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Common Core Standard:

(CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7) Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visa!!",

#antitative!") as $e!! as in $ords to deve!op a %o&erent nderstanding of a topi% or isse.
(CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.'.6.() 'rite argments to spport %!aims $it& %!ear reasons and re!evant eviden%e.
PSSA Anchor Alignment:
-+o *o$,attendan%e (- .in)
-/pening rotine (0 min)
-1e" 2oints ((3 min)
-2artner a%tivit" ((( min)
-Independent Response ((( min)
-+ismissa! (0 min)4
Lab (for block periods 1, 2, & 3:
-5e" points ((3 min)
-A%tivit" (03 min)
-E6it Ti%5et ((7 min)
-+ismissa! (0 min)4
Langage +iversit"
Informa! spee%&
9orma! spee%&
Agite $"nc:
8ased on t&e goa!s t&at
"o set at t&e :eginning of
t&e "ear, respond to t&e
(. Are "o on tra%5 to meet "or goa!s;
0. '&at %an "o do to ma5e sre t&at "o meet "or
-Entr" rotine) Stdents enter t&rog& t&e <in= door, s&a5e t&e tea%&er>s &and, pi%5 p %!ass materia!s (&andots,
et%.), go dire%t!" to t&eir seats (as mar5ed), and :egin t&e do no$, $&i%& $i!! :e pro?e%ted onto t&e over&ead.
-+o-no$,attendan%e (- min)) @oa! Ref!e%tion
8ased on t&e goa!s t&at "o set at t&e :eginning of !ast $ee5 respond to t&e fo!!o$ing prompts)
Are "o on tra%5 to meet "or goa!s;
'&at %an "o do to ma5e sre t&at "o meet "or goa!s;
-/pening rotine (0 min)) Stdents are %o!d-%a!!ed to read t&e &ome$or5 assignment and o:?e%tives. Stdents
%op" &ome$or5 assignments into t&eir agenda :oo5s. Annon%ements are made a:ot t&e a%&ievement tra%5er
and pea%e point re%ipient.
-1e" points ((3 min))
Lang"age %i&ersit#
Tea%&er prompts stdents to s&are t&eir responses from t&e &ome$or5 a:ot $&i%& !angages are spo5en :"
t&eir fami!". T&e tea%&er $rites t&ese on t&e :oard, ta5ing a!! responses nti! t&e %!ass &as e6&asted t&eir !ists.
See &o$ man" !angages are represented :" "or %!ass.
Sophia Hinkle
Grade Prima Lingua
Week 9/22 !eeting "
#nit "
Students )ill kno) )hat languages are represented in
their )orld* countr+* cit+* communit+* and ,amil+-
Students )ill learn the 'oca%ular+ monolingual*
%ilingual* trilingual* and pol+glot-
Co!d-%a!! stdents to read t&e notes. Stdents %op" notes on t&eir $or5s&eets. 8efore disp!a"ing t&e se%ond
:!!et point, prompt stdents to gess &o$ man" !angages t&ere are in t&e $or!d. Ta5e t$o vo!nteers. 'rite
t&eir gesses on t&e :oard and %ompare $it& t&e a%ta! nm:er.
Ast as t&ere is a great variet" of peop!e and %!tres in t&e $or!d, t&ere is a great variet" of !angages.
It is estimated t&at t&ere are appro6imate!" 6,B33 different !angages in e6isten%e toda".
S&o$ a :rief "ot:e video of :o" $&o spea5s man" !angages. &ttps),,$$$."ot:e.%om,$at%&;
Introd%e termino!og" for &o$ man" !angages a person spea5s and e6p!ain t&e per%entage of t&e $or!d t&at are
mono- and tri!inga!. Refer :a%5 to !angage fami!" &istories and point ot stdents $&o are :i- and tri-!inga!
and po!"g!ots. .s. Gin5!e is tri!inga! (spea5s Eng!is&, 2ortgese, and 2o!is&=. 2oint ot t&at t&e :o" in t&e
video is a 2o!"g!ot :e%ase &e spo5e man" !angages. +is%ss t&e terms from t&eir &ome$or5) !ingaC
!angage or tonge in LatinH g!otta C tonge in @ree5). '&" are t&e $ords tonge and !angage so %!ose!"
!in5ed; Tr" to ta!5 $it&ot sing "or tonge.
A person $&o is a:!e to spea5 one !angage f!ent!" is said to :e mono!inga!.
