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Homeopathically Treated Cancer Cases

There have been many cases of different types of cancer that have been cured by
homeopathy since Hahnemann brought homeopathy out to the public. I have to put
together a few cases that have been cured and some that have not been. There are
different opinions and different practice methods while treating cancer homeopathically.
This paper constitutes a few of these cases with some of the methods used and why.

Case 1: 1924: Dr. J.H Clarke treated a 53-year-old woman, with 8 children. She had
become amenorrheic 12 months prior. She presented with a vaginal discharge. Her uterus
was enlarged. An exploratory laparotomy was performed and a tangerine size tumor was
found on her left ovary. There were new growth nodules affecting her sacral bone, and a
ring of new growth was found encircling the sigmoid flexure, which had become
ischemic. The surgeon stitched the patient up and recommended that she under go X-ray
therapy, and at a later date a colotomy would be performed. The patient returned home
and commenced care under Dr. J.H. Clarke.
The patient had rheumatism all her life. She was of fair complexion, very strong, active,
sensitive, high strung and at times very passionate. She had had 9 weeks of pelvic pain
pressing down in the hypogastric region, and sometimes in her rectum and vagina. She
was put on a vegetarian diet right away. She was given Hydrastis 1M a dessertspoon full
every four hours. This was on December 9 1924. She improved in all respects and on
December 22 she had been sleeping poorly and was having hot flashes, Lachesis 30 C
was given at HS in addition to the Hydrastis. On January 13 she went back to take charge
of her business. After this a number of other medicines were required but to this day she
has been in perfect health and strength.

J.H Clarke goes on to say that a tumor does not present with a lot of acute symptoms he
says, One had to got all round the case in order to get anything.
This is similar to what
A.U. Ramakrishnan states when explaining his homeopathic plussing method, which I
will expand upon in more detail at the end of this paper.

Case 2: A 75 year old women presented to Dr. Clarke with rectal discharge of blood and
mucus six times a day four month duration. She was sent to the hospital to get a thorough
exam. The result was cancer nine inches up her rectum. She refused the surgeons
recommendations of immediate surgery because she said that she had already suffered
sufficiently during the physical exam. She went back to Dr. Clarke who prescribed
Hydrastis 1M in the form of powders two drops of the tincture in both morning and night.
This was on March 8. On March 22 Dr. Clarke said, Mrs. X is making great progress;
discharge, nearly stopped and she is eating much better than before. On March 29 Dr.
Clarke goes on to say, "Hemorrhage ceased. Bowels acted with Cascara. Stools a little at
a time and very small. This morning more natural. Tongue rather dirty. Appetite better.
Abdomen feeling quite comfortable. Repeat". On April 26, "Very well. Getting fatter.
Repeat. May 24 was the last time that Dr. Clarke saw her. Dr. Clarke said that at that
time she was perfectly well as far as he could ascertain and he dismissed her. With
instructions to call his if she was again not well.

Case 3: A Mrs. Mathews presented with breast cancer for a long period, which had
assumed secondary and constitutional symptoms. On April 29 she was placed on a
decoction of Cundurango (Gonolobus cundurango - Milkweed family). After this Dr.
Clark observed the patient had taken an early change for the better in both local and
general conditions. Her pain decreased significantly, and she started to perspire freely.
She had an odor of the infusion itself. On May 9 Mrs. Mathews husband told Dr. Clarke,
The stony condition of the tumor has given place to softness. This morning I notice
about one-third of the surface has turned from a scarlet to a white color, and it has
commenced suppurating as though the thing were dead and coming out. The whole tumor
is very much flattened, the discharge is different and not near so offensive. The greatest
improvement is in her complexion. From a tallowy, puffy-looking, and somewhat bluish
skin, she is regaining her old natural look, the skin shrinking, becoming wrinkled and
clear. On May 14 Mr. Mathews writes, This is the seventeenth day since I commenced
the use of Cundurango; shall cease for a few days, and note carefully the effect. When I
began the treatment, Mrs. Matthews' breast was almost as hard as a stone, about four
inches in diameter, the cancer itself two inches in diameter, with raised edges, hard and
scarlet-colored, bleeding profusely at the slightest touch, emitting an odor of the most
sickening and disagreeable kind, discharging a brownish, cancerous, limpid fluid; the
countenance bloated, tallowy-looking, with a bluish pallor of the whole face; the lips
turned blue at the least exertion, so that I have been very much alarmed, fearing a rapid
crisis and dissolution; at the same time the tumor itself enlarged with fearful rapidity, so
much so that I could notice the growth from day to day. Mr. Mathews goes on to say
further, Now all is changed the countenance has resumed its old, familiar look; she
moves about with great sprightliness, the blue of the lips no longer indicating fatigue or
effort. The granular swelling under the chin is gone; strength increasing; the tumor itself
much flattened and decreased in protuberance; the color changed to a white, maturating
sore; the limpid cancerous discharge ceased, and in its place a healthy discharge of white
matter much less offensive; the hardened glands are soft to the touch, the whole
symptoms indicating most plainly to me that the treatment has, so far, neutralized the
poison of the blood, and that another short campaign with Cundurango will insure a
complete cure. Dr. Clarke then visited Mrs. Mathews and was astonished at her recovery.
The tumor had become soft and the color was now neutral. The secondary glandular
deposits had all disappeared. The complexion, muscular firmness, and her great spirit all
pointed to an early and complete recovery.

