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European Union

1. What is it?
The European Union is a group of countries whose governments all work
together. Each country pays to be a member, and the group makes
changes to way people live and do business throughout Europe.
2. When was it established? Who were the original members?
It started in 1957 and only had six members at the time. In 1973, nine more
countries joined involving the UK, and many more came along after the
3. Who is in it currently?
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Czech Republic,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. (28 members)
4. Which European nations are NOT members?
Turkey, Albania, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, and Kosovo.
5. What does it do?
Its job is mainly to bring the people in Europe closer together or more
bonded. The rules that control trade are changed, and it makes it easier for
people to buy and sell different things to each other.
6. How is it run?
The European Council is where the EU main decisions are typically made.
Who shows up depends on what the council will be discussing. There is
also the European Parliament, which decides whether the suggestions
made from the European commission should be made into news laws. It
also helps decide how much money should be spent, and that all the other
parts of the EU are working in a fair manner. The European Commission
does the day-to-day work of running the EU, and presidency, every six
months a country gets the presidency of the EU.
7. Who and why are some in the UK Pro-Europeans?
Pro-Europeans are some of the population in Britain. These people believe
that its a good idea and want the UK to start using the Euro currency. They
think that Britain will highly benefit from being a part of a larger group of
8. Who and why are some in the UK Eurosceptics?
This is a part of the population in Britain who believe the use of the pound
currency is good for their nation. They feel that the UK is different from all
the other European countries, and are scared the UK is losing their identity
and independent.
9. What is the Euro?
The Euro is a form of money that is used by 16 different countries in
10. How has the EU grown since its birth?
It started was a small number of 6 nations in 1957, and has been growing
up until 2007 when it gained its 28 members. Many more countries are still
trying to become a part of the European Union.
11. Top five aims of the EU?
1. Promote economic and social progress. 2. Speak for the European
Union on an international scene. 3. Introduce European citizenship. 4.
Develop Europe as a place of freedom, justice, and security. 5. Maintain
and build on established EU law.

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