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by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


por Greg Towsley
l considerar el sistema de bombeo en general,
normalmente no pensamos en el acoplamiento
de la fecha, como un elemento importante del
sistema. La seleccin y mantenimiento inapropiados
del acoplamiento puede afectar no slo la seguridad
del sistema de bombeo, sino tambin los costos de
operacin y mantenimiento.
Para transmitir la energa rotatoria suministrada por
un motor, generalmente una bomba est conectada al
motor con algn tipo de dispositivo de transmisin de
energa. Estos dispositivos de transmisin de energa
incluyen acoplamientos, correas, poleas, cadenas y rue-
das dentadas. El acoplamiento de la fecha se discutir
en este artculo.
Se utiliza un acoplamiento para transmitir el movi-
miento giratorio y la torsin de un motor, como por
ejemplo un motor o turbina elctricos a una bomba.
Adems es capaz de transmitir cargas de empuje axial
entre mquinas y cualquier creci-miento axial que
pueda ocurrir debido a productos de bombeo a altas
temperaturas o motores de turbinas de vapor.
Los acoplamientos de la bomba se clasifcan en tipos
rgidos y fexibles. Cada uno tiene su rea de aplicacin
y su uso especfco. Al seleccionar un acoplamiento
para usarlos con una bomba y motor, el tipo de aco-
plamiento a usar es tan importante como el tamao.
Los requerimientos del par o momento de torsin se
determinan basndose en la potencia y la velocidad.
La torsin normal requerida se calcula con la siguiente
Deben seleccionarse acoplamientos que sean capaces
de manejar la torsin mxima que pueda producirse
durante cualquier parte de las operaciones. Esto
incluye los arranques, paros, y las cargas cclicas o de
reversa. El fabricante del acoplamiento aplicar un
factor de servicio basado en el tipo de equipo al que
se transmite el movimiento y en las condiciones de
Adems, el diseo del acoplamiento limitar las
capacidades de torsin del mismo. Los acoplamientos
fexibles elastomricos tienen bajas capacidades de
torsin en comparacin con los acoplamientos fexi-
bles mecnicos.
Aunque algunos acoplamientos fexibles elastomri-
cos son capaces de manejar los requerimientos ms
altos de torsin, pueden no ser la seleccin ptima en
aplicaciones de alta torsin debido a su tamao fsico
y a su costo.
Algunas otras caractersticas del diseo de los aco-
plamientos proporcionan funciones especfcas.
La cua y el cuero ayudan al transmitir la torsin
del motor a la bomba.
Un acoplamiento espaciador se utiliza con una
bomba de succin al extremo con bastidor de
balero de extraccin posterior. El acoplamiento
espaciador facilita el retiro del bastidor del balero
para mantenimiento e instalacin del sello sin
trastornar la carcasa, la tubera o el motor, y sin
trastornar la alineacin bomba motor. Esto
ayuda a acortar y simplifcar el ciclo de manten-
Para equipo giratorio con grandes fechas, se usa
un diseo ahusado para facilitar la remocin. El
ajuste de la fecha generalmente es por contrac-
cin debido al ahusamiento.
Algunas industrias proporcionan guas o especifca-
ciones para la seleccin y el diseo de los acoplamientos.
La Norma API 610 del Instituto Americano del Petr-
leo 1 proporciona un conjunto de requisitos mnimos
para los acoplamientos en las industrias del petrleo,
qumica pesada, de servicios de la industrial del gas y
de generacin elctrica. Estas especifcaciones robus-
by Greq 1cwsley
hen considering Ihe overall pumping
sysIem, Ihe shaII coupling is noI usu-
ally IhoughI oI as an imporIanI elemenI in Ihe
sysIem. lmproper selecIion and mainIenance oI
pumping sysIem, buI Ihe operaIing and mainIe-
nance cosIs as well.
1o IransmiI Ihe roIaIing power supplied by a
driver, a pump is usually connecIed Io Ihe driver
wiIh some Iype oI power Iransmission device.
1hese power Iransmission devices include cou-
plings, belIs, sheaves, chains, and sprockeIs. 1he
shaII coupling will be discussed in Ihis arIicle.
A coupling is uIilized in IransmiIIing Ihe roIary
moIion and Iorque oI a driver, such as an elecIric
moIor, engine or Iurbine, Io a pump. ln addiIion,
iI is capable oI IransmiIIing axial IhrusI loads be-
Iween machines and any axial growIh IhaI may
occur due Io high IemperaIure pump producI or
sIeam Iurbine drives.
