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Nichol James

Professional Communication
Effectively in the
Body language
Professional Communication
Effective communication is necessary in the
work place. Oral and written
communication along with body language
are factors which assist individuals with
establishing effective ways of

Oral Communication
Your voice is you
The voice is our main
means of
communication in
the work place.
The pitch
The volume
The tone used

Written Communication
Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation
When using written
communication in the
work place, one should:
Provides specific details
Use vivid language
Explain the impact in
the context of
something that the
audience value.
Cite credible sources

Body Language
Gestures speak louder than words
Your body language and
spoken words need to
Audiences will respond
to the non-verbal
message every time.
Your non-verbal
conversation starts first

For individuals to communicate successfully, they must
influence people and rely on principles of behavioral
psychology that govern how people act, make
decisions and change their minds
Reference Page Citation
Are you in good voice?. (2009, March). Noise & Vibration
Worldwide, Retrieved June 7, 2009, from Academic Search
Complete database.
Jolley, D. (2009, February). Clear and compelling messages -- the
foundation for effective communication. Public Relations
Tactics, 16(2), 20-21. Retrieved June 7, 2009, from Business
Source Complete database.
Morgan, N. (2008, November). How to Become an Authentic
Speaker. Harvard Business Review, 86(11), 115-119. Retrieved June
7, 2009, from Business Source Complete database.
Robb, P. (2008, January). E-tiquette. Office Pro, 68(1), 24-27.
Retrieved June 7, 2009, from Business Source Complete

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