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College magazine flat plan

Before I even began to think of a possible layout for my college magazine front
cover, I looked at magazine front covers from several magazines to begin to get an
idea of the layout.
What is evidently clear is the conventions of a magazine are present in every
example used for inspiration. They all have a masthead at the top third of the page,
some displaying the image behind the magazine title, the majority shoing the image
over the masthead. This is used in some music magazines because their masthead
is so easily recognisable to the consumer. This demonstrates that hen I come to
designing the masthead it should be iconic.
! second convention that ill inspire my college magazine is that the majority of the
cover lines are located on the left third of the front cover, hich is hat inspired the
location of my cover lines.
The final inspiration, that is more relevant to the college magazine is the props used
on the front cover of "#ollege$ magazine in the top right. The use of casual clothes
and holding books, this gives the studious, sophisticated learner vibe to the
magazine. Which is exactly hat I had pictured hen originally thinking about the
design. %oever, I ill use an on site location for the background of the image to
make it more relatable, possibly on steps, in front of a classroom or outside the main
&ain article

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