The next case is very interesting because it echoes what I have been seeing as a distinct
pattern in homeopathic prescribing for cancer. J.H Clarke, Dr. Kulkarni (the author of
this case), and A.U. Ramakrishnan all have noted the same patterns when taking cancer
cases; there is a need to repetorize the cancer symptoms first. Almost as if the cancer is a
separate entity, not belonging to the human body which it is a parasite in. The author of
this case states that he needed to find a remedy that fits the characteristic of the disease
more than the characteristic of the patient. Even though he concludes that Staphasagria is
the indicated remedy for the patient it wasnt the correct remedy for the tumor.
I spoke
to Dr. Taylor about this one day and he said that he had not treated many cancer patients
but from what he had read and some clinical experiences, to treat cancer successfully you
cannot repetorize a case in the traditional way (treatment of the individual or some use
the term constitutionally). He said that after a tumor is present then the symptoms that we
normally use to asses the patient might be hidden. Now what we have is the tumor
masking the individuals symptoms. He said what probably needs to be done first is treat
the tumor and after it is gone then treat the patient.
My interpretation of this, from what
I have learned from Dr. Thom is that we need go back and treat the patients miasm. We
delve deep into patients history and find out when the patient was well and then when
they had a trauma (physical, mental/emotional or spiritual) in their lives. Then we need to
find out which bodily system(s) is behind the problem. By knowing the age that the
trauma occurred one can find out which organ system(s) was affected and then treat it.

Almost as if there is a saved morbific memory there in the cellular and or energetic levels
that need to be cleared out before healing can take place. A.U Ramakrishnan has his own
unique way of understanding this and successfully treating cancer patients, he calls it the
Plussing Method and he uses more than one remedy at a time do this.

Case 4: 1986: 44 year old woman mother of three teenage boys presents after having an
extended mastectomy and chemotherapy for a previous diagnosis of left-sided breast
cancer (T3, N1-16 of 23 lymph nodes MO). Her symptomatology pointed to
Staphasagria as the indicated remedy. The author prescribed Staphasagria mainly
because of her lack of being able to get angry and her inability to assert herself. There
were some physical generals but the big symptoms were: weeping when spoken to loudly,
great exhaustion, everything was too much for her, very sensitive, easily hurt, does
everything for peace and harmony. She feels a responsibility to nurse her parents when
they're old and sick. After she was treated many of her symptoms disappeared. She
started having problems with her husband a few months later, Whenever she tried to
assert herself he put her down; when she initiates tenderness, he hits her on her fingers.
She wanted very much to peruse an art career and now that her family had grown up it
would have been a good time for her, but her family still expected her to be the maid for
them. She could not assert herself to make this change. Over the course the next three
years a number of different remedies were given for different acutes, she tried to go to
counseling with her husband but he refused. She was able to start asserting herself but got
angry at inanimate objects (she broke a cup on the floor when angry at her husband). She
was never able to break out of her miasm and really and truly stand up for herself. She
could not stand up and say that their needs to be changes made in the family dynamics
and I am going to make them. She could have anger but it was directed inward. In 1989
metastasis was found to the liver and several lymph nodes. It is interesting to note that
one-year prior she told her husband that she probably needed a relapse to get through to
him. The family did change and started to treat her more with care after they found the
metastasis. She said at that time, I probably needed the metastasis so they finally
understood"! She died shortly afterward.
The author says that the patient learned to assert herself on a superficial level but she did
not dare to go fully into what she needed to do and hoped that her family would learn
through her disease and give her the freedom she was seeking. He concludes that freedom
can never be given it must always be taken; the change must be done by the one who is
suffering the most.