Pump couplings are caIegorized beIween Ihe
rigid and exible Iypes. Lach has iIs own specihc
use and area oI applicaIion. When selecIing a
coupling Ior use wiIh a pump and driver, Ihe Iype
oI coupling Io use is as imporIanI as Ihe size. 1he
Iorque requiremenIs are deIermined based on
Ihe horsepower and speed. 1he normal Iorque
required is calculaIed by Ihe Iollowing Iormula.
1he coupling should be selecIed Io be able Io
handle Ihe maximum Iorque IhaI may resulI
during any parI oI operaIions. 1his includes
sIarIs, sIops, cyclical, or reversing loads. 1he
coupling manuIacIurer will apply a service IacIor
based on Ihe Iype oI driven equipmenI and Ihe
condiIions oI service.
ln addiIion, Ihe coupling design will limiI Ihe
Iorque capabiliIies oI Ihe coupling. LlasIomeric
exible couplings have low Iorque capabiliIies
when compared Io mechanical exible couplings.
AlIhough some elasIomeric exible couplings
are capable oI handling Ihe higher Iorque
requiremenIs, Ihey may noI be Ihe opIimal
selecIion in high Iorque applicaIions due Io Iheir
physical size and cosI.
Some addiIional coupling design IeaIures provide
specihc IuncIions.
- 1he key and keyway help in IransmiIIing
Iorque Irom Ihe driver Io Ihe pump.
- A spacer coupling is uIilized wiIh an end
sucIion pump wiIh back pullouI bearing Irame.
1he spacer coupling provides ease oI removal
oI Ihe bearing Irame Ior mainIenance and seal
insIallaIion, wiIhouI disIurbing pump casing,
piping or moIor, or disIurbing Ihe pump]moIor
alignmenI. 1his assisIs by shorIening and
simpliIying Ihe mainIenance cycle.
- lor roIaIing equipmenI wiIh large shaIIs, a
Iapered design is used Ior ease oI removal. 1he
shaII hI is usually a shrink hI because oI Ihe
Some indusIries provide guidelines or
specihcaIions Ior Ihe selecIion and design oI
1he American PeIroleum lnsIiIuIe's APl
6I0 SIandard
provides a seI oI minimum
requiremenIs Ior couplings in Ihe peIroleum,
heavy duIy chemical, gas indusIry services, and
power indusIries. 1hese robusI specihcaIions
require couplings in Ihese indusIries Io have
some oI Ihe Iollowing IeaIures.
- llexible
- SIeel
Petencia de Ia fIecha (hp) x 5252
1ersin (Ib-pie) =
VeIecidad deI Meter (rpm)
by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


tas requieren que los acoplamientos en estas indus-
trias tengan algunas de las siguientes caractersticas.
De acero
Resistentes a la corrosin
Espaciador grande (separacin de fecha de 5
Unidos mediante cua a la fecha como estndar
y, para fechas de ms de 2.5 pulgadas (6.35 cm)
debern tener un ajuste ahusado.
Con capacidad para la potencia mxima del mo-
Los componentes del acoplamiento debern estar
El Instituto Americano del Petrleo proporciona una
especifcacin ms estricta para los acoplamientos
para servicio en refneras. La norma API-6712 propor-
ciona especifcaciones para bombas que operan con-
tinuamente por perodos prolongados, para las cuales
no hay reemplazo, y que son crticas para la operacin
de una refnera.
En cualquier caso, y especialmente para aplicaciones
crticas, los acoplamientos deben seleccionarse
basndose en su confabilidad, sostenibilidad y la
posibilidad de vigilancia.
La confabilidad del diseo del acoplamiento, mien-
tras est en operacin o fuera de operacin, no debe
verse afectada por diversas fuerzas, incluyendo la
velocidad, defexin, estiramiento, compresin,
carga de choque y otras. La confabilidad tambin
est determinada por la antigedad y el entorno de
los componentes del acoplamiento. Los elastmeros
del acoplamientos no deben verse afectados por el
tiempo o la temperatura.
La sostenibilidad se determina por la facilidad de
instalacin, la accesibilidad en la mquina, la di-
sponibilidad de componentes reemplazables y el
nmero de componentes del acoplamiento.
La posibilidad de vigilancia es la capacidad de deter-
minar la condicin del acoplamiento, como puede ser
el desgaste que se manifesta en el aceite lubricante
del acoplamiento del balero, o como vibracin que se
Los acoplamientos rgidos se usan tpicamente en
aplicaciones que involucran motores verticales. El
acoplamiento rgido transmite no slo el movimiento
de rotacin del motor (tpicamente elctrico) a la
bomba, sino que tambin cualquier movimiento axial
(hacia arriba o hacia abajo) que ocurra entre los dos
elementos del equipo tambin se transmite entre
ellos. Debido a la rigidez del acoplamiento, el equipo
debe estar precisamente alineado y no puede aceptar
falta alguna de alineacin.
