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Lab Report 2: Chemical Equilibrium

Names: Grade: Date:9-6-12

This lab was about chemical equilibrium. We saw how changes in concentration
and temperature affected this lab( we dont mention pressure, for we didnt worked
with gases).To start the lab, We did a saturated solution of water and salt; this step
was a little arduous for you had to make the solution until a point in which you
could see tiny bits of salt near the bottom of the beaker, when you saw that, it
meant that the solution was done.
Afterwards, we poured an amount of the solution into a test tube and added around
20-25 drops hydrochloric acid ,HCl, and that made us observe how a
recrystallization happened which was a good example of how equilibrium shifts
when the solution in equilibrium is disturbed. This helped us understand how an
hydrolysis works and this made room the other interesting part of the experiment
we made, even if the last part we didnt do it per se, but watched how it work and
what makes it happen, which is better than nothing.
At the end, we saw an example of potassium chromate(yellow color) and
potassium dichromate(orange), we mixed them in a beaker to make a solution and
then we added both sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid in different times;but
they both had the same results, they changed the color of the solution. When we
added sodium hydroxide the solution turned yellow ,and when we added the
hydrochloric acid, the solution turned orange, this means that the solution provided
adapted to the new added chemical and shifted its own equilibrium; it was a really
good visual aid on how Le Chteliers principle works.

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