-IJ of t&e $or!d pop!ation
A person $&o is a:!e to spea5 t$o !angages f!ent!" is said to :e :i!inga!.
-IJ of t&e $or!d pop!ation
A person $&o is a:!e to spea5 t&ree !angages f!ent!" is said to :e tri!inga!.
(IJ of t&e $or!d pop!ation
A person $&o spea5s man" !angages is %a!!ed a po!"g!ot.
IJ of t&e $or!d pop!ation spea5s for or more !angages
-2artner $or5 a%tivit" ((( min))
Lang"age sca&enger h"nt
(K min) Gave stdents $or5 $it& t&eir s&o!der partner (paired :" seating arrangement) to ans$er #estions on
t&e $or5s&eet a:ot t&e !ingisti% ma5ep of t&eir $or!d. Stdents are finding ans$ers from a given set of
$e:sites (if !aptops are avai!a:!e) or a pa%5et of information printed ot for t&em. T&e !ast t&ree #estions are
opinion #estions.
(I min) +isp!a" ans$ers on t&e over&ead. Gave stdents %orre%t t&eir $or5 and offer time for #estions.
Independent Response ((( min))
(6 min) Gave stdents ans$er #estions si6 t&rog& nine independent!".
(7 min) @o over ans$ers. Co!d %a!! stdents to ans$er. A!!o$ stdents to :i!d onto ea%& anot&er>s responses.
Lse grop dis%ssion senten%e starters from t&e previos $ee5.
Lab (for block periods 1, 2, & 3:
()e# Points (1* min:
Co!d %a!! stdents to read notes. Stdents are $riting notes.
9or !ingists, %ode-s$it%&ing des%ri:es t&e a%t of s$it%&ing :et$een t$o spee%& st"!es.
In m!ti%!tra!, m!tiet&ni% so%iet", t&e termMs deeper meaning invo!ves s&ifting :et$een different
%!tres as "o move t&rog& !ifeMs %onversations N %&oosing "or %ommni%ation st"!e :ased on t&e
peop!e "oMre dea!ing $it&.
Gave stdents ref!e%t on t&eir $or5s&eet a:ot if t&e" t&in5 t&at t&e" %ode-s$it%& and in $&at sitations.
9orma! and Informa! Spee%& (S!ang)
A%ademi% and professiona! !angage des%ri:e t&e forma! st"!es of spee%& t&at $e se at s%&oo! and
2eer and fami!" !angage des%ri:e t&e informa! st"!es of spee%& t&at $e se $it& or friends and fami!".
2ase &ere to %o!d %a!! t$o stdents to !ist a $ord t&at t&e" se $it& friends and t$o t&at t&e" se $it& fami!".
Gave t$o stdents s&are t&eir $ords and see if t&e tea%&er 5no$s,%an gess $&at t&e" mean. Emp&asiOe t&at
$ords mst :e appropriate to :e s&ared at s%&oo!.
Ever" da", $e are %onstant!" %ode-s$it%&ing from informa! to forma! spee%& st"!es.
A di%tionar" is a :oo5 or on!ine resor%e %ontaining a se!e%tion of t&e $ords of a !angage, giving
information a:ot t&eir meanings in eit&er t&e same or anot&er !angage.
@o to di%tionar".%om and !oo5 p t$o $ords to s&o$ t&e str%tre of a di%tionar". Loo5 p !angage and
primitive. @o to @oog!e trans!ate and s&o$ stdents &o$ a di%tionar" %an trans!ate :et$een t$o !angages.
Trans!ate t&e $ord %riosit" from Eng!is& to 2ortgese to 2o!is& to Latin.
(Acti&it# (2* min ))
+nformal Speech %ictionar# Creation
/n t&e :a%5side of t&eir $or5s&eet stdents %reate t&eir o$n s!ang di%tionar" $it& informa! $ords t&at t&e" se
$it& "or friends and fami!". Stdents provide t&e $ord, definition in forma! Eng!is&, t&e part of spee%&, and an
e6amp!e of &o$ t&e" $o!d se t&is $ord in a senten%e.
(,-it ticket (1. min:
(/ %ismissal ro"tine (2 min: Stdents pa%5 p, ma5e sre t&at t&eir spa%e is %!ean (not&ing on t&e f!oor) and
des5s are straig&t. After t&e tea%&er>s dismissa!, stdents stand p, ps& in t&eir %&airs, and $a!5 ot of t&e
Closing0Check for 1nderstanding) Co!!e%t %!ass$or5
Pens"m: 2rima Linga 'or5:oo5 page 6

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