Ya que el acoplamiento rgido conecta directamente
la fecha de la bomba con la fecha del motor, la
bomba transfere cualquier empuje axial al motor.
in precise alignmenI and cannoI accepI any
8ecause Ihe rigid coupling direcIly connecIs
Ihe pump shaII Io Ihe moIor shaII, Ihe pump
IransIers any axial IhrusI Io Ihe moIor. 1he
weighI oI Ihe shaIIing and roIaIing elemenI
musI be Iaken up by special IhrusI bearing in Ihe
moIor or moIor supporI. lI a moIor sIand wiIh
a IhrusI bearing is noI used, Ihe moIor musI be
selecIed and designed Io carry Ihe weighI oI Ihe
roIaIing elemenI, as well as Ihe axial IhrusI.
1he mosI common design oI Ihe rigid coupling
is oI a spliI conhguraIion (liqures ! and 2). 1he
coupling is spliI along axial cenIerline.
- Corrosion resisIanI
- Large spacer (S-inch shaII separaIion)
- Keyed Io shaII as sIandard and Ior shaIIs
greaIer Ihan 2.S inches (6.3S cm) shall be
provided wiIh a Iapered hI
- kaIed Ior maximum driver RP
- Coupling componenIs shall be balanced
1he American PeIroleum lnsIiIuIe provides a
more sIringenI specihcaIion Ior couplings in
rehnery service. APl-67I
provides specihcaIions
Ior pumps IhaI operaIe conIinuously Ior
exIended periods, IhaI are unspared, and IhaI
are criIical Io operaIion in a rehnery.
ln any case, and especially Ior criIical
applicaIions, Ihe coupling should be selecIed
based on reliabiliIy, mainIainabiliIy, and
1he reliabiliIy oI Ihe design oI Ihe coupling, while
by various Iorces, including speed, deecIion,
sIreIch, compression, shock loading and oIhers.
keliabiliIy is also deIermined by Ihe age and
environmenI oI Ihe coupling componenIs.
Iime or IemperaIure.
MainIainabiliIy is deIermined by Ihe ease
oI insIallaIion, accessibiliIy in Ihe machine,
availabiliIy oI replaceable componenIs and Ihe
number oI parIs in Ihe coupling.
1he surveillabiliIy is Ihe abiliIy Io deIermine Ihe
condiIion oI Ihe coupling, such as wear showing
up in lube oil oI gear coupling, or as vibraIion
IhaI is deIecIed.
kigid couplings are Iypically used in applicaIions
involving verIical drivers. 1he rigid coupling
IransmiIs noI only Ihe roIaIional moIion Irom
Ihe driver (Iypically an elecIric moIor) Io Ihe
pump, buI any axial movemenI (up or down) IhaI
occurs beIween Ihe Iwo pieces oI equipmenI
is also IransmiIIed beIween Ihem. 8ecause oI
rigidiIy oI Ihe couple, Ihe equipmenI musI be
liyuru 1. Arcplomientc kiqiJc 8iportiJc
liyuru 2. Arcplomientc kiqiJc 8iportiJc
by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


liyuru 3. Arcplomientcs poro llerho rcn 8riJoJo
80M8AS D 1Uk8lNA Vk1lCAlS
1ipc spaciadcr 1ipc stndar
fIecha de Ia 8cmba
Iementc Descripcin
Cua, Ilecha del moIor
AcoplamienIo, miIad del moIor
Anillo biparIido, Ilecha del moIor
1uerca de a|usIe
Cua, Ilecha del moIor
AcoplamienIo, miIad de la bomba
fIecha de Ia 8cmba
5ujetc o rombic sin previc ovisc.
by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


El peso de las fechas y del elemento giratorio debe ser
recibido por un balero de empuje especial en el motor o
en el soporte del motor. Si no se usa una base de motor
con balero de empuje, el motor debe seleccionarse y
disearse para soportar el peso del elemento giratorio
as como el empuje axial.
El diseo ms comn de acoplamiento rgido es el de
confguracin bipartida (Figuras 1 y 2). El acoplamiento
est partido a lo largo de la lnea central axial.
El acoplamiento rgido tambin est disponible en
confguracin con brida. Esta confguracin utiliza dos
bridas de acoplamiento unidas entre s con birlos, y
puede incluir un espaciador para permitir la remocin
de un sello mecnico.
El diseo e instalacin apropiados de las bridas con
birlos permite que la transmisin de la torsin del mo-
tor ocurra con el contacto de friccin de las bridas. En
este caso, los birlos de la brida no estn sometidos a un
esfuerzo cortante por l torsin. La Figura 3 muestra dos
confguraciones de acoplamiento rgido que se usan
tpicamente en las turbinas verticales con motores de
fecha maciza.