This is the way I would have taken this case before I started to read A.U. Ramakrishnans
A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer. There is still some part of me that thinks she died
because she could not let her soul be free? Maybe this is wrong? How do you help a soul
to be free? We as the guides to change, how do we help facilitate this? Is this our place?
Maybe instead of focusing so much on her mental/emotional symptoms we need to
address the cancer itself first, but isnt the psyche connected to the cancer? How could it
not be? If the cancer is masking her true symptoms then what are we treating when we
address her internalized anger (fear to change) and her non-assertiveness? The next cases
from A.U. Ramakrishnan will shed light on all of these questions.

Case 5: January 1995: Female 39 years old presented with a one cm lump in the right
lower quadrant of her breast. It had been previously diagnosed as cancerous, stage two.
There was one abnormal axillary lymph node found, no other sign of metastasis. She
refused a lumpectomy.
During her history she had used HRT to regulate painful and irregular menstrual periods.
She was overweight, could only eat a little at a time, but liked pastries; She was easily
chilled but craved fresh air. She was gentle by nature and felt hurt or put down easily.
She was depressed mornings and evenings. All symptoms pointed to Pulsatilla. This is
Dr. Ramakrishnan method and regimen:

Week 1: Pulsatilla 200C daily plussing method: based on Hahnemanns LM potency
principle; the patient takes 3 pellets of the indicated remedy and dilutes them in 11
teaspoons of spring water. The patient sips one teaspoon every 15 minutes, between each
dose the water is stirred or if in a bottle successed once. The patient will take 10
teaspoons full over the course of about two and a half hours, and reserves the last
teaspoon full for the next day. The next day ten teaspoons of fresh spring water are added
to the original mixture with no new remedy added and the process is repeated for seven
days. During the second week the remedy is changed (Carsinosin-a cancer nosode
specific for breast tissue in this case) and the same procedure is used. Weeks 3-8 are the
same alternating between Pulsatilla and Carsinosin.
At the end of week 8: Slight reduction in the size of the lump. CT scan confirmed that the
lump had reduced by 25%.

Months 3-6: Same as weeks 1-2, but the potency is changed to 1M, by the end of this
time the lump had disappeared and the lymph node appeared normal.
Months 7-10: Same as weeks 1-2, but the potency is now 10M weekly, Split Dose
Method: like weeks one and two the patient alternates between two remedies but now
they take 3 pellets of the straight remedy four times a day one day a week. In this case
they alternate between Pulsatilla 10M one week and Carsinosin 10M on the second week.
For the next two years the patient was prescribed alternating doses of both Pulsatilla and
Carsinosin 10M monthly, Split Dose Method. During this time her menstrual periods
became regular and pain free. In this case it just happened that Pulsatilla served both as a
constitutional remedy and the organ specific remedy.

The method of prescribing that Dr. Ramakrishnan uses is as follows: The first
prescription should be a medicine that possesses an affinity with the primary organ or the
organ at present affected one of the wide spectrum cancer specifics as well as
sometimes being prescribed on the patients constitutional picture. The second
prescription should be the appropriate cancer nosode, which is then prescribed alternately
with the organ specific remedy. These two remedies are used as long as there is
improvement. Dr. Ramakrishnans results with breast cancer:

No. of No. of No. of Success
Cases Viable Cases* Successes Rate

Pre-Plussing (<1993) 190 70 40 57%
Plussing (>1993) 380 150 120 80%

* According to Dr. Ramakrishnan the viable number of cases excluded those cases in
which there was no expectation of cure.

Case 6: Male 68 years, heavy smoker for most of his life. Patient presented with an
incessant cough and unbearable pain in the interscapular region.

X-ray showed consolidation in the right lower lobe of the lungs. A scan confirmed this. A
Bronchoscopy revealed the presence of malignant cells. Diagnosis: bronchogenic
carcinoma, stage lll.

The patient was haughty and reserved by his nature. He craved sweets, and was in other
respects a typical Lycopodium. (Lycopodium does have an affinity for the lungs as well).

