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The verb tener

Tener- to have
The verb tener needs to be conjugated (changed to match the subject).

We use the verb tener when we want to say that someone has something.
In Spanish we ALWAYS use tener for AGE because in Spanish, people have years.
NEVER use the verb ser for age.
Examples with have/has
She has 3 brothers Ella tiene tres hermanos
We have 4 grandparents Tenemos cuatro abuelos
He has 5 girl cousins l tiene cinco primas
I have a dog Yo tengo un perro.
You guys have friends Ustedes tienen amigos
You (to a friend) have 6 uncles tu tienes seis tos
You (someone older/respected) have a cat Usted tiene un gato
Examples with age
I am 14 years old Yo tengo catorce aos
You (friend) are 5 years old T tienes cinco aos
You (formal) are 30 years old Usted tiene trienta aos
He/she is 12 years old l/ella tiene doce aos
We are 14 years old Tenemos catorce aos
They/you all are 15 years old Ellos/Ustedes tienen quince aos
I have We have
You have
He/she/it has They have
Yo tengo Nosotros tenemos
Tu tienes
l/ella/usted tiene Ellas/ellos/ustedes tienen
First in English Now in Spanish

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