Como se describi anteriormente, el motor soportar el
peso del elemento rotatorio. Para una operacin apro-
piada de la bomba, especialmente en posicin vertical,
la bomba o el acoplamiento debe tener una caracters-
tica ajustable para controlar la posicin axial del (los)
impulsor (es).
En el caso de los acoplamientos rgidos bipartidos, el
ajuste habitualmente se hace usando calzas o herra-
mientas especiales que levantan el elemento rotatorio.
Una vez que el elemento est ubicado en la posicin
apropiada, se aprietan los birlos del acoplamiento rgido
bipartido a los valores de torsin recomendados por
el fabricante. Para acoplamientos rgidos con brida, se
utilizan placas de ajuste para establecer la posicin
vertical apropiada.
Debido a la alineacin precisa que se requiere del aco-
plamiento rgido, se requiere exactitud de manufactura.
Se necesita un alto grado de concentricidad y perpen-
dicularidad para una instalacin apropiada.
Los acoplamientos rgidos se construyen totalmente de
materiales metlicos. Esto permite que el acoplamiento
se use en aplicaciones que tienen altas temperaturas,
altas velocidades, una atmsfera solvente, o un alto
caballaje del motor.
1he rigid coupling is also available in a anged
conhguraIion. 1his conhguraIion uIilizes Iwo
couplings anges bolIed IogeIher, and may
include a spacer Io allow Ior Ihe removal oI a
mechanical seal.
Proper design and insIallaIion oI Ihe bolIed
anges allows Ior Ihe Iransmission oI Ihe driver
Iorque Io occur wiIh Ihe IricIion conIacI oI Ihe
anges. ln Ihis case, Ihe ange bolIs are noI
sub|ecI Io a shearing sIress Irom Ihe Iorque.
liqure 3 shows Iwo rigid coupling conhguraIions
IhaI are Iypically used on verIical Iurbines wiIh
solid shaII drivers.
As previously described, Ihe driver will carry Ihe
weighI oI Ihe roIaIing elemenI. lor proper pump
operaIion, especially in Ihe verIical posiIion,
Ihe pump or coupling musI have an ad|usIable
IeaIure in order Io conIrol Ihe axial locaIion oI
Ihe impeller(s).
ln Ihe case oI spliI rigid couplings, Ihe ad|usI-
menI is usually done using shim or special Iools
IhaI liII Ihe roIaIing elemenI. Once Ihe elemenI
is locaIed in Ihe proper locaIion, Ihe bolIs on Ihe
spliI rigid coupling are IighIened Io Ihe manu-
IacIurer's recommend Iorque values. lor anged
rigid couplings, ad|usIing plaIes are uIilized Io
seI Ihe proper verIical posiIion.
8ecause oI Ihe precise alignmenI required oI
Ihe rigid coupling, accuracy oI manuIacIure is
required. 1here is a high degree oI concenIriciIy
and "squareness" needed Ior proper insIallaIion.
1he Iwo coupling componenIs are clamped
IogeIher wiIh bolIs axially.
kigid couplings are consIrucIed oI all meIal
maIerials. 1his allows Ihe coupling Io be used in
applicaIions IhaI have high IemperaIures, high
speeds, a solvenI aImosphere, or high driver
Many verIical Iurbine pumps uIilize rigid or
Ihreaded couplings wiIh hollow-shaII moIors,
especially when convenIional packing is used
Ior shaII sealing. verIical Iurbine rigid and
Ihreaded couplings are shown in liqures 4 and
5, respecIively. Where hollow shaII moIors are
liyuru 4. Arcplomientc kiqiJc Je 1urbino vertirol
liyuru 5. Arcplomientc kcsroJc {rcn Cubierto}
by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Muchas bombas de turbina vertical utilizan aco-
plamientos rgidos o roscados con motores de fecha
hueca, especialmente cuando se usa un empaque
convencional para el sellado de la fecha. En las Figuras
4 y 5 se muestran acoplamientos para turbina verti-
cal rgidos y roscados, respectivamente. Cuando se
usan motores de fecha hueca, el arreglo estndar es
proporcionar el posicionamiento axial del (los) impul-
sor (es) para mantener las holguras apropiadas. En la
Figura 6 se muestra una tuerca de ajuste.
Los acoplamientos fexibles se usan ms comnmente
para transmitir el momento o par impulsor entre un
motor y una bomba. Aunque estn diseados para
adaptarse a la desalineacin, el Instituto Hidrulico
3 recomienda que jams se utilice un acoplamiento
fexible para compensar la desalineacin entre las
fechas de la bomba y el motor.