Week 1: Lycopodium 200C daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Carcinosin 200C daily Plusssing Method
Weeks 3-8: Same as weeks 1-2.
Months 3-4: Same as weeks 1-2 but change to 1M potency.
Twice during these eight weeks the patient developed hemoptysis. Both times
Sanguinareia 200C one dose every half-hour, for a total of ten times, which was repeated
for three successive days was used successfully. Dr. Ramakrishnan goes on to say that if
there is an acute condition that comes up when treating the cancer, especially a life
threatening hemorrhage, then one of two remedies need to be employed; Phosphorus or
Sanguinaria. The dose here is 200C, and the cancer treatment is suspended until the acute
condition has resolved. More minor acutes are dealt with in a lower dose schedule, 30C
or lower. Conditions such as bodily injury, high fever, or a bout of influenza are treated
in this manner and the Plussing Method is not discontinued. The lower dose remedy is
given in a way that works around the plussing times.

CT scan showed the entire patch of consolidation completely cleared.

Months 5-6: Same as weeks 1-2 but in the 1M potency.
Months 7-12: Same as weeks 1-2 but in the 1M potency.

CT scan continued to show everything clear.

Month 13: Lycopodium 1M semimonthly, Split Dose Method.
Month 14: Carcinosin 1M semimonthly, Split Dose Method.
Months 15-26 same as months 13-14.

At this time the patient is symptom free (no blood in the sputum etc.), He refused to
undergo any more bronchoscopies or other tests. The patient received the same two
remedies for more than a year, alternating quarterly, Split Dose Method, only
occasionally after that. He continues to well to this day, with no cough or other symptoms.
Recent CT shows everything is clear.

Dr. Ramakrishnans Results with lung cancer:

No. of No. of No. of Success
Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing (<1993) 40 21 6 29%
Plussing (>1993) 90 26 15 58%

Case 7: Male 37 years, presented with a 5cm malignant mass at the head of his pancreas
in the periampullary region, it had been diagnosed as stage 11.

Test showed high biliary dilation, and CT scan showed that there was total obstruction of
the bile flow. Total serum bilirubin was 7.2 mg/dl.

Week 1: Hydrastis 200 C daily, Plussing Method
Week 2: Carcinosin 200C daily, Plussing Method
Weeks 4-6: Same as weeks 1-2. The patient felt better, but on examination the spleen
was distinctly hard.
Week 7: Hydrastis 200C daily, Plussing Method
Week 8: Scirrhinum 200C daily, Plussing Method.
Bilirubin count was lower.

Months 3-4: Same as weeks 7-8 but in the 1M potency. The patient continued to improve.
The bilirubin count continued to drop. CT scan showed 50% reduction in the mass and
the spleen was normal size and texture.

Months 5-12: Same as weeks 7-8. The patient felt completely well.
Bilirubin count was down to 1.3 mg/dl at the end of 6 months and remained at that level.
CT showed further reduction of the tumor.

At this point the patient said that he was tired of the Plussing Method and would not
continue any longer. He refused to have any more CT scans.

Months 13-20: Same two remedies as weeks 7-8 but in 10M doses daily Split Dose
Method. The patient continued to do well. After this the patient did not receive such
intensive treatment, he takes only periodic remedies as his symptoms dictate.

Dr. Ramakrishnans Results with Pancreatic Cancer:

No. of No. of No. of Success
Cases Viable Cases Successes Rate
Pre-Plussing (<1993) 22 10 4 40%
Plussing (>1993) 98 56 42 75%

Prevention of cancer with homeopathy: Dr. Ramakrishnan states that Carsinoson is the
preferred nosode to use for prevention if there is a family history of cancer. A 200C dose
can be prescribed three of four times a year or if the patient is already under regular
homeopathic treatment a 1M dose can be given twice a year between constitutional
remedies. He goes on to note that homeopathy has played a role in prevention for a long
time with different types of illnesses such as: desensitization to poison ivy, influenza, and
upper respiratory illnesses.

Hahnemann used homeopathy successfully in the prevention of epidemic diseases after
he had found the genius epdemicus (the remedie(s) that he repetorized time after time for
the same epidemic pathology, if given to healthy people would confer a resistance to the
epidemic pathology and their terrain would remain unaffected). Dr. Taylor, in an article
adapted from the Homeopathic Almanac first edition, (Sofia, Bulgaria) 2001 calls this
Homeoprophylaxis he states, Homeoprophylaxis involves the use of individual
remedies selected in an individual and non routine manner, to reduce or eliminate the
morbidity of epidemic or sporadic contagious diseases in the short term.
In 1799
Hahnenmann successfully found the genus epidemicus to treat scarlet fever that was
sweeping across Germany and in 1801 he published the article Cure and Prevention of
Scarlet Fever. In this article he says that he did not repetorize the individual symptoms of
Scarlet Fever per each patient who presented to him in that time period but used the
combined symptoms of all patients who had presented to him in that time period and
came up with one remedy, the genus epidemicus Belladonna. He promoted Belladonna as
a prophylactic remedy for Scarletina.

