

Oh Im going to miss all the fun.

I notice youre not giving up your seat next to him.

Hell no, I may be out of the games, but Im willing to enjoy every moment of
fondling I get from sitting next to him

Hes on his way.

Thank you Luna, Everybody, Seats and get ready.


So you are going to be my runner now, its a simple job and all you have to
do is pick up and drop off items on Luna.

I believe I can do that.

I set it up with Luna that if you get lost all you have to do is to touch any
display and she will put up pointers to where you should be going next.

I will do my best.

Thats all I ask, and I have asked Ioi to make arrangements to teach you
how to read and write.

Read and write? Youre going to teach me how to read!

Its needed in life, How would you ask Luna a question if you couldnt write
it out. You are going to get the best education I can get you, Just like the
triplets. You will learn as much as possible.

Thank you. You dont know how much this means.

The doors open to Marks Dining room. Smells of a great meal rush over
them, The Slaa invade Marks sense, Flowers smiles knowing what she
smells, Slaa, an artificial pheromone that will drive any male to mating. And
the room full of it. Flower notices all the candles around the room and the
perfumes. She knows there are females in here just wanting him to notice
them tonight. As they walk in Ioi grabs Flowers elbow and turns her over to
a private screen off area.

I know you can smell it. Would you like some pheromones perfume on

Can I please? I wouldnt want to miss the fun.

Okay lift your muzzle < Sprays some on her neck > And now your skirt and
remove your panties.

I dont wear panties.

I should have known. <Sprays more on her crouch> Now go find your seat
and enjoy the night.

Thank you, your highness.


On the War Ship Victory Sun rise:

Lt, Get the Vuujk to cover our Portside,

Sir, the Vuujk has been rammed and boarded. Shes calling for help!

Get the Wolf Strike to assist her, have Blome take our port side!

Sir, The Douhed are ramming all the ships, We have two in bound!


He is feeling it, Just look at him paw Tina.

Yeap, Shes enjoying every minute of it too.

SsErcace( Giggling ):
If he only knew what causes him to act that way.

Little Rose:
He knows what we are doing.

He knows?

Little Star:
He has known for some time, He enjoys it when you do this.

I should have known he would realize it after the first time.

He knows you do it out of love, not for control.

Tina and Ioi get up and head for the hall leading to the Nursery. They are
followed By Fyyf, they have planned on spending the night in there. All
three are with child, and all been told they shouldnt be sleeping with his
Sire until after they give birth. They go happy. Mark sits there Smiling,
knowing their plan, wondering who will take the first steps in starting things,
Flower comes up from behind him, wraps her arms around him and nuzzles
his neck, letting him get a full whiff of the pheromones on her neck.

Sire, do you think its time to go to the bed chambers?

Do you think any of them can run fast enough to get there first?

Depends, you may have not noticed, but some have already made it in
there already.

Im guessing the Tina, Ioi, And Fyyf are sitting this out and their leave was
a sign to get me in the room?

Hard to hide the truth from you Sire.

As Mark follows Flower to the room, He cant help but to watch her tail
being held high and ass swish from side to side in the most erotic way
possible. As Mark enters the room, Flower slips off to one side, right at the
foot of the bed, bent over with their tails held high is Huug and Waarm, both
have their ankles tied to a bed post and each other, Arms out stretched and
tied, Gags in their muzzles and blind folds on. Everyone else is in a state of
undress, giggling as they see Mark Smile, All wondering what one getting it
first. And all ready for their turn.

Ioi said you might like that. Now lets get you comfortable and out of your

Now that is a beautiful sight. Who are the lucky ladies?

Now, now, you will have to figure that out Sire.

Just because theyre bound doesnt mean you have to touch them first.

Now thats an idea Flower. Maybe I should let them listen as I pick
someone else to play with first.

<Spying some extra ropes on the floor Mark picks it up, walks over to the
tied pair and grabs Huug tail.>

Humm, Just to make sure theyre always ready, Im going to tie their tails to
the beds over head beam, this way even when they are tired their tail will
be out of the way.

<Mark Wraps Huug tail and tosses the rope over the beam, then ties the
other end to Waarm tail, Mark bends down to Waarm expose pussy and
take a big lap of her, her whole body shudders as Mark eats her out,
moaning thru the gag and shuddering as she cums in waves. Then Mark
shifts to Huug and does the same thing,>

Hummm, they both taste good enough to eat.

<Mark then turns his attention to Flower and spies that she still has her
dress on.>

Humm, I see someone is over dressed, come here my little flower. <Flower
sees Mark undressed for the first time, fully erect, her eyes go wide, never
in all of her life has she even seen one half his size. And now hes looking
right at her like a lion who hasnt eaten in a month. Slowly she moves to
him, hoping she can take what is coming her way tonight. >

Now everybody, it seems no one told flower about the dress code tonight,
what shall I do about it! Be clam, Im not going to hurt you Flower, but I am
going to have some fun with this dress youre wearing.

As you wish Sire. Im ready.