El propsito del acoplamiento fexible es compensar
los cambios de temperatura en los acoplamientos y las
fechas, y permitir el movimiento axial de las fechas
sin que interferan una con la otra mientras se trans-
mite la potencia del motor a la bomba.
Los acoplamientos fexibles se subdividen en dos
grupos: fexibles elastomricos (material fexible) y
fexibles no elastomricos (fexibles mecnicos).
El acoplamiento fexible elastomrico utiliza tpica-
mente un elemento de plstico o hule que permite la
expansin trmica o el movimiento axial. El elemento
elastomrico es sufcientemente resistente a la ruptura
por fatiga como para proporcionar una vida til acept-
able en comparacin con el costo del acoplamiento.
La mayora de los acoplamientos fexibles no utilizan
lubricacin, y reciben la carga en corte. Aunque no es
tan comn, los acoplamientos de diseo de horquilla y
perno y de buje estn diseados para ser cargados en
lAS10MklC flXl8l C0UPllNCS
1he elasIomeric exible coupling Iypically
uIilizes a plasIic or rubber elemenI IhaI allows
Ior Ihe IemperaIure growIh or axial movemenI.
Io IaIigue Iailure Io provide an accepIable liIe
compared Io Ihe cosI oI Ihe coupling.
MosI elasIomeric exible couplings do noI use
lubricaIion, and are loaded in shear. AlIhough
noI as common, |aw-and-pin and bushing
design couplings are designed Io be loaded in
Due Io Ihe limiIaIions oI Ihe exible elemenI,
Ihis Iype oI coupling is used up Io S0 hp (37 kW)
liyuru 6. 1uerro Je Ajuste Je lo llerho
used, Ihe sIandard arrangemenI is Io provide Ior
axial posiIioning oI Ihe impeller(s) Io mainIain
proper clearances. An ad|usIing nuI is shown in
liqure .
flXl8l C0UPllNCS
llexible couplings are more commonly used Io
IransmiI driving Iorque beIween a prime mover
and a pump. AlIhough designed Io accommodaIe
misalignmenI, Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe
IhaI a exible coupling should be used Io
compensaIe Ior misalignmenI oI Ihe pump and
driver shaIIs.
1he purpose oI Ihe exible coupling is Io
compensaIe Ior IemperaIure changes in Ihe
couplings and shaIIs, and Io permiI axial
movemenI oI Ihe shaIIs wiIhouI inIerIerence
wiIh each oIher while power is IransmiIIed Irom
Ihe driver Io Ihe pump.
llexible couplings are broken inIo Iwo groups.
elasIomeric exible (maIerial exible) or non-
elasIomeric exible (mechanical exible).
liyuru 7. Arcplomientc Je Comiso llexible llostcmeriro
liyuru 8. Miembrc llostcmerirc MclJeoJc
lAS10MklC flXl8l C0UPllNCS
1he elasIomeric exible coupling Iypically
uIilizes a plasIic or rubber elemenI IhaI allows
Ior Ihe IemperaIure growIh or axial movemenI.
Io IaIigue Iailure Io provide an accepIable liIe
compared Io Ihe cosI oI Ihe coupling.
MosI elasIomeric exible couplings do noI use
lubricaIion, and are loaded in shear. AlIhough
noI as common, |aw-and-pin and bushing
design couplings are designed Io be loaded in
Due Io Ihe limiIaIions oI Ihe exible elemenI,
Ihis Iype oI coupling is used up Io S0 hp (37 kW)
liyuru 6. 1uerro Je Ajuste Je lo llerho
used, Ihe sIandard arrangemenI is Io provide Ior
axial posiIioning oI Ihe impeller(s) Io mainIain
proper clearances. An ad|usIing nuI is shown in
liqure .
flXl8l C0UPllNCS
llexible couplings are more commonly used Io
IransmiI driving Iorque beIween a prime mover
and a pump. AlIhough designed Io accommodaIe
misalignmenI, Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe
IhaI a exible coupling should be used Io
compensaIe Ior misalignmenI oI Ihe pump and
driver shaIIs.
1he purpose oI Ihe exible coupling is Io
compensaIe Ior IemperaIure changes in Ihe
couplings and shaIIs, and Io permiI axial
movemenI oI Ihe shaIIs wiIhouI inIerIerence
wiIh each oIher while power is IransmiIIed Irom
Ihe driver Io Ihe pump.
llexible couplings are broken inIo Iwo groups.
elasIomeric exible (maIerial exible) or non-
elasIomeric exible (mechanical exible).
liyuru 7. Arcplomientc Je Comiso llexible llostcmeriro
liyuru 8. Miembrc llostcmerirc MclJeoJc
by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Debido a las limitaciones del elemento fexible, este
tipo de acoplamiento se usa para un mximo de 50
hp (37 kW) y 3,600 rpm. En aplicaciones mayores,
acoplamiento se vuelve voluminoso y ms costoso
que un acoplamiento fexible no elastomrico.
