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The Alchemy of Male and Female

Prior to our intense identification with male and female principles, or roles, we exist as
individuals. We are spiritual energy embarking upon a human experience, an experience
of form and substance that adds immeasurably to the expansion of the spiritual dimension
as well as the evolution of biological life. That individual energy is neither male nor
female, then, but rather, it is a whole field of identity within which a grand variety of
patterns, behaviors, and tendencies are possible to develop within the medium of human
Once fully immersed in physical life, however, how often is that rich, diverse, and
expansive filed of individualized spiritual energy sueezed into our culture!s narrow,
limited, and predetermined molds based upon male or female" #ow often is that
individual human energy molded into patterns based upon gender, curtailed to think,
behave, and be a certain way due to cultural molds and pressures" Or, are some behaviors
set biologically, hard wired into the body, that then cause that individual spiritual energy
to express itself in set patterns based upon whether it operates through a female versus a
male body"
$ust like bones grow in response to the stresses placed upon them, so too, our brains grow
in response to how we use them. %f we are trained at an early age to identify with our sex,
and to conform to rigid and narrow definitions of that sex!s behavior, then our brain, via a
miraculous and magical process known as neuroplasticity, actually grows in response to
those neurological habits. Our so called sexual habits are then hard wired into the brain.
&nyone studying brain imaging could easily conclude that yes, there are biologically set
parameters for behavior according to sex. #owever, that would be putting the proverbial
cart before the horse. %n fact, it is form that follows thought, and not the other way
around. Our brains grow in response to our patterns of habitual thought, which then
become hard wired into the brain. We assume then that certain characteristics are
biologically coded, when in fact they are culturally transmitted, and then assimilated into
the brain. Thus they become biologically and neurologically reflected in studies, yet their
source remains a cultural phenomenon.
% propose that the only real differences with regards to the male or the female are those
pertaining to the biological processes and functions of procreation and the continuation of
the human species. #owever, beyond that aspect of biological function, no psychological
or spiritual differences actually exist, and those that do, are a result of cultural
programming, and not biological programming.
'efore delving further along these lines, lets back up and look at a bigger picture of
reality, a picture upon which these premises are based.
(imply put, our beliefs form reality. )orm follows thought, and ideas with sufficient
momentum begin to reflect in physical reality. &s mentioned earlier, even on the level of
biological growth and development, beliefs *and their attendant emotions+ affect
neurological structures within the brain. %t is well known that patients who suffer from
chronic depression or post traumatic stress disorder who do not transform their early
programming, trauma, and negative beliefs and conclusions about reality, over time
demonstrate actual changes in the physiology and size of various areas of the brain.
%t is eually pertinent to mention that these changes then do predispose said individuals to
continue to perceive reality through their established beliefs and conclusions, thereby
creating more momentum for their existing condition. #owever, it is also true that those
who actively change their frame of reference through various forms of psychological and
spiritual healing can and do change that momentum, and do not over time suffer the same
and continued response on a neurological level. %n other words, neurology reflects their
current states of healing and wholeness, and is not set by previous neurological or
psychological imprints.
,ow, neurobiology aside, it is important to realize a plain truth which makes it self
evident that we are not programmed genetically towards certain set psychological or
spiritual behaviors based on gender. That stark truth can by summarized in two sentences,
a -in and -ang pair, if you will.
& woman is capable of being and doing anything and everything that a man is capable of
being and doing.
& man is capable of being and doing anything and everything that a woman is capable of
being and doing.
These two statements obviously exclude those previously mentioned aspects of
procreation and the continuation of the human species. We are talking about
psychological and spiritual aspects, then.
%f there were biological parameters set that would predetermine an actual psychological
and spiritual difference between women and men based on biological programming, then
those set parameters would effectively preclude any woman from achieving what a man
can achieve. /onversely, it would also preclude men from achieving what women can
achieve. The fact remains, however, that there are women who can perform as well as
men in any arena, or better, while there are also men who can perform as well as any
woman. %f limits were set biologically, those limits would preclude any man or woman
from effectively and successfully expressing traits that supposedly belong to the opposite
sex. #owever, this is simply not the case.
