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I. Choose he !o"# !hose s"esse# s$%%&'%e (s #())e"e*.
1. a. certificate b. necessary c. economy d. geography
2. a relative b. relevant c. . librarian d. influence
3. a. support b. repeat c. increase d. expect.
4. a. resource b. average c. decrease d. method
5. a. expert b. control c. limit d. injury
II. Choose he o*e !o"# o" +h"&se ,&- '- .- o" #, h& 'es .o/+%ees he se*e*.es.
6. ______ the flood has receded people can move bac! into their homes.
a. "o# that b. $ue to c. %lthough d. &o that
'. (f the level of )%* is ____this year small businesses #ill be affected.
a. raised b. risen c. arisen d. raising
+. ,hina is one of the most ______ populated areas in the #orld.
a. #astefully b. perfectly c. densely d. completely
-. .ou loo! tired .%re you ____the #eather /
a. on b. in c. under d. off
10. (1m not surprised 2argaret1s ill. 3ith all the voluntary #or! she1s ______ she1s really been doing
too much.
a. ta!en off b. ta!en on c. ta!en in d. ta!en to
11. ( #as brought _______ in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had pass _______.
a. on 4 over b. for 4 on c. on 4 off d. up 4 a#ay
12. *he proposal has not met #ith _______ agreement.
a. voluntary b. universal c. (nformal d. effective
13. ________my personal 5ualities ( have experience of #or!ing in a multi6national
company for three years. .
a. 7eside b. (n addition c. (nstead of d. %part from
14. % child1s vocabulary _______ through reading.
a. expands b. expends c. expels d. exposes
15. ,hildren living in remote and mountainous areas may be _______ disadvantaged.
a. educated b. education c. educational d. educationally
16. 8ane appears _______ some #eight. 9as she been ill/
a. having lost b. having been lost c. to have lost d. to have been lost
1'. 3e are going to get our house _______ next #ee!.
a. painting b. to paint c. painted d. to be painted
1+. _______ the #hole family slept soundly.
a. 9ot although the night air #as b. 9ot though #as the night air
c. 9ot although #as the night air d. 9ot though the night air #as
1-. 3e should consider the need to be ___________ harmony ___________ our environment.
a. in4of b. in4#ith c. on4of d. on4#ith
20.. 2oney is the main cause of many ___________ in his family.
a. arguments b. compliment c. disputes d. leftovers
21. ( li!e _______ peace and_____ 5uiet but ( can:t stand_______ 5uiet here.
a. *he4 040 b. 0404the c. 04the4the d. 04040
22. ;eagan _______ an actor years ago.
a. is said to be b. #as said being c. #as said have been d. is said to have been
23. ( hate _______ personal 5uestions by ne#ly6ac5uainted friends.
a. to be as!ing b. to be as!ed c. being as!ing d. of as!ing
24. < %lice = > 3e:ve got the contract?@ 6 "ic!= > ______________@
a. Ah ho# come/ b. Bretty #ell. c. ;eally/ Cet:s celebrate. d. "ot too bad.
25. 9e #as loo!ing at his parents _______ #aiting for recommendations.
a. obey b. obedience c. obedient d. obediently
26. *he intervie#s #ith parents sho#ed that the vast majority #ere _______ of teachers.
a. support b. supportive c. supporter d. supporting
2'. .ou may be artistic but ( believe you are not cut _________ the job at the theatre. cut out: : chia
a. do#n for b. in for c. do#n to d. out for
2+. ______ more information please telephone our main office.
a. (f you #ill need b. &hould you need c. .ou should need d. (f you needed
2-. (t1s time governments ______ something to limit population gro#th.
a. do b. did c. have done d. #ill do
30. ( thin! ( should haveDDDDD...your mother #hile ( #as passing.
a. dropped in on b. come up #ith c. got on #ith d. run into
31. 7ut for his help (DDDDDDD .
a. should not have succeeded b. had not succeeded c. did not succeed d. #ould succeed
32. *he dentist had to DDDD..the tooth as it #as badly decayed.
a. put off b. extract c. extricate d. eradicate
33. Ail spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean .
a. long6lasting b. temporary c.mild d. destructive
34. (n the future many large corporations #ill be #iped out and millions of jobs #ill be lost.
a. companies b. services c. supermar!ets d. farms
35. *he more po#erful #eapons are the more terrible the _______ is.
a. creativity b. history c. terrorism d. technology
36. *he medical community continues to ma!e progress in the fight against cancer.
a. speed b. expectation c. improvement d. treatment
3'. &he applied for training as a pilot but they turned her ____because of her poor eyesight .
a. do#n b. up c. over d. bac!
3+. &trict ___ measures are in force in the capital to protect it from terrorism.
a. scientific b. normal c. transportation d. security
3-. *he ______ of the future #ill no longer be remedial. (t #ill be preventive.
a. communication b. education c. medicine d. technology
40. 9e #as found unconscious in his flat early this morning .
a. insensible b. dead c. asleep d. drun! .
