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Mixed Conditionals

A Choose the correct verb tense.

1. I would be very happy if she
_______ to marry me.
a) agree
b) agrees
c) agreed
2. If you go to New York,_________
to visit the useum of oder! "rt.
a) do!#t forget
b) wo!#t forget
c) would!#t forget
$. If you give me %arah#s !umber, I
_________ her.
a) co!tact
b) will co!tact
c) co!tacted
&. You#d have see! the accide!t if
you _________ 1' mi!utes ago.
a) arrived
b) would arrive
c) had arrived
(. %he _________ this coat if she gets
a discou!t.
a) will buy
b) would buy
c) buy
). If I _________ rich, I would ope!
my ow! busi!ess.
a) am
b) will be
c) were
B- Complete the sentences.
1. If we wi! the match, we _________
*celebrate) with champag!e.
2. If I had wor! a warm coat, I _________
*!ot+catch) a cold.
$. If I were you, I _________ *!ot+ worry)
about it.
&. ,e _________ *help) the pla!et if we
recycled more.
(. If you _________*!ot+ fell) well, you
should see a doctor.
). _________ you _________ *ask) my
help if you !eeded it-
.. If I go to the party, I _________*buy) a
!ew dress.
/. v*give) me a call if you fi!ish work
0. If he had bee! more clear, I _________
1'. 1hey will go to the beach if the weather
_________ *get) better.
C- Comment on these situations. Use
conditional type 1, 2 or 3.
1. 2oh! is tired. 3e works too much.
If 2oh!
2. 1hey did!#t pla! their trip. they did!#t
fi!d a place to sleep.
If they
$. 4ead this book. You will like it.
If you
&. %he ate so ma!y cookies, so she feels
If she
(. 3e was seriously i!5ured. 3e was drivi!g
too fast.
If he
). y brother did!#t study. he did!#t
pass the e6am.
If my brother
.. y !eighbours are!#t at home. I
wa!ted to ask for some eggs.
If my !eighbours
/. I did!#t take a photo of the boy. I
did!#t remember his face.
If I
"!swer key
1. c
2. a
$. b
&. c
(. a
). c
1. will celebrate
2. would!#t have caught
$. would!#t worry
&. would help
(. do!#t feel
). ,ould 8ask
.. will buy
/. give
0. would have u!derstood
1'. gets
1. If 2oh! did!#t work so much, he would!#t
be tired.
2. If they had pa!!ed their trip, they would
have fou!d a place to sleep.
$. If you read this book, you will like it.
&. If she had!#t eate! so ma!y cookies,
she would!#t have felt sick.
(. If he had!#t bee! drivi!g so fast, he
would!#t have bee! so seriously i!5ured.
). If my brother had studied, he would
have passed the e6am.
.. If my !eighbours were at home, I would
ask for some eggs.
/. If I had take! a photo of the boy I would
have remembered his face.

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