Mark lets a claw be exposed, its razor sharp edge ready, he slowly slices
her dress from top to bottom, Mark than slices thru the shoulder straps and
the dress falls to the floor. Flower stands there nude as the day she was
born, her white belly fur pointing to her pleasures waiting for Mark to
sample. Picking her up and laying her in the bed, Mark proceeds to kiss her
from her lips, down to each nipple, making them rock hard, sending waves
of pleasure thru her, then he reaches her pussy, all wet from excitement
and her clit stand at attention. He begins to lap her up like a hungry cat.
Silent moans turn to screams of pleasure. Her whole body writhing thru the
orgasms. As Mark is kneeling over the bed working on Flower, Kissy crawls
under him with a lotion and applies it to Marks cat hood. Making him as
slick as possible for his next task. Sliding her paws up and down. Rubbing
the lotion in good. Mark rises, lifting Flowers legs and spreading them wide
apart, taking aim for his target and slowly sliding into her, finding her
maidenhood still intact. Pulls back and shove right thru it, she howls as she
becomes an adult. Her body is rocking in orgasms. Lost in the waves of
pleasures, she doesnt even remember when one started and another
ended. After an unknown amount of time she passes out from all the


The next morning, a goddess passes from the shadows in to the realm of
the mortals, standing in Marks bed chambers she sees the aftermath of a
orgy, but not a raw sex orgy, one planned and done out of love.
Somewhere under the mass of lovely females is a god, a living god. Love
smiles, no matter how many time she sees mortals in love, to see the why
these ones love their King, their Living god puts her a much better mood.

Love ( Whispering ):
Mark? You hiding under there somewhere?

Mark ( from behind Love ):
If I said yes, I would be lying.

Love ( Spinning around ):
When! How? I knew you where there awhile ago when I came by earlier.

I was, but I woke up hungry. Now lets slip out before you wake them.

Yes, I hear Roses Gardens are a sight to see at sun rise.

With a thought Mark and Love appear in Roses gardens.

Yes they are lovely, but lovely at all times.

I see you brought a guest Love.

I sure did, I found him after a long night with his females.

And Im betting they all will be really sore this morning. But we have
another that wants to meet with you, So please come. She awaits.


Mark this is Violet, One of my lesser goddesses.

Another Bunny Girl, How cute.

The small goddess looks up at this predator type god, as he towers over
her. Her instincts are screaming to flee. But her mind is telling her if he did
attack she would never get away.

Oh my! No one said you were so large?!

<Mark kneels down, getting as close to eye level with her as possible.>
Well hello there, it is nice to meet you. Rose, your friend is petrified in fear.

Violet, hes not going to hurt you.

Hhhhee going tttooo eeaat meee!?

Oh no, he has to eat us first. And it better be me first!

Mark and Rose break out laughing. Violet stands there with a blank look on
her muzzle. Love whispers the joke into her ear and she blushes.

Now, now, while I do enjoy my meats, I tend not to feed on friends.
Now Rose, why have you brought this poor scare goddess here to meet

Shes an offering of peace, she was Zeuss and put in Roses care until it
was decided, as a peace offering from Zeus to you, she is a goddess under
you at your full command.

There will be another soon, War is looking for his best female war goddess,
and she will be the same, an offering of peace, War and Zeus have
coincided to your power and wish no more conflicts with you. The
Goddesses offered will be the end.

What do I do with a goddess? What shall they do?

Mark, you do as you have always done, you love them and find them a
place in your life. Violet here is a goddess of life, new births and starts.

<Mark looks at the little goddess, and then at Love and Rose. Thinking of
having two lesser goddesses, and how to bring them into his life.>

You know, this is going to get interesting. Now little bunny, tell me what it
all entails. How do you become mine and not tied to Zeus?

I have a branding on me that only you can change, by changing it to yours I
will become yours.

And where is this branding? I have never seen a branding on a goddess

That because most are hidden. Hers is just above her tail. But you can
place it anywhere you like. And from your past, most would expect them all
to be in the same place.

<Mark opens a window to his room. In its view is Waarm sleeping her
branding in plain view.>

Violet, this is where I place my branding, in full view and to always be
displayed. Some take it by a hot iron, others as an enchantment. I give you
two choices, accept my brand, and how do you want it?

<Violet looks over at Rose. She is nervesous. A branding that can be seen,
rare and not used too much anymore, but it is the Goddesses Champion
brand. One to be proud to display, One with a lot of power behind. >
Ill take it. It will have to be an enchantment, you need to remove the other

Show me it, and I will start.

<Violet grabs her dress and pulls it right off over her head. Now standing in
front of Mark. Shaking in fear. Not knowing what to expect, only once
before has she been passed from one god to another, While Zeus is a
human god, he is not a kind god and she has suffered over the years. Her
body showing old whipping marks, and scars. Mark sees this and is
surprised by it.>

He beats you? Why in the world?!

Hes not a kind god Mark. Thats one reason Joy dislikes him. But shes
yours now and youll treat her much better.

<Mark sits on a close by bench and waves Violet over to sit in his lap. As
she does, she feels his love, his powers. While she baths in it, he removes
Zeuss mark. He fills her holy body with divine healing, making all the old
scars leave her, making small changes, adding a few more inches to her
height, changing her coloring from a grey and brown to a pure holy white.
She opens her eyes while looks down at her breast, now white and with
Marks branding displayed proudly on her.>

Wow, he changed her completely!

Hes giving her a new start of her own.

Wow! You know my dress will not fit over these breasts I have now.

Humm maybe not, but I think you look much better this way. < With a wave
of a hand, a Semi-transparent sundress forms on her >
There a dress befitting a goddess.

Mark, if the light is just right, she would appear nude.

And the problem with that is? <He finished with a mischievous grin and a
twinkle in his eyes.>

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