III. I#e*()$ he o*e 0*#e"%(*e# !o"# o" +h"&se , 1- 2- C o" 3 , h& /0s 'e .h&*4e# .
41. 7efore E%F the nineteenth century it E7F #as rarely E,F to find organiGed systems E$F of adult
42. Anly E%F #hen the famine gets E7F #orse #orld governments #ill E,F begin to act E$F.
43. An some streets it has E%F against the la# E7F to ride E,F a motorcycle #ithout E$F a helmet.
44. 2embers of high school E%F clubs learn to participation E7F in teams through their involvement E,F
in community projects E$F
45. 2ainly because of E%F the recent health scares involving E7F beef and chic!en the number of
vegetarians are expected E,F to rise dramatically E$F in the next five years.
I5. Choose he 'es &*s!e".
46. . 9ardly are appeals allo#ed against the council1s decisions.
a. *he council rarely allo#s appeals against its decisions
b. (t1s too hard for the council to allo# appeals against its decisions.
c. *he council al#ays allo#s appeals against its decisions.
d. %llo#ing appeals against its decisions is not good.
4'. 3e are planning on spending the #ee!end in the country as long as the #eather stays fine.
a. 3e1re planning on spending the #ee!end in the country despite the bad #eather.
b. (f the #eather is fine #e #ill spend the #ee!end in the country.
c. (f the #eather is finer #e #ould spend the #ee!end in the country.
d. (f the country is nice #e #ill spend the #ee!end there.
4+. 3ere it not for the money this job #ouldn1t be #orth #hile.
a. *his job is not re#arding at all.
b. *he only thing that ma!es this job #orth#hile is the money.
c. %lthough the salary is poor the job is #orth#hile. d. *his job offers a poor salary.
4-. &he said she #ould go to the police unless she #as given her money bac!.
a. &he #ent to the police because she hadn1t got her money bac!.
b. &he hasn1t yet got her money bac! or gone to the police.
c. &he #asn1t given her money bac! because she had gone to the police.
d. &he #as given her money bac! and then #ent to the police.
50. man4 sentence4 15 years4 prison4 he prove4 guilty.
a. *he man #ill get a sentence for himself to 15 years in prison if he proves himself guilty.
b. *he man #as sentenced about 15 years in prison and proved himself guilty.
c. *he man #as sentenced to 15 years in prison because he had been proved guilty.
d. *he man should ma!e his final sentence after 15 years in prison as he proved himself guilty.
5. R613ING
1. Choose he .o""e. !o"# o" +h"&se , &- '- . o" # , h& 'es .o/+%ees he +&ss&4e.
*he traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and #rite or the ability to
use language to read #rite listen and spea!. (n modern contexts the #ord refers to reading and
#riting at a level E51F _____ for communication or at a level that lets one understand and communicate
ideas in a literate society1 so as to ta!e E52F _______ in that society. *he Hnited "ations Iducational
&cientific and ,ultural ArganiGation EH"I&,AF has drafted the follo#ing definition= >Citeracy is the
ability to identify understand interpret create communicate and compute using printed and #ritten
1materials E53F _______ #ith varying contexts. Citeracy involves a continuum of learning to enable an
(ndividual to achieve his or her goals to develop his or her E54F _______ and potential and to
participate fully in the #ider society.J
2any policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial measure of a region1s human capital. *his
claim is made on the E55F _______ that literate people can be trained less expensively than illiterate
people generally have a higher socio6economic E56F _______ and enjoy better health and employment
prospects. Bolicy ma!ers also argue that literacy increases job opportunities and access to higher
education. (n Kerala (ndia for example female and child mortality rates declined E5'F _______ in the
1-60s #hen girls #ho #ere educated in the education reforms after 1-4+ began to raise families.
;ecent researchers E5+F _______ argue that correlations such as the one listed above may have more
to do #ith the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general. ;egardless the E5-F_______ of
educational systems #orld#ide includes a basic E60F _______ around communication through test and
print #hich is the foundation of most definitions of literacy.
51. a. important b. ade5uate c. adaptable d. suitable
52. a. control b. comfort c. part d. honor
53. a. associated b. #or!ed c. appropriated d. related
54. a. ability b. !no#ledge c. behavior d. performance
55. a. basics b. #ays c. foundations d. grounds
56. a. status b. re5uest c. condition d. state
5'. a. actually b. dramatically c. extremely d. accurately
5+. a. therefore b. ho#ever c. conse5uently d. additionally
5-. a. main b. majority c. focus d. demand
60. a. concept b. content c. contact d. context
2. Re&# he +&ss&4e &*# .hoose he .o""e. &*s!e"s.
(n the #orld today particularly in the t#o most industrialiGed areas "orth %merica and Iurope
recycling is big ne#s. Beople are tal!ing about it practicing it and discovering ne# #ays to be
sensitive to the environment. ;ecycling means finding #as