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When I mentioned her name, I noticed

a. him smiling
b. him smiled
c. her to smile
d. her smiling
e. hi to smile
2. After the students had completed the test,
they handed in their paper and left the
room. We can also say : the test, the
students handed in their paper and left the
a. Completing
b. To hae complete
c. Completed
d. !aing completed
e. To hae completed
". #$he %ent out and slammed the door&. It
means : she %ent out ..
a. To slam the door
b. !aing slammed the door
c. $lamming the door
d. To hae slammed
e. The door slammed
'. The police the robbery are loo(ing for
three men.
a. Are inestigating
b. They inestigate
c. Inestigating
d. Inestigated
e. Inestigate
). Completed in 1*+,, the - !all is the
oldest building no%... in our campus
a. It stands
b. !as stood
c. $tood
d. $tanding
.. after %or(ing for the company for more
than t%enty years, Alan started ta(ing
up farming seriously.
a. /etiring
b. /etired
c. !e %as retired
d. To retire
e. To be retired
0. The people during the %ar %ere mostly
young soldiers.
a. 1illing
b. 1illed
c. Were (illed
d. Were (illing
e. 2e (illed
+. her mista(es, the ste%ardess
immediately apologi3ed to the
a. /eali3e
b. In reali3ing
c. /eali3es
d. she reali3ed
e. /eali3ing
*. a fe% million rupiahs, he %ent on a
tour to 4urope.
a. $aed
b. !ae saed
c. !e has saed
d. !aing saed
e. After he saes
1,. that her mother %as ta(en to hospital
%hen she came home from school, she
droped her school bag and then burst into
a. $he (ne%
b. 1no%n
c. 1no%ing
d. To (no%
e. 2eing (no%n
11. , she %as able to achiee %hat she had
dream of.
a. Carefully did she plan her future
b. $he planned her future carefully
c. !er future %as planned %ith care
d. !er future %as carefully planned
e. !aing planned her future
12. A fe% days after the interie%, I receied a
letter me a 5ob.
a. !as offered
b. 6ffered
c. 2eing offered
d. 6ffering
e. It %as offering
1". The problem of most deeloping countries
is that the rapidly population is not
supported bya a strong economy.
a. -ro%s
b. -ro%ing
c. -ro%
d. -ro%n
e. To gro%
1'. $ometimes life must be ery unpleasant
for people near airports.
a. 7ie
b. 2e lie
c. 7iing
d. They lied
e. They are liinging
1). a sharp a8e, he cut do%n the tree
a. 9sing
b. To used
c. To using
d. !ae used
e. To hae used
Present Participle / Surya Eko S, XII IA3, 31

Kunci jawaban :
1. A
2. :
". C
'. C
). :
.. A
0. 2
+. 4
*. :
1,. C
11. 4
12. :
1". 2
1'. C
1). A

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