Our world proves this many times over, as we see women in traditionally male roles
perform eually, and sometimes better, then men. 'usiness, finance, politics, law,
science, and engineering, among other fields, were once considered the realms of men,
yet today we0ve seen many times over that indeed women are not biologically precluded
from excelling in these fields. On the other hand, we can also see that men are capable of
expressing so called feminine traits, be that intuition, sensitivity, depth of feeling,
thinking by association, nurturing, compassion, and so forth.
Our cultural beliefs and social roles *which, thankfully, are breaking down+ act as
powerful molds, and yet at the same time, they are stumbling blocks and psychological
fetters, keeping the full and complete spectrum of human being from emerging. %nstead,
they force the whole individualized spiritual energy into a distortion. The role allows
certain traits to shine forth, through development and expression, while deranging and
suppressing others, all dependent upon what is allowed or disallowed within one0s gender
The masculinizing and feminizing of traits sets up barriers, then, which serve to limit the
free flow of ideas and energy, allowing free flow in some areas while stifling it in others,
causing an overall derangement to the whole identity. The molds cause development to be
lopsided, allowing for the creative development of some traits over others, creating
imbalance, stresses and distortions within the psyche where instead there could be free
flow, integration, connection, and balance. )eelings and logic, or, the heart and mind,
which are meant to work together, are set against each other, causing artificial divisions
within the psyche that ultimately stifle the full and varied expression of an otherwise
whole psyche that naturally seeks integration.
The divisions are artificial, then, as at the forefront we are individuals, prior to our
intense identification with so called male or female principles and roles. Our ideas of
male and female principles are purely a cultural phenomenon, rather than a set biological,
physiological, or genetic pattern. #ad the feminine and masculine actually been divided
biologically, those roles would be fixed. 1en would not express those so called feminine
traits of caring and nurturing, while no woman would express those so called masculine
traits of assertiveness, strength, logic, or rationality. /learly this is not the case, as
examples counter to these molds do exist, and in fact are abundant and readily apparent to
those who are willing to see.
&t a very basic level, then, modern culture identified form, structure, logic, and reason as
masculine2 while identifying caring, nurturing, loving, and supportive as feminine. Thus
the 3man3 builds the house and protects it, while the 3woman3 fills it with love and
nurturing. This basic and artificial split has been the mold of human civilization for
several thousand years. ,evertheless duration in time is not proof of infallibility, nor are
even the deepest root assumptions of our culture free from the all pervasive laws of
change and evolution.
Therefore it is only right that we uestion2 even our deepest root assumptions about
reality. These basic uestions must be looked at, sooner or later. &re these root
assumptions about male and female roles fundamentally true" &nd are they serving our
greatest integrated human development" Or, do they trap men from feeling their
emotional hearts" 4o they trap women from feeling their assertive power"
What if we did away with this split" What if we raised our children as integrated whole
beings, while giving ourselves that same freedom"
&nyone who is split, and therefore forces him or herself into a narrow cultural definition
of man or woman, is only using half of their capacity. The other half goes underground, is
repressed, and ultimately distorted. %s it any wonder, then, that men trained to repress
their so called feminine principle within themselves can!t relate to women" &nd is it any
wonder that women, who repress their so called masculine principle, then can!t relate to
men" )or that which you suppress within yourself, you would also suppress in another. %s
that the foundation we want to set for a loving relationship, either within the self or with
the opposite sex"
Therefore, this is what % offer humanity. the complete human being. % offer the fully
integrated man and woman2 the compassionate, nurturing warrior2 the strong, assertive,
and loving mother. % offer humanity the melding of the heart and mind, the blending of
the home and the office, the marriage of science and religion, the alchemy of love and
finance. % offer the commingling of waking and dreaming, and the fusion of intuition and
logic. % offer the alchemy of all that is said to be male with all that is said to be female,
swirling and dancing together until the very definitions of each fall away, and there is
freedom to be our whole and complete spiritual being in this splendid and varied human
experience. % offer an alchemy of these seeming opposites, until an entirely new and
unified faculty is borne of two, much more than the sum of its individual parts, a heart5
mind resident within each individual that will propel our culture and civilization into an
unprecedented age of emotional, mental, and spiritual maturity, sophistication, and

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