El inserto del acoplamiento que se muestra en la
Figura 7 puede proporcionarse como una camisa
bipartida o una camisa slida. La camisa bipartida
permite el reemplazo de la camisa en acoplamientos
sin espaciador sin necesidad de mover el equipo.
Un diseo de camisa slida, como se muestra en la
Figura 8, es ms fuerte que el de camisa bipartida y
puede manejar requerimientos mayores de torsin.
Debido a que es un elemento macizo, el diseo
elimina el anillo retenedor de camisa, el cual puede
ser un peligro para la seguridad. La camisa slida
tambin se usa tpicamente con acoplamientos con
Existen varios tipos diferentes de acoplamientos
fexibles no elastomricos o mecnicos. La naturale-
za mecnica de este tipo de acoplamiento permite
capacidades de caballaje y torsin casi ilimitadas.
Un tipo comn de acoplamiento fexible mecnico
es el acoplamiento de engrane (Figura 9). Este
acoplamiento consiste de dos cubos de fecha con
dientes de engrane externos maquinados integral-
mente, los miembros de la camisa tienen dientes de
engrane internos, y un espaciador fotante.
Debido a las exigentes tolerancias de ajuste y al
movimiento deslizable del engrane, se requiere
lubricacin, por ejemplo con grasa limpia o aceite,
para prevenir el desgaste de las superfcies de ro-
zamiento. El acoplamiento de engrane proporciona
buenas caractersticas de torsin.
Un acoplamiento fexible de cadena de rodillos
(Figura 10) utiliza dos miembros tipo rueda dentada,
o cubos, que estn montados en las fechas del mo-
tor y de la bomba. stos estn conectados mediante
una seccin de la cadena de rodillos. Este tipo de
acoplamiento se aplica tpicamente en servicios de
bomba de baja velocidad.
and 3600 rpm. In applications greater than that,
the coupling becomes bulky and more expensive
than a non-elastomeric exible.
The coupling insert shown in Figure 7 can be
provided as a split sleeve or a solid sleeve. The
split sleeve allows for the replacement of the
sleeve on non-spacer couplings without moving
the equipment.
A solid sleeve design, as shown in Figure 8, is
stronger than the split sleeve and can handle
higher torque requirements. Because it is a solid
element, the design eliminates the sleeve-retaining
ring, which could be a safety hazard. The solid
sleeve is also typically used with spacer couplings.
There are a number of diferent types of non-
elastomeric, or mechanical, exible couplings.
The mechanical nature of this type of coupling
allows for nearly unlimited horsepower and
torque capabilities.
A common type of mechanical exible coupling
is the gear coupling (Figure 9). This coupling
consists of two shaft hubs with external gear
teeth cut integrally on the hubs, sleeve members
having internal gear teeth, and a oating spacer.
Because of the close tting tolerances and the
sliding motion of the gear, lubrication, such as
clean grease or oil, is required to prevent wear of
the rubbing surfaces. The gear coupling provides
good torque characteristics.
A roller-chain exible coupling (Figure 10) utilizes
two sprocket-like members, or hubs, that are
mounted on the driver and pump shafts. They
are connected by a section of roller chain. This
type of coupling is typically applied in low speed
pump services.
A hybrid design that utilizes features of both the
elastomeric and mechanical exible coupling
is the spring grid style (Figure 11). This design
utilizes two shaft hubs, an elastomeric grid,
which couples the two hubs, and a split cover,
which holds the grid in place.
Figure 9. Gear Coupling
Figure 10. Roller-Chain Coupling
Figure 11. Spring Grid Flexible Coupling
by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


by Greq 1cwsley
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
liyuru 1. lmportc Je lo 0esolineorin
en lo viJo Je Operorin Ccntinuo
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in liqure 1, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


(2) alignment frames, roller chain, two (2) dial indi-
cator assemblies with swivel joints and mounting
rods, tubing of varying lengths, instruction manu-
als, alignment worksheets, and a sturdy carrying
case with handle. This type of kit will handle the
vast majority of shaft alignment situations.
When initially getting ready to use a dial indica-
tor, make sure that it works properly and can
travel the full range of the indicator.
Upon installation of the indicators and at the
beginning of the process, note the direction that
the indicator travels. The indicator should be
adjusted to start at zero (0.000).
