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OUTDOOR SCHOOL information

Sept. 17, 2014

Dear Parents,
Outdoor S!oo" is #ui$"% omin& upon us. Our "asses 'i"" attend Tri$"e Cree$ Camp, "oated in
t!e !i""s ( mi"es )* of Sa"em.
Tri$"e Cree$ o+ers o,er -00 ares of .eautifu" natura" stud% areas, in"udin& forests, ponds,
meado's, /e"ds and streams. T!ere is a.undant 'i"d"ife at Tri$"e Cree$, espeia""% t!e deer
t!at are often seen 'anderin& near t!e midd"e of amp.
T!ere are ei&!t a.ins on site, as 'e"" as t'o modern .at!!ouses, a ma&ni/ent amp/re
area, nie sta+ 0 tea!er aommodations, and open1air s!e"ters.
Our amp dates are Monday, October 20 through Wednesday, October 22.
On 2onda% 22, students s!ou"d .e dropped o+ at s!oo" 'it! all of their gear no "ater
t!an 8:30 am. TH34 C5))OT R6D3 TH3 7US TO SCHOOL. On *ednesda% OCT. 22 students 'i""
return to s!oo" .% 1:30 pm and must !a,e a pre-arranged ride !ome for t!at time.
Last 'ee$ %ou s!ou"d !a,e reei,ed a Student ea!th "orm,# and a $!oth%ng and
&'u%pment (%st#. T!e Student Hea"t! 8orm s!ou"d .e returned, omp"eted .% a parent or
&uardian. 6t is important to return t!e omp"eted form no "ater t!an ")*+,, O$-O.&) 10th.
P"ease "oo$ o,er t!e supp"% "ist '!en %ou reei,e it. 2ost items are easi"% aessi."e. P"ease do
/O- &o out and .u% ne' supp"ies or "ot!in& for amp. 4ou an .orro' materia"s from friends
and re"ati,es or e,en ,isit 9ood'i"":;a"ue ;i""a&e. Ho'e,er, if %ou are sti"" in need of materia"s,
p"ease "et us $no'. *e !a,e a "imited supp"% of some ommon &ear a,ai"a."e. T!e $e% 'ord
'!en sear!in& for supp"ies< W+-&)0)OO", W+)M, +/* $OM"O)-+.(&1 Students 'i"" .e
outside most of t!e da%. 6t an .e unomforta."e if t!e% are o"d and 'et=
)ote< Students are not a!!o2ed to br%ng or possess ce!! phones or e!ectron%cs '!i"e at
Outdoor S!oo" for an% reason. T!is is an unp"u&&ed e>periene= T!ere is a p!one in t!e o?e
for emer&enies. For pictures students may bring regular or disposable cameras and may not
use their cell phone cameras. There is a nurse on staf 24/7 for any medical needs, staf
has radios & teachers have their cell phones. P"ease enoura&e %our students @0 ma%.e
%ourse"fA to e>periene "ife 'it!out a e"" p!one for 2 1:2 da%s. 3,er%.od% 'i"" .e more t!an /ne.
@*e $eep t!e $ids so .us% 'it! fun stu+ t!e% donBt !a,e time to miss it an%'a%.A
6t is ommon for students to &et e>ited a.out amp= 5n>iet% is a"so fair"% ommon. *e disuss
man% issues and student #uestions in "ass to !e"p re"ie,e t!e uneasiness. Ho'e,er, if %our !i"d
seems o,er"% 'orried or resistant to &oin&, p"ease "et us $no'. 6f 'e $no' a.out spei/
onerns and #uestions, 'e an address t!em in "ass or pri,ate"%. ODS is e>itin&, eduationa",
and fun. *e 'ant students to "oo$ for'ard to &oin& 'it! ent!usiasm=
6f %ou !a,e an% #uestions or onerns, p"ease fee" free to ontat us.
5"anna Pass @C0-A 4-11C2DD
L%nette 3"'%n 4-11C240
Sara! Cunnin&!am 4-11C2-(

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