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Sabato 18 Dicembre 2010
Contributi liberi sulle problematiche pi generali della Geograa Medica
Alle ore 11,30, nellAula di Geograa del Dipartimento di Scienze documentarie,
linguistico-lologiche e geograche della Facolt di Filosoa, Lettere, Scienze
umanistiche e Studi orientali sono proseguiti i lavori del Decimo Seminario
Internazionale di Geograa Medica su Salute e solidariet, sotto la Presidenza
del prof. Mark Rosenberg, della Queens University Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Thank you very much for that presentation. First, I would like to thank Cecilia
for helping me always to understand what Italian speakers say. I would like to
make a comment about this topic. I think it is one of the most difcult topics
of study. It is a very important topic because in the coming decades more and
more of us will be left with very small families and it presents a very interest-
ing question around the end of life and who provides support for people in the
end of life process. I think it is also a very complicated question because of the
intersections among philosophy and religion and people of secular values, so
I want to congratulate the speakers for presenting these papers and giving us
much to think about. I hope that in the next few years more of us in Medical
geography will take up this topic because there will be more and more people,
unfortunately, who will go to their last stage of life alone. Very few people will
be around to provide the kind of support that 50 years ago or 100 years ago the
family provided other members of the family in terms of care. So thank you. I
now invite Prof, Testoni to speak about her topic.
Foto 18 Il prof. Rosenberg dirige lultima parte della seduta conclusiva, afancato
dalla prof.ssa Cecilia Castellani che funge da interprete.
INES TESTONI, The representation of death and thanatological counseling in con-
temporary society between mytological solution and scientic explanation.
Thank you Prof.ssa Testoni for your interesting report. Are there any other
questions? So can I ask Carmelo Caserta.

CARMELO CASERTA, AIDS in Africa: il caso Mozambico.
Thank you very much. The issue of HIV remains a very serious question, a very
serious issue and for those of you who might have been here on Thursday we
had papers on lots of different issues on solidarity. But I think this paper is very
important because it reminds us that in countries particularly in South of Africa,
HIV continues to be probably the most serious health issue that exists and it
also reminds us how therapies that have positive effects are now available and
are keeping the negative effects of HIV under control and also who are affected
in South Africa. It remains the case that most of the population are tested
and it also reminds us how expensive it is. We must continue very seriously to
study about how organizations can support the populations in South Africa for
whom we are trying to provide a quality of life, because unfortunately biological
solutions are still many years away. So I have to thank you for a very important
paper that reminds us how difcult this issue is. Are there questions from the
Grazie. Ero particolarmente interessata a sapere quale fosse la posizione
del Governo del Mozambico su queste problematiche e se esistono iniziative
particolari per la tutela della salute, perch, per lappunto esistono posizioni
molto diverse nei governi di vari Paesi.
Il Governo mozambicano molto attento a questo problema, tanto che il sistema
sanitario nazionale che, oltre alla tutela della salute, provvede allacquisto
e allapprovvigionamento dei 55 centri di cui parlavo prima, insieme alla
distribuzione di farmaci e attrezzature. un governo che riceve il 30% del suo
prodotto lordo dagli aiuti esteri e quindi non ha una capacit di spesa molto alta,
e da tutto ci, vista la grande povert nella quale si dibatte il Paese, scaturisce
il vero problema per cui il Governo molto attento e spende quello che pu per
lacquisto di farmaci e attrezzature.
Any other questions or comments? Our next paper will be given by Alexandra
Ziemann the title is in your program in the of pages of the abstracts.
ALEXANDRA ZIEMANN et al., Syndromic Surveillance I: A European Approach to
Enhance Early Warning and Outbreak Detection.
Since I am one of the co-authos of this paper, I will not make a comment on the
quality of the paper but I will add two comments. One is that Alexandra did
not mention one of the groups that has been part of this project and these are
colleagues from Genoa in the emergencies services, so there is an interesting
Italian connection to our project. The other comment I will make is a more
general comment that you know the all important question is understanding
the diffusion of diseases which is always the brilliant and classic question for
Medical geographers. I think we must make new efforts to develop new emergency
Foto 19 La prof.ssa Alexandra Ziemann svolge la propria relazione elaborata
con altri Colleghi dellUniversit di Maastricht.
Foto 20 La prof.ssa Eva Pilot tiene la relazione scritta con altri Colleghi.
decision making tools, because of the nature of globalization and international
travel .These kind of systems for understanding diseases in general, I think, will
encourage all of us in Medical geography. The study of diffusion and to go back
and think about this type of issue is important in the world where we are living
in. Are there any questions for Alexandra? Thank you again Alexandra.
And now our next paper will be by Eva Pilot who will talk about the geographic
project in India.
ZIEMAN and THOMAS KRAFFT, Disease Surveillance and Early Outbreak Detection
in India.
I would like to thank all four speakers for excellent papers and Id like to make
one comment before I give the microphone back to professor De Santis. In the last
two and an half days Ive heard many excellent papers I would particularly like
to encourage the Italian Medical geographers who give very ne papers to follow
Professor Palagiano and Professor De Santis as examples. Participate in the IGU
commission and in international Medical geography symposia, because I think you
have a lot of very good ideas, lots of very good research and you need to be a little
bit brave to follow their examples and come to our meetings. So I just want to take
this opportunity to remind people to participate in our meetings. Thank you.
Signore e Signori, Presidenti dei sodalizi geograci nazionali e internazionali,
Care Colleghe e Cari Colleghi, permettetemi, prima di dare la parola al prof. Pa-
lagiano per la chiusura ufciale dei lavori del Decimo Seminario Internazionale
di Geograa Medica, di rivolgere a tutti Voi il mio pi cordiale e sentito ringra-
ziamento per la Vostra attiva ed attenta partecipazione, augurandoVi un felice
viaggio di ritorno verso le Vostre sedi abituali. Grazie ancora e passo la parola al
prof. Cosimo Palagiano per la chiusura ufciale del Seminario.