The indicator needle traveling clockwise is
considered positive, while counterclockwise is
considered negative travel.
During the alignment process and a full 360
sweep, the summation of the left and right side
readings should equal the summation of the top
and bottom readings.
In addition, the indicators should have read the
same reading (0.000) when it reaches the origi-
nal position.
Bar sag is a deection that occurs in the over-
hung indicator bar due to the bars weight and
the weight of the indicator. Because of the preci-
sion that is required for alignment, the bar sag
must be compensated for.
To determine the amount of bar sag, mount the
indicator on a pipe in same approach, distance,
etc. as it will be mounted on equipment shaft.
Next, zero the indicator on top. Then roll the dial
indicator 180, so that it is located at the bottom.
Read the indicator.
During the alignment process, this bar sag
amount must be included in your alignment
calculations. Instead of zero on the top of the dial
indicator, dial in the positive value of the bar sag
reading. During the alignment process, the dial
indicator should read zero when rolled to bottom.
There are a number of diferent tasks to com-
plete and check prior to doing the actual align-
ment. The preparation for alignment can be as
important as the alignment itself. Approximately
85% of the time spent in aligning equipment is
with preliminary checks, repositioning the equip-
ment and post alignment documentation. The
alignment basics and preliminary checks apply to
all alignment methods.
To insure accuracy and speed of the alignment,
the equipment should be aligned three times.
The rst time should be during the installation
process (preliminary).
Next, the equipment should be nal aligned after
it is piped and before the start up of the equip-
ment. Finally, the alignment should be checked
when the equipment is hot, after running for a
Safety of personnel is important during any part
of the alignment process. The rst step is to
lock out and tag all driver controls and isolation
valves. Other safety regulations required at the
installation site must be followed.
As people are doing the alignment of the critical
equipment, it is imperative to make sure that
they have the proper training to complete preci-
sion alignment.
A properly trained technician in the fundamen-
tals of alignment will not only provide a quality
alignment, but also should do it in a timely fash-
ion, exceed the recommended standards, and do
it right the rst time.
The tools used in alignment are also important. If
using dial indicators to align, calibrated indica-
tors are required with the additional equipment
used to hold the indicators in place. Laser align-
ment kits are typically complete with all the
necessary alignment diagnostic equipment.
Other types of exible couplings include limited
end oat, metal disk, diaphragm, and jaw-
type. Each of these couplings has special uses
due to the application or the size/type of the
The installation of a coupling is as important to
the operation and life of the equipment as the
proper selection. The alignment of the pump and
drive is critical and requires additional discussion.
Following are important tasks that should be
completed or checked before nal alignment
and start up of the equipment. As with any piece
of equipment, the manufacturers installation
and maintenance instructions should always be
followed for proper installation.
When installing the coupling in the eld, the
following additional checks should be veried
and documented in the permanent les of the
Before coupling installation, assemble the
coupling to ensure that all parts are present
and that they t together properly.
Make sure that the hub bore and shaft is clean
and free of any nicks or burrs.
Measure and document the bore of each hub
and the diameter of each shaft.
The keyways on the pump and the driver
should be completely lled, and do not extend
beyond the end of the shaft.
The t of both hubs should be veried, whether
interference, clearance, or taper, based on the
manufacturers recommendations.
Taper t this t should be checked to ensure
that a good contact pattern is present.
Clearance t a clearance t is categorized
as a snug t or easy slide t. Refer to the
manufacturers instructions to insure the
maximum clearance has not been exceeded.
Interference t It is preferred that a coupling
be heated in an oil bath or oven to 225 to 275F
(107 to 135C). Refer to the manufacturers
installation instructions for the recommended
and maximum temperature.
It may also be required that the shaft be cooled
simultaneously with dry ice. For most steel
couplings, a temperature diference of 160F
(71C) is required between the shaft and hub
for every 0.001 inch per inch (0.00254 cm to
cm) of interference measured between the
shaft and the hub.
Typically, an additional 0.002 inch (0.00508
cm) is required over the interference t to
obtain a slide t.
The spacing between the shafts and the hubs
should be veried as correct and documented.
When installing the coupling spacer in place,
follow the manufacturers recommendation for
torque values and make sure the bolts are not
Un diseo hbrido que utiliza las caractersticas del
acoplamiento fexible tanto elastomrico como
mecnico es el estilo de rejilla de resorte (Figura 11).
Este diseo utiliza dos cubos de fecha, una rejilla
elastomrica, la cual acopla los dos cubos, y una cu-
bierta bipartida, que sujeta a la rejilla en su sitio.
Otros tipos de acoplamientos fexibles incluyen el
fotante de extremo limitado, de disco metlico,
de diafragma y tipo mordaza. Cada uno de estos
acoplamientos tiene usos especiales debido a la
aplicacin o al tamao y tipo del equipo.
