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TEACHER : Student Panait (Badescu) Nuta

SCHOOL : Scoala Gimnaziala nr.55 Bucuresti
DATE : the 22
of February 2!"
CLASS : the #

LESSON : Su$erstitions % !
&to tal' about su$erstitions
& to re(ise and $ractice the !st conditional )ith the hel$ of the conte*t of
&to $romote discussions
&to listen and read a te*t for s$ecific information
&to ans)er the +uestions
&to com$lete sentences )ith the missin, )ords
METHODS : &s$ea'in, - readin,- )ritin,
MATERIALS : & $ictures - )or'sheets
.r,anisin, the class : &,reetin, the class
&introducin, myself
&chec'in, the home)or'
/im & to $romote discussions.
0nteraction % the )hole class
Strate,y : discussion
1ime : 5 minutes
1eacher )rites the title of the lesson on the blac'board 2Su$erstitions3 and
e*$lains that they )ill tal' about those common beliefs- thin,s $eo$le are
used to belie(e in )ithout really 'no) )hy. 1hese are called su$erstitions.
1eacher sho)s a $icture of a blac' cat and as's students )hat belief(s) they
'no) about it. She )ill )rite on the blac'board a sentence containin, a
su$erstition usin, the !
conditional- e,. 20f a blac' cat crosses the road in
front of you- you )ill ha(e bad luc'3. 1hen she sho)s a $icture of a mirror- a
ladder- a shootin, star- a hand- salt or $e$$er and elicits the sentences from
the students.
1eacher )rites the rules for the !
conditional and then ,i(es the students to
sol(e an e*ercise )ith !
conditional .
Aims & to re(ise and $ractice the !st conditional )ith the hel$ of
the conte*t of su$erstitions
& to ans)er the +uestions
0nteraction % indi(idual )or'
Strate,y % discussin,- ans)erin,
1ime : !5 minutes
1eacher announces that another 'ind of acti(ity is ,oin, to be $erformed ne*t
and she hands out )or'sheets containin, some tas's related to the famous
$oem 20f3 by 4udyard 5i$lin,. She tells students that they6ll read the $oem
first and then )ill ha(e to sol(e the tas's one by one. /s a $re&readin, acti(ity
the teacher offers some short $re(ie) on the author and the $oem- as'in, if
they ha(e heard about 4udyard 5i$lin, before and if they 'no) the title of
the most famous )or' of his (the no(el 21he 7un,le boo'3). 1he $oem 20f36 is
full of meanin,s and sense- the author is tal'in, about 'ee$in, the moral
(alues throu,hout the life- about $rinci$les and (irtues. Students )ill read and
translate the $oem . (!5 minutes)
/s another te*t com$rehension acti(ity- teacher )ill hand out other $ieces of
$a$ers )ith the )hole $oem and )ith some e*$lanations of )ords and
$hrases from the te*t and she )ill en,a,e students in discussions based on the
)ords and the te*t. She )ill as' students )hy is the $oem entitled 20f3 and
to,ether they )ill come to the conclusion that the entire $oem is a condition-
the father6s ad(ice to his son about ho) to handle thin,s in life- ho) to face
challen,es- o(ercome obstacles and remain $ositi(e- o$timistic- (irtuous- and
)hen all these conditions )ill be fulfilled the $erson can call himself a real
28an3. (! minutes)
/ims & to listen to the te*t for s$ecific information
&to find s$ecific )ords in the te*t
& to $romote discussions
& to com$lete sentences )ith the missin, )ords
0nteraction : & indi(idual )or'- )hole class )or'
Strate,y : discussin,- s'immin,- ans)erin,
1ime : 25 minutes
9ome assessment %
Pro7ect & Students are as'ed to desi,n a $ro7ect about su$erstitions (most or
less 'no)n).
1eacher $raises all the students for their contribution.
/im & to understand the tas'
Strate,y : e*$lainin,
1ime : 2 minutes
0f you can 'ee$ your head )hen all about you
/re losin, theirs and blamin, it on you:
0f you can trust yourself )hen all men doubt you-
But ma'e allo)ance for their doubtin, too:
