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Participation/ Registration

1. I am a student of civil engineering, but I am interested in architectural designs. Can I
participate in the event "Transparence"?
A. Yes, civil engineering students can also participate.

2. How many members can a team have?
A. A maximum of three members.

3. Can the team members be from different colleges?
A. Yes. You would need to register as separate teams and send a mail to stating that you would like to work together. In case the team
members are from colleges of different zones, then we should be informed of what
one zone (north, south, east or west) you will be representing.

4. Can we add or remove or change a team member after registration?
A. You could ask the new member to register as a separate team and send a mail to stating that you would like to work together.

5. When is the last date for submission?
A. Submissions should reach the following address by the 31
October 2014.
Gita Balakrishnan
23 Woodlands Syndicate
8/7 Alipore Road
Kolkata 700027
Ph - 9051642739

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1. We have to design a metro station as a whole or only the complex around it?
A. The design is to be made for an integrated complex. But since this is only an
ideation project we don't want you to get caught in the details of technicalities of
working of a metro station. It will be sufficient if you mark the entry exit and
boundary of the space to be denoted for the metro platform. It is upto you as a
designer to either integrate the functions in the same building or to separate them,
as per your concept.

Site and its context

1. Can the location of an existing or under construction metro station be chosen as the
site for the design? If not is it necessary to choose a location along the existing
metro line as an extension?
A. You can choose the location of existing metro station as site.
You can also choose an existing line's extension as site.
You can use existing, under construction or even proposed metro station for the
location for reference study.

2. Site is already given with marked context (educational, market, corporate,
residential etc,) then why have we been asked to choose a location anywhere in
A. Since Transparence is primarily an ideation project, the site given to you is to be
considered as a hypothetical one. The information given with the site plan defines a
set of parameters for you to start the design with.
We have located the larger urban context to be that of New Delhi. A few places in
the context are marked as school, college, etc. You could assign functions to the
areas that are not labeled. You could choose to set this in any locality in Delhi
where the metro line passes and hence define the immediate context for that
location. The site plan to be used is the one already given by us.
Through the selection of your site, you would be required
To understand the immediate context in reference to a real location to be
able to justify your area program and building functions.
To derive setbacks
To understand circulation, flow of public movement, access to and from other
modes of transport to this junction, etc.

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3. You have given site area as 7486.5 sqm and maximum FAR as 2. As per the FAR,
the permissible limit for the total built up area would be 7486.5 sqm x 2 = 14,973
sqm. Your requirements also say maximum built-up area could range between
3500 sqm - 4500 sqm. Even if we add the 2500 sqm earmarked for the station, we
still get a total of only 7000 sqm. Why is there this difference?
A. FAR has been given as a guideline for you to understand the nature of
development in the area. The built-up area has been specified as 3500-4500 sqm
and this is what you are expected to develop a building program for. Please
download the updated brief from the link

4. The area for the metro station itself given in the brief is 2500 sqm.
a. Is this in addition to the total built-up area that is specified?
b. Is this the ground coverage area of the metro station that we have to mark on
the site or is this the total built up area of the station?
a. The 2500 sqm specified for the station is over and above the maximum built-
up are specified as a range 3500-4500 sqm.
b. How you locate the metro station in your design is up to your discretion. It
could be integrated in the same building or a separate block. It could be on
the ground floor, basement or higher, depending on your circulation design
ideas. However, wherever you place it in the design, the area to be allocated
(total built area for metro platform and facilities) is to be 2500 sqm.

5. What are the setback restrictions for the given site?
A. The setbacks are to be determined as per your selection of location in New Delhi.
You will have to consult the byelaws and design accordingly.

6. We are a little confused on the parking requirements. Could you explain the
requirement to us?
A. In order to focus on the design aspects of the metro station, the participants may
assume that the parking requirement stated in the brief is being met entirely in a facility
in close proximity to the development. Therefore, it is not a requirement to include the
parking design within the proposed solution. The project encourages a sustainable
approach to design therefore it may be assumed patrons and visitors will not be parking
on the project site identified within the brief. The participants may however consider
relevant parking for support vehicles, emergency vehicles (or other parking they feel
should be provided) in support of their individual design solutions.

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