In conclusion, Dr. Ramakrishnans method of treating cancer includes many different
types of homeopathic prescribing. He uses the constitution of the patient where
appropriate tying it in to the organ specificity, as well as the precise nosode, all at high
multiple doses. He incorporates many different styles and multiple remedies for these
reasons, In the treatment of cancer the prescriber often cannot afford to wait and watch
(as in classical homeopathy), because the adverse effects of the primary and secondary
lesions require a more aggressive procedure. Dr. Ramakrishnan gives three main reasons
for his departure from classical homeopathy: The patient can become immune to a
remedy and after a while they may not respond to it any longer, if you give a single
remedy too frequently this can cause aggravations, and if you address the disease on two
different levels then the treatment will be much stronger. He bases his Plussing Method
on Hahnemannss Fifty-Millesimal (LM) Potency Medicines (Organ of Medicine,
paragraphs 246-248 and 272). He goes on to say that the reason for doing this is two-fold,
to slightly increase the potency (vibration) of the remedy with each dose and to minimize
the risk of aggravation while ensuring a more powerful impact.

I think that Dr. Ramakrishnan has proved that homeopathy is a viable option for treating
cancer and may even prove to be a type of prophylaxis in the future. The general
consensus of the doctors that I have spoken to about treating cancer with homeopathy feel
that the patient outcome is always better if the patient undergoes the needed surgery for
tumor removal first before the homeopathic treatment is started. Many feel that radiation
and chemotherapy are not viable options. I think that there is a great need to forge a
working and trusting relationship between oncologists and other doctors who practice
homeopathy. Fear is the factor stopping this relationship. This fear can come from any of
the people who are involved in the patient care, and it can harm the patients chances for
survival. How can we all be on the same page and fear-free? These questions will be
answered in the future hopefully so that the cancer patient can have the best of all
modalities known in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

CLARKE J. H., The Therapeutics of Cancer (c12), Encyclopedia Homeopathica

CLARKE J. H., The Therapeutics of Cancer (c12), Encyclopedia Homeopathica
CLARKE J. H., The Therapeutics of Cancer (c12), Encyclopedia Homeopathica
CLARKE J. H., The Therapeutics of Cancer (c12), Encyclopedia Homeopathica
Dr. Kulkarni, Arvind, Cancer Incurability fact or failure? Case reports cancer,
Homeopathic Links, winter, Encyclopedia Homeopathica.
Taylor, Will, MD. NCNM Homeopathic Clinic Shift, Pettygrove, Thursday 12:00-
Thom, Dick, DDS, ND. Practical Endocrinology Lecture, NCNM, April-May 2005
Dr. Kulkarni, Arvind, Cancer Incurability fact or failure? Case reports cancer,
Homeopathic Links, winter, Encyclopedia Homeopathica.

Ramakrishnan, A.U., A Homoeopathic Approach To Cancer, Ninth House Publishing,
Fairfax W. Virginia, 2001. Pg: 57-58.

Ramakrishnan, A.U., A Homoeopathic Approach To Cancer, Ninth House Publishing,
Fairfax W. Virginia, 2001. Pg: 59.

Ramakrishnan, A.U., A Homoeopathic Approach To Cancer, Ninth House Publishing,
Fairfax W. Virginia, 2001. Pg: 64-65.

Ramakrishnan, A.U., A Homoeopathic Approach To Cancer, Ninth House Publishing,
Fairfax W. Virginia, 2001. Pg: 65.

Ramakrishnan, A.U., A Homoeopathic Approach To Cancer, Ninth House Publishing,
Fairfax W. Virginia, 2001. Pg: 70-71.

Ramakrishnan, A.U., A Homoeopathic Approach To Cancer, Ninth House Publishing,
Fairfax W. Virginia, 2001. Pg: 71.

Ramakrishnan, A.U., A Homoeopathic Approach To Cancer, Ninth House Publishing,
Fairfax W. Virginia, 2001. Pg: 217.

Taylor, Will MD. Taking the Case, 2002.
Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever, Hahnemann, Samuel (published as a pamphlet,
Gotha, 1801): and in The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann, R.E. Dudgen, Ed.

By Dr. Dana Churchill, a Naturopathic physician in LA and La Jolla.

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