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Chapter 2: Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole

This chapter will orient you to the body as a whole. It shows you how the body is organized
from its smallest elements, cells, to entire body systems. Not only do you see where these body
structures are located, but you understand how they function as well.
In this chapter you learn about body cavities and the regions and quadrants of the abdomen
and back, as well terminology related to the position, direction, and planes of the body.
This will enhance your ability to understand radiologic reports and charts in which doctors are
describing test results and patient conditions.
Let me give you a special tip about this chapter: pay close attention to the five study sections to
help you review and master the material. These identify the terms you need to know. Here's
the key: take time to write these terms with their meanings, and test yourself on them.
Step-by-step study tips:
1. Read all material in sections Structural Organization of the Body, Body Cavities,
Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants, Divisions of the Back, Positional and
Directional Terms, and Planes of the Body and label the diagrams carefully.
Spell each term correctly as you write it on the diagram.

2. Study the words in the Study sections.
Write the terms and their meanings on a separate piece of paper and test yourself to
see if you know them.

3. Write meanings of terms in Combining Forms, Prefixes, and Suffixes.
Check your answers with the Answers to Terminology Lists from the menu of the
Student Resources.

4. Answer the Practical Applications matching questions and check your answers at the
end of the Answers to Exercises.
5. Complete the Exercises section and check your answers in the Answers to Exercises
6. Write meanings on the Pronunciation of Terms list.

7. Listen to the pronunciation of terms.
Write the terms and their meanings on a separate piece of paper and test yourself to
see if you know them.
8. Fill in meanings for combining forms, prefixes, suffixes and other activities on the
Review Sheet.
Check your answers! And don't forget to test yourself to make sure you know the
word parts!

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