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Analyze Character Motivations

1. Family obligation- In what ways do their families create conflict in their lives?
Their families were two opposites sides that they hated each other they were supposed to despise
to hate each member of each family but for them they did not approved of the relationship the
relashionship that had the parents and julieth was obligated to marry paris but when
2. Love and Passion- How does their love motivate them to meet new challenges?

3. Fear- How does fear shape their actions and prevent them from living and loving each other

4. Misunderstanding- What twists and turns in the plot, as well as miscommunication, create
conflict and drive them to make bad choices?

5. Despair- What actions by Romeo and Juliet are driven by extreme feelings of hopelessness?

6. Give examples of how each of these factors led to tragedy:

a. the parent’s feud
b. Impulsive behavior (when the character’s act rashly, often without thinking of the
c. Fate (bad timing or series of unfortunate coincidences)

7. An important theme, or message, in Romeo and Juliet is the struggle against fate, or forces that
determine how a person’s life will turn out. Explain how Act I’s Prologue establishes the fate of
the main characters and introduces the struggles

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