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Common Gender Stereotypes

What is the stereotypical male?
Viewed as more dominate
Bossy / In charge of the house
Commitment of more crimes
More violent / aggressive
Common interests such as cars - E.g Most Top Gear viewers are male
No emotions, feelings, crying or sympathy
Less caring
Shows that include stereotypical males include:
Top Gear- Competitive and common interests such as cars (Jeremy Clarkson)
Robin Hood- Dominant, protective (Robin Hood) and stronger (Little John)
Merlin- Bossy and masculine (Arthur Pendragon)
Sherlock- Commit more crimes (Jim Moriarty and Charles Augustus Magnussen)

The stereotypical view on females
Viewed as weaker and less dominate
Traditionally housewives
Bad drivers
More controlled by others / sometimes by religion
Caring and sympathetic
Primarily raises the child / motherly instinct
Fashion always up to date
More sociable
Complicate things
Better cooks
Shows that include stereotypical women include:
Merlin- Feminine, controlled by men and typical housewife (Guinevere)
Robin Hood- Caring and sympathetic (Marion)
The Paradise- Complicate things, sociable and fashionable

Stereotypical view on transsexual
Outcast / Rejected from society
Usually lesbians or gay men
They get called Impersonators
Viewed as prostitutes
Low / Bad Lifestyle
Hidden from society
Some TV shows include transsexual stereotypes such as:
Ugly Betty- Outcast (Alex Meade/Alexis Meade)
However some TV series also include characters that defy the stereotypes such as:
Ugly Betty- Female character (Betty Suarez) is more dominant and bossy and not
fashionable. Transsexual character has a very good job and is not hidden from
society (Alexis Meade)
Merlin- Female character (Morgana) is violent, commits more crimes and is
Sherlock- Male characters are confusing and complicated (Sherlock Holmes) and
caring and sympathetic (John Watson)
Star Trek- Includes lots of female characters that are very clever, dominant, bossy
and good at technical and confusing jobs (Beverly Crusher and Deanna Troi)

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