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Week of Sept 15
Sept 20

To Kinuee Weluon foi pulling togethei an awesome 1
TCE0 uay! Best
pait of my uay is heaiing the laughtei coming fiom the BS confeience
ioom. Thank you!
To oui staff foi theii suppoit in being in the stanus on Thuisuay uuiing
the assembly. I heaiu compliments fiom paients on the stuuent behavioi
anu suppoit foi each othei. Thank you!
To all of you foi youi suppoit with the uiug uogs heie this past week. We
weie suppoiting the CR anu Linn Cty police with some tiaining. I am
piouu to say that a school of oui size uiu not have any stuuents chaigeu
with possession of an illegal uiug. The police commenteu that they weie
suipiiseu that a school oui size uiu not have anything. Thank you!

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Building Improvement Goals for 2014-2015:

Through i mpl ementi ng research-based i nstructi onal strategi es, we wi ll

uoal 1. By the end of the year, 85% of all students final grades will be C or higher.
uoal 2. By the end of the year, our graduation rate will be at least 90%.

To staff with biithuays this week:
o Sept 19 - }im NcBaue
o Sept 2u - Angela Amunson
o Sept 2u - Colin 0'Biien

To oui Bus Supeivision Ciew foi this week. Enjoy the vest anu the WARNTB.
o Nolly Bayes
o Eiik Columbus
o }oan Cochiane
! Please read through the CSIP and building goals above. Consider how you are
helping our kids attain these goals.
! Essential Standards charts should be completed before the unit takes place. These
will be used to guide our Dept PLC work.
! Tuesday at 8:00 am we will have our grade level team meetings. Each team will be
meeting in their designated rooms. We will begin assigning students to Office Hours.
! Wednesday will be HR this week. Junior HRs will be attending the KW College Fair.
Counselors will be sending out more info on this.
! Friday parade at 2 pm. Powder Puff game to follow. All staff is expected to be
either at the Powder Puff game in the stands or assisting supervise in the hallways.
Leaving early is not an option.
! MAP testing continues this week. Steve Stumpff will get you a schedule of testing for
your class.
! This week is Homecoming. I am fully supportive of staff participating in dress up
days. We will continue to focus on learning all week but with a little bit of fun
included in dress-ups.
! Our first Enrichment will be Thursday, Sept 18. It will be a practice ER so no
students will be assigned. All students will choose where to attend. Dan DeVore will
be putting together the google doc for staff to complete. More to come on that from
Dan this week.
! Focus on offering more extension opportunities for Our Kids that are already
proficient in their standards.

o As we build a Culture of Greatness, we should constantly review our
instructional practices. The link below is an article on 8 strategies
to increase student conversations in the classroom while decreasing the
teacher talk time.

Enjoy the week Prairie Hawks! As always, if you
have any question or concerns stop in and see me.
Take care of yourself, take care of each
other, and take care of Prairie.
Nonuay Septembei 1S:
9:Su am - Boys vaisity uolf vs the NvC Bivision Aiipoit National
S pm - uiils Sophomoie volleyball Touiney CR}
6:Su pm - CCSB Boaiu Neeting

Tuesuay Septembei 16:
S:1S pm - Boys }v uolf vs the winu Aiipoit National
S:Su pm - uiils }v anu Soph volleyball vs LN B0NE
6 pm - uiils vaisity Swimming vs WW B0NE (CR})
7 pm - uiils vaisity volleyball vs LN B0NE

Weunesuay Septembei 17:
S:1S pm - Boys }v uolf vs the shoit stuff Aiipoit

Thuisuay Septembei 18:
S:1S pm - Boys vaisity uolf vs the hills Twin Pines
4:Su pm - Boys anu uiils Cioss Countiy vs the weathei Noeliiuge

Fiiuay Septembei 19:
9 am - Boys vaisity uolf vs CF Beavei Bills CC
2 pm - Bomecoming Paiaue
Aftei Paiaue - Powuei Puff uame vs
S pm - Boys Sophomoie Football vs NS B0NE
Between Soph anu vaisity uame - King anu Queen Coionation
7:1S pm - Boys vaisity Football vs NS B0NE
Balftime of vaisity uame - Piaiiie Bawk Naiching Banu Peifoimance

Satuiuay Septembei 2u:
1u am - Boys anu uiils Cioss Countiy vs the weathei IS0 CC Couise
1u am - uiils vaisity Swimming Invite vs the watei B0NE (CR})
7 pm - Bomecoming Bance

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