Cari Colleghi, Gentili Signore e Signori,
siamo giunti allultima giornata del Decimo Seminario Internazionale di Geogra-
a Medica. Devo con piacere riconoscere che le numerose relazioni presentate, ed
effettivamente illustrate, hanno dimostrato la vitalit della disciplina, offrendo un
vasto panorama di iniziative che ruotano intorno alla tematica della solidariet,
sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. Queste relazioni hanno offerto molteplici
spunti di riessione, che certamente saranno fruttuosamente impiegate per ulteriori
validi approfondimenti.
Anche a nome del Collega ed Amico Giovanni devo ringraziare tutti i partecipanti
che in gran parte no ad oggi hanno costituito un attento uditorio.
Ringrazio soprattutto i Presidenti dei sodalizi geograci italiani ed internazionali,
nonch i Colleghi che hanno svolto egregiamente il ruolo di chairman, introducendo
e commentando adeguatamente i vari contributi.
Voglio citare i Colleghi Brusa, Inelmen, Gazzerro, Fumagalli, Battisti, Testoni e
Rosenberg. I contributi sono stati in gran parte arricchiti da immagini ed informa-
zioni statistiche e bibliograche molto pertinenti ed interessanti.
Foto 21 Uno scorcio dellAula di Geograa che ha accolto i lavori del Seminario,
durante la seduta conclusiva.
Foto 22 I proff. Cosimo Palagiano e Giovanni De Santis concludono i lavori del
Decimo Seminario.
Per quanto ho detto nella seduta inaugurale, il mio compito di organizzatore nisce
con questo Decimo Seminario, ma, come avvenuto tutte le altre volte, non posso fare
a meno di rivolgerVi un caloroso arrivederci... al 2013 quando si terr il prossimo
Undicesimo Seminario Internazionale di Geograa Medica.
Good Bye, Auf Wiedersehen, , Gle Gle, .
Con i miei migliori auguri a tutti
Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have come to the last day of the
10th International Seminar of Medical Geography. I must acknowledge with pleasure that
the numerous reports and papers carried out have demonstrated the vitality of the discipline,
offering a wide range of initiatives that involve the theme of solidarity. Both nationally and
internationally. These reports have offered multiple points of reection, which certainly will
be fruitfully used to further valuable insights. On behalf of colleague and friend Giovanni I
have to thank all participants who have been an attentive audience.
I thank especially the presidents of the Italian and international geographic associations,
as well as colleagues who have done very well the role of chairman, introducing and com-
menting the various contributions properly. I want to mention colleagues Brusa, Inelmen,
Gazzerro, Fumagalli, Battisti, Testoni, Malkhazova and Rosenberg.
The contributions have been largely enhanced by images and bibliographical and statisti-
cal information relevant and very interesting.
As I said in the opening session, my job as organizer the Seminars on Medical Geography
ends with this, but, as has happened every other time, I have the great pleasure to extend a
warm good-bye to the next 11th International Seminar of Medical Geography.
Good Bye, auf Wiedersehen, , Gle Gle, .
With my best wishes to all.

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