0f you can )ait and not be tired by )aitin,-
.r- bein, lied about- don;t deal in lies-
.r bein, hated don;t ,i(e )ay to hatin,-
/nd yet don;t loo' too ,ood- nor tal' too )ise:
0f you can dream&&&and not ma'e dreams your master:
0f you can thin'&&&and not ma'e thou,hts your aim-
0f you can meet )ith 1rium$h and <isaster
/nd treat those t)o im$ostors 7ust the same:.
0f you can bear to hear the truth you;(e s$o'en
1)isted by 'na(es to ma'e a tra$ for fools-
.r )atch the thin,s you ,a(e your life to- bro'en-
/nd stoo$ and build;em u$ )ith )orn&out tools:
0f you can ma'e one hea$ of all your )innin,s
/nd ris' it on one turn of $itch&and&toss-
/nd lose- and start a,ain at your be,innin,s-
/nd ne(er breathe a )ord about your loss:
0f you can force your heart and ner(e and sine)
1o ser(e your turn lon, after they are ,one-
/nd so hold on )hen there is nothin, in you
=*ce$t the >ill )hich says to them: ?9old on@?
0f you can tal' )ith cro)ds and 'ee$ your (irtue-
.r )al' )ith 5in,s&&&nor lose the common touch-
0f neither foes nor lo(in, friends can hurt you-
0f all men count )ith you- but none too much:
0f you can fill the unfor,i(in, minute
>ith si*ty seconds; )orth of distance run-
Aours is the =arth and e(erythin, that;s in it-
/nd&&&)hich is more&&&you;ll be a 8an- my son@
Rudyard Kipling
Do you b!i" i# su$%s&i&io#s'
1housands of $eo$le belie(e in su$erstitions althou,h a lot off $eo$le thin' of
them as nonsense and not based on reason. >here does the )ord
2su$erstition3 come fromC 1he )ord su$erstition comes from t)o Datin
)ords: 2Su$er66 and 2Stare3. Super means above and stare means to stand.
1here are t)o ty$es of su$erstition. Good luc' su$erstitions and bad luc'
(oo) !u*+ su$%s&i&io#s
& 0f your ri,ht hand itches- you )ill earn money.
& 0f you find a four&leaf clo(er- you )ill ha(e ,ood luc'.
& 0f you see a horseshoe )hich )as lost- you )ill ha(e ,ood luc'.
& 0f you dream about a )hite cat- you )ill ha(e ,ood luc'.
& 0f you see a blac' cat )hich )al's to)ards you- it brin,s you ,ood luc'.
& 0f your ri,ht ear itches- someone is s$ea'in, )ell of you.
& 0f you $ut a mirror 7ust across the door- you )ill ha(e ,ood luc'.
& 0f you ste$ on your shado)- it brin,s you ,ood luc'.
& 0f the first butterfly you see in the year is )hite- it brin,s you ,ood luc' all
B,) !u*+ su$%s&i&io#s
& 0f you o$en an umbrella indoors- it brin,s you bad luc'.
& >hen a cat sneezes three times indoors- it )ill rain in 2B hours.
& 0f you dream about a do,- you )ill ha(e a lot of enemies.
& 0f you brea' a mirror- it )ill brin, you se(en years of bad luc'.
& 0f you )al' under a ladder- you )ill ha(e bad luc'.
& 0f a do, ho)ls at ni,ht- death is near.
& 0f you see a bird that comes to)ards you- you )ill ha(e bad luc'.
& 0f you eat from the $ot- it )ill rain at your )eddin, ceremony.
& 0f your left hand itches- you )ill lose money.

& 0f you FFFFF. on a table- you FFFFFFF.. bad luc'. (slee$ G
& 0f you FFF.the su,ar into the cu$ first- before the tea- you FFFFF
,ood luc'. ($ut G ha(e)
& / ni,ht)al'er FFFF..your soul if youFFFF )ith your feet to)ards
the door. (steal G slee$)
& 0f an o)l FFFFF in your ,arden- it FFFF. you bad luc'. (hoot G
& Aou FFFF..)hate(er you )ant if you FFFFFFall the candles on
your birthday ca'e in one blo). (,etG blo) out)
& 0f you FFFF rice on a ne) bride and ,room- they FFFFF..many
children. (thro) G ha(e)
& / ,irl FFFFher future husband in her dream if she FFF.salty )ater
then ,oes to slee$.(see G drin')
& 0f you FFFF. at ni,ht- a ni,ht)al'er FFFFF.. to your home.
()histle G come)
& 0f youFFFF.a fallin, leaf on the first day of autumn-
youFFFFF..,ood luc' all )inter.(catchGha(e)

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