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Techniques for recording Present practices

Motion Study
Motion study is a technique of analyzing the body motions employed in doing a task in order to eliminate or
reduce ineffective movements and facilitates effective movements. By using motion study and the principles
of motion economy the task is redesigned to be more effective and less time consuming.
The Gilbreths pioneered the study of manual motions and developed basic laws of motion economy that are
still relevant today. They were also responsible for the development of detailed motion picture studies,
termed as Micro Motion Studies, which are extremely useful for analyzing highly repetitive manual
operations. With the improvement in technology, of course, video camera has replaced the traditional motion
picture film camera.
In a broad sense, motion study encompasses micro motion study and both have the same objective: job
simplification so that it is less fatiguing and less time consuming while motion study involves a simple visual
analysis, micro motion study uses more expensive equipment. The two types of studies may be compared to
viewing a task under a magnifying glass versus viewing the same under a microscope. The added detail
revealed by the microscope may be needed in exceptional cases when even a minute improvement in
motions matters, i.e. on extremely short repetitive tasks.
Taking the cine films @ 16 to 20 frames per second with motion picture camera, developing the film and
analyzing the film for micro motion study had always been considered a costly affair. To save on the cost of
developing the film and the cost of film itself, a technique was used in which camera took only 5 to 10
frames per minute. This saved on the time of film analysis too. In applications where infrequent shots of
camera could provide almost same information, the technique proved fruitful and acquired the name Memo
Motion Study.
Traditionally, the data from micro motion studies are recorded on a Simultaneous Motion (simo) Chart while
that from motion studies are recorded on a Right Hand - Left Hand Process Chart.
As result of several motion studies conducted Gilbreths concluded that any work can be done by using a
combination of 17 basic motions, called Therbligs (Gilbreth spelled backward). These can be classified as
effective therbligs and ineffective therbligs. Effective therbligs take the work progress towards completion.
Attempts can be made to shorten them but they cannot be eliminated. Ineffective therbligs do not advance
the progress of work and therefore attempts should be made to eliminate them by applying the Principles of
Motion Economy. Table5 gives the therbligs along with their symbols and descriptions.
SIMO Chart
It is a graphic representation of the sequence of the therbligs or group of therbligs performed by body
members of operator. It is drawn on a common time scale. In other words, it is a two-hand process chart
drawn in terms of therbligs and with a time scale, see Figure6 making the Simo Chart. A video film or a
motion picture film is shot of the operation. The film is analyzed frame by frame. For the left hand, the
sequence of therbligs (or group of therbligs) with their time values are recorded on the column
corresponding to the left hand. The symbols are added against the length of column representing the
duration of the group of therbligs. The procedure is repeated for the right and other body members (if any)
involved in carrying out the operation.
It is generally not possible to time individual therbligs. A certain number of therbligs may be grouped into an
element large enough to be measured as can be seen in Figure7.
Uses of Simo Chart
From the motion analysis shown about the motions of the two hands (or other body members) involved in
doing an operation, inefficient motion pattern can be identified and any violation of the principle of motion
economy can be easily noticed. The chart, therefore, helps in improving the method of doing the operation
so that balanced two-handed actions with coordinated foot and eye motions can be achieved and ineffective
motion can be either reduced or eliminated. The result is a smoother, more rhythmic work cycle that keeps
both delays and operator fatigue to the minimum extent.
Cycle graph and Chrono cycle graph
These techniques of analyzing the paths of motion made by an operator were developed by the Gilbreths.
To make a cycle graph, a small electric bulb is attached to the finger, hand, or any other part of the body
whose motion is to be recorded. By using still Photography, the path of light of bulb (in other words, that of
the body member) as it moves through space for one complete cycle is photographed by keeping the
working area relatively less illuminated. More than one camera may be used in different planes to get more
details. The resulting picture (cycle graph) shows a permanent record of the motion pattern employed in the
form of a closed loop of white continuous line with the working area in the background. A cycle graph does
not indicate the direction or speed of motion.
It can be used for
Improving the motion pattern and
Training purposes in that two cycle graphs may be shown with one indicating a better motion
pattern than the other.
The Chrono cycle graph is similar to the cycle graph, but the power supply to the bulb is interrupted regularly
by using an electric circuit. The bulb is thus made to flash. The procedure for taking photograph remains the
same. The resulting picture (Chrono cycle graph), instead of showing continuous line of motion pattern,
shows short dashes of line spaced in proportion to the speed of the body member photographed. Wide
spacing would represent fast moves while close spacing would represent slow moves.The jumbling of dots
at one point would indicate fumbling or hesitation of the body member. A chrono cycle graph can thus be
used to study the motion pattern as well as to compute velocity, acceleration and retardation experienced by
the body member at different locations.
The world of sports has used this analysis tool, updated to video, for extensively the purpose of training in
the development of from and skill.

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