La instalacin de un acoplamiento es tan importante
para la operacin y la vida del equipo como la selec-
cin apropiada. La alineacin de la bomba y el motor
es crtica y requiere una discusin adicional.
A continuacin se enumeran algunas tareas im-
portantes que deben llevarse a cabo o completarse
antes de la alineacin fnal y puesta en operacin del
equipo. Al igual que con cualquier equipo, siempre
deben seguirse las instrucciones de instalacin y
mantenimiento del fabricantes para una instalacin
Cuando se instale el acoplamiento en el campo, de-
bern hacerse y documentarse las siguientes verif-
caciones adicionales.
Antes de instalar el acoplamiento, ensmblelo
para asegurarse de que cuente con todas las
partes y se acoplen correctamente entre s.
Asegrese de que el orifcio del cubo y la fecha
estn limpios y libres de melladuras o rebabas.
Mida y documente el orifcio de cada cubo y el
dimetro de cada fecha
Los cueros de la bomba y del motor deben estar
completamente llenos, y no prolongarse ms
all del extremo de la fecha.
Debe verifcarse el ajuste de ambos cubos, ya sea
de interferencia, holgura o conicidad, basndose
en las recomendaciones de los fabricantes.
Ajuste cnico este ajuste debe verifcarse para
asegurar que haya un buen patrn de contacto.
Ajuste de holgura un ajuste de holgura se
divide en las categoras de ajuste sin holgura
o ajuste deslizable. Consulte las instrucciones
del fabricante para asegurarse de que no se haya
excedido la holgura mxima.
Ajuste por interferencia Es preferible que un
acoplamiento se caliente en un bao de aceite
o en un horno a 225 a 275 F (107 a 135 C).
Consulte las temperaturas recomendada y
mxima en las instrucciones de instalacin del
Tambin puede requerirse que la fecha se enfre
simultneamente con hielo seco. Para la mayora
de los acoplamientos de acero, se requiere una
diferencia de temperatura de 160 F (71 C) entre
la fecha y el cubo por cada 0.001 de pulgada por
pulgada (0.00254 cm por cm) de interferencia
medida entre la fecha y el cubo.
Tpicamente, se requieren 0.002 pulgadas
(0.00508 cm) por arriba del ajuste de interferen-
cia para obtener un ajuste deslizable.
Debe verifcarse y documentarse que el espacia-
do entre las fechas y los cubos sea el correcto.
Cuando se instale el espaciador del aco-
plamiento en su sitio, siga la recomendacin del
fabricante en cuanto a los valores de torsin y
asegrese de que los birlos no estn atorados.
Ser responsable es nuesIro IundamenIo
Pensar hacia adelanIe lo hace posible
La innovacin es la esencia
L-C8S-WP-02 kev. 06]10
GkUNDlOS Pumps CorporaIion
17100 WesI 118Ih 1errace
OlaIhe, KS 66061
1el. (913) 227-3400
lax. (913) 227-3S00
GkUNDlOS Canada lnc.
2941 8righIon koad
Oakville, OnIario
L6R 6C9
1el. (90S) 829-9S33
lax. (90S) 829-9S12
8ombas GkUNDlOS de Mxico S.A. de C.v.
8oulevard 1LC No. 1S
Parque lndusIrial SIiva AeropuerIo
C.P. 66600 Apodaca, N.L. Mxico
1el. (81) 8144 4000
lax. (81) 8144-4010
PACO Pumps - NaIional ReadquarIers
GrundIos C8S lnc.
902 Koomey koad
8rookshire, 1X 77423
1el. (800) 9SS-S847
lax. (800) 94S-4777
American Petroleum Institute (2004). 1. API Norma
610, 10a Edicin, Bombas Centrfugas para las
Industrias del Petrleo, Petroqumica y de Gas
Natural. American Petroleum Institute. http://
American Petroleum Institute (February 2007). 2. API
Norma 671, 4a Edicin, Acoplamientos de Apli-
cacin Especial para Servicios en las Industrias del
Petrleo, Qumica y del Gas. American Petroleum
Hydraulic Institute (2000). 3. ANSI/HI 1.4 Norma
Nacional Americana para Operaciones Centrfugas.
Hydraulic Institute.
Figura 1:
TB Woods Incorporated
440 N. Fifth Avenue, Chambersburg, PA, 17201
Figura 2:
Grundfos Pumps Corporation
17100 W. 118th Terrace, Olathe, KS 66061
Figura 3:
Peerless Pump Company
2005 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St.
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Figuras 7-11:
6040 Ponders Court, Greenville, SC 29615

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