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1kANSAkLNCL 2014

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1he kock Show |s back aga|n. 1ransparence 2014 |s here w|th the theme: 1he Metro Stat|on

ueslgned Lo 8ock, uesLlned Lo wln, Lhe 8ock sLars are ready Lo geL crowned ln full glory. AfLer a
rocklng season of 2013, Lhe compeLlLlon geLs much blgger ln Lhls 2014 edlLlon.
1ransparence - lndla's largesL ArchlLecLural ueslgn CompeLlLlon ls broughL Lo you by SalnL-
Cobaln Class lndla. Ably supporLed by LLhos, 1ransparence lnsplres Lhe buddlng archlLecLs of
Loday Lo glve fllghL Lo Lhelr wlngs of lmaglnaLlon and creaLlvlLy. 1he ob[ecLlve of 1ransparence ls
also Lo equlp sLudenLs wlLh an undersLandlng of Lhe use of glass as a bulldlng maLerlal boLh for
lnLerlor use and for exLerlor use. SLudenLs are furLher encouraged Lo use glass Lo achleve a
deslgn balance beLween Lransparency & prlvacy, boLh ln exLerlor & lnLerlor appllcaLlons.
A rof||e of Sa|nt-Goba|n
SalnL-Cobaln, a benchmark brand ln glass, brlngs wlLh lL a legacy of over Lhree and a half
cenLurles. A lorLune 300 Company Loday wlLh operaLlons ln more Lhan 32 counLrles and annual
sales ln excess of over t 42 bn., SalnL-Cobaln has Lranscended Llme and conLlnues Lo redeflne
Lhe sLandards of glass. SalnL-Cobaln Class lndla (SCCl) - a subsldlary of SalnL-Cobaln,
manufacLures and markeLs floaL glass and allled producLs ln lndla. lrom lLs world class
manufacLurlng faclllLy aL Srlperumbudur, SCCl produces a wlde range of floaL glass producLs -
Clear Class, 1lnLed Class, Lnergy LfflclenL performance Class, Mlrrors, ueslgner Class and glass
for Solar AppllcaLlons. 1oday SCCl ls Lhe mosL preferred brand for all archlLecLural glazlng
soluLlons ln lndla. A compleLe proflle of Lhe organlsaLlon and lLs producLs can be obLalned from
1kANSAkLNCL 2014
SupporLed by

MenLor - 1ransparence 2014 - Ar.8ohlL Saxena
8ohlL Saxena ls an archlLecL wlLh over 30
years of experlence ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes of
Amerlca and lndla. Pe ls Lhe managlng
dlrecLor of erklns LasLman ueslgn
ConsulLanLs and heads Lhelr Mumbal offlce.
Pls 23 years of uS experlence lncludes
complex bulldlng Lypes such as sclence and
healLhcare bulldlngs and hlgher educaLlon
pro[ecLs ranglng from classroom bulldlngs, sclence bulldlngs, Leachlng and research labs. ln
lndla he has been lnvolved wlLh numerous large scale resldenLlal, hlgher educaLlon and masLer
plannlng pro[ecLs. 8ohlL ls a regular speaker aL lndusLry conferences on sclence, susLalnablllLy
and hlgher educaLlon.

1heme : MeLro SLaLlon Complex
WlLh lncreased pressure ln lndlan clLles, governmenLs are lmplemenLlng meLro servlces as parL
of Lhelr long range plannlng. Whlle meLro sLaLlons are ofLen deslgned ln ldea of rellevlng
pressure on Lhe already congesLed roads, Lhey could also serve a vlLal role ln Lhe wellbelng of lLs
paLrons and Lhe clLy.
1he alm ls Lo creaLe llfe around an already busy meLro sLaLlon. Pow Lhere can be so much more
Lo Lhe sLaLlon Lhan [usL Lhe plaLforms!

1kANSAkLNCL 2014
SupporLed by

Des|gn rob|em:
SlLe area: 7486.3 sqm.
Maxlmum 8ullL-up Area could range beLween 3300 sqm - 4300 sqm. 1hls
excludes Lhe area of Lhe MeLro SLaLlon lLself.
LocaLlon: new uelhl - you could choose a speclflc locaLlon ln new uelhl
1he dlrecLlon of Lhe meLro llne has been lndlcaLed ln Lhe plan.
Maxlmum Cround coverage: 40
Maxlmum lA8: 2 (lA8 has been glven as a guldellne for you Lo undersLand Lhe
naLure of developmenL ln Lhe area.)
Maxlmum PelghL : 13 m
SeLbacks - as appllcable ln Lhe locaLlon LhaL you have chosen
Can propose only one basemenL floor
Mlnlmum equlvalenL car space (LCS) : 600
1he followlng clarlflcaLlon ls belng lssued Lo all parLlclpanLs. ln order Lo focus
on Lhe deslgn aspecLs of Lhe meLro sLaLlon, Lhe parLlclpanLs may assume Lhe
parklng requlremenL sLaLed ln Lhe brlef ls belng meL enLlrely ln a faclllLy ln
close proxlmlLy Lo Lhe developmenL. 1herefore, lL ls noL a requlremenL Lo
lnclude Lhe parklng deslgn wlLhln Lhe proposed soluLlon. 1he pro[ecL
encourages a susLalnable approach Lo deslgn Lherefore lL may be assumed
paLrons and vlslLors wlll noL be parklng on Lhe pro[ecL slLe ldenLlfled wlLhln
Lhe brlef. 1he parLlclpanLs may however conslder relevanL parklng for
1kANSAkLNCL 2014
SupporLed by

supporL vehlcles, emergency vehlcles (or oLher parklng Lhey feel should be
provlded) ln supporL of Lhelr lndlvldual deslgn soluLlons.
* lease noLe LhaL Lhese are Lhe only bye laws Lo be followed for Lhe glven problem.
lgnore any resemblance Lo any exlsLlng locaLlon, you may locaLe Lhe slLe ln any
nelghbourhood ln uelhl and deflne Lhe conLexL for yourself.
1hls ls a 3 parL problem:
1. |ac|ng the metro stat|on on s|te
a. ?ou would need Lo flrsL selecL a locaLlon ln uelhl for Lhe MeLro 1ermlnal, Lhereby
deflnlng a conLexL based on Lhe locaLlon. We have locaLed Lhe larger urban
conLexL Lo be LhaL of new uelhl. A few places ln Lhe conLexL are marked as
school, college, eLc. ?ou could asslgn funcLlons Lo Lhe areas LhaL are noL labeled.

?ou could choose Lo seL Lhls ln any locallLy ln uelhl where Lhe meLro llne passes
and hence deflne Lhe lmmedlaLe conLexL for LhaL locaLlon. 1he slLe plan Lo be
used ls Lhe one already glven by us. 1hrough Lhe selecLlon of your slLe, you
would be requlred
Lo undersLand Lhe lmmedlaLe conLexL ln reference Lo a real locaLlon Lo be able Lo
[usLlfy your area program and bulldlng funcLlons.
Lo derlve seLbacks
Lo undersLand clrculaLlon, flow of publlc movemenL, access Lo and from oLher
modes of LransporL Lo Lhls [uncLlon, eLc.
b. ?ou are Lo creaLe a space on slLe for Lhe meLro sLaLlon lLself. 1hls wlll be of area
around 2300 sqm.
c. lease noLe LhaL you only have Lo demarcaLe Lhe glven area anywhere on slLe
where you Lhlnk lL wlll work besL, and noL acLually deslgn Lhe meLro sLaLlon lLself.
1kANSAkLNCL 2014
SupporLed by

d. Powever, Lhe enLrles and exlL polnLs of Lhe publlc uslng Lhe sLaLlon needs Lo be
clearly marked ouL. 1he clrculaLlon lnLo and ouL of Lhe sLaLlon needs Lo be
lndlcaLed and Laken lnLo conslderaLlon whlle deslgnlng Lhe resL of Lhe spaces.
2. Innovat|ve Approach Lo MeLro SLaLlon.
rovldlng of adapLable and flexlble spaces ln Lhe meLro sLaLlon LhaL wlll serve as a llnk
beLween Lhe commuLers and Lhe nelghborhood. rovlde for a mlnlmum of 3 such
lnnovaLlve spaces aL Lhe meLro sLaLlon wlLh aL leasL one from Lhe llsL of examples glven
below. 1he cholce of Lhese spaces wlll be deLermlned by where ln uelhl you choose Lo
locaLe Lhe Lermlnal.
a. Space for culLural acLlvlLy (L.g.: Cpen Alr 1heaLre/ audlLorlums/ exhlblLlon
spaces/ llbrary)
b. ollce and SecurlLy Lmergency 8esponse CenLer LhaL can be made operaLlonal
qulckly ln Lhe evenL of a naLlonal emergency.
c. Lmergency PealLh CenLer LhaL can be seL up ln Lhe evenL of an emergency.
1hese cenLers should be able Lo be seLup qulckly Lo move secLlons of populaLlon
Lhrough operaLlonal meLro sLaLlons ln Lhe clLy Lo emergency rellef cenLers
dlsLrlbuLed LhroughouL Lhe meLro neLwork.
d. Chlld Care CenLer and some preschool funcLlons.
e. laclllLles llke - renLlng of cycles, gym, emergency response cenLre, medlcal
cenLre eLc.
f. uay Lo day needs (L.g.: grocery sLores, repalr sLores eLc.)
g. Lelsure acLlvlLy (L.g.: Shopplng, food courLs, gamlng zones, chlldren's play area
* noLe: keeplng ln mlnd Lhe pauclLy of space ln Loday's Llmes, explore Lhe posslblllLy of
deslgnlng mulLlfuncLlonal and dynamlc spaces.
3. Lncourag|ng the use of ub||c 1ransport:
1kANSAkLNCL 2014
SupporLed by

A JevelopeJ coootty ls oot o ploce wbete tbe poot bove cots. lts wbete tbe tlcb ose pobllc
ttoospottotloo" - Costovo letto, tbe Moyot of 8oqoto, colomblo

Lxplaln how you, as an archlLecL, Lhrough your deslgn, have made your conLrlbuLlon, and have
helped encourage Lhe use of ubllc 1ransporL?
nence, you need to choose a |ocat|on, |ocate the stat|on component by an out||ne, def|ne the
entr|es and ex|ts to the stat|on, arr|ve at the bu||d|ng area program, deve|op the des|gn and
exp|a|n the same through draw|ngs.

Subm|ss|on format
A maxlmum of twe|ve A3 sheeLs or f|ve A2 wlLh a readable scale of drawlng.
lease noLe LhaL, we would advlse you Lo resLrlcL your word llmlL on Lhe A3/A2 sheeLs Lo
100-1S0 words.

All enLrles Lo be accompanled by sofL coples. lease ensure LhaL Lhe presenLaLlon ls ln a
power po|nt format compaLlble wlLh MS Cfflce 2007 wlLh noL more Lhan 20 s||des.
lease wrlLe names and oLher team deta||s only on Lhe rear s|de of Lhe sheeLs ln a slze
noL larger Lhan 2" x 3" and only on Lhe f|rst and |ast s||de of Lhe ppL.

Lva|uat|on cr|ter|a
CrlglnallLy and relevance Lo conLexL
ApproprlaLeness of Lhe area program
8elaLlon of bullL form Lo slLe
8epllcaLlve naLure of deslgn
Clearly sLaLed deslgn lnLenL
SusLalnable pracLlces puL lnLo Lhe deslgnlng

1kANSAkLNCL 2014
SupporLed by

Compet|t|on Iormat
1ransparence '14 ls open Lo undergraduate students of arch|tecture and des|gn. All Lhose
who are sLudenLs aL Lhe Llme of reglsLraLlon are ellglble Lo parLlclpaLe.
1eams Lo comprlse of a max|mum of three members.
A two-stage compet|t|on - lour 8eglonal !urles - norLh, SouLh, LasL and WesL. 1he reglonal
wlnners wlll be lnLlmaLed on Lhe spoL aL Lhe reglonal [urles. 1he [ury commenLs and
expecLaLlons for Lhe nexL sLage wlll be communlcaLed Lo Lhem along wlLh Lhe flnal daLe of
All parLlclpanLs are lnvlLed Lo Lhe reglonal [urles where Lhelr Lravel expenses wlll be
relmbursed on Lhe spoL. 1here wlll be no presenLaLlons by Lhe Leams aL Lhe reglonal [urles
buL Lhe Leams wlll geL an opporLunlLy Lo hear Lhe [ury commenLs and lnLeracL wlLh Lhem.
1he venue for Lhe reglonal [urles wlll be communlcaLed Lo all Lhe parLlclpanLs.

keg|ona| W|nners: 8s.18000/- per Leam, a cerLlflcaLe and an opporLunlLy Lo wln Lhe coveLed
naLlonal 1rophy.
Nat|ona| W|nner: 8s.73000/- per Leam, a Lrophy and a cerLlflcaLe.
Nat|ona| I|rst kunner-up: 8s.30000/- per Leam, a Lrophy and a cerLlflcaLe.
Nat|ona| Second kunner-up: 8s.23000/- per Leam, a Lrophy and a cerLlflcaLe.
All parLlclpanLs wlLh submlsslons LhaL are found Lechnlcally compleLe by Lhe [ury wlll be
awarded a cerLlflcaLe.
Check||st for art|c|pants
lorm Leams wlLh a maxlmum of Lhree members
8eglsLer onllne aL hLLp://eLhoslndla.ln/evenLs/Lransparence/lndex.php
1kANSAkLNCL 2014
SupporLed by

lor reglsLraLlon-relaLed querles, please conLacL: Ms.8ama 9031642739,
rama[eLhoslndla.ln, lor brlef-relaLed querles, ConLacL Ar. vldhya Copal -
CompleLe requlremenLs for submlsslon
lease ensure LhaL your names and oLher deLalls are wrlLLen only aL Lhe rear slde of Lhe
Submlsslons should reach Lhe followlng address by Lhe 31
CcLober 2014.
ClLa 8alakrlshnan
23 Woodlands SyndlcaLe
8/7 Allpore 8oad
kolkaLa 700027
h - 9031642739

Last date for reg|strat|ons Cctober 24
Last Date for Subm|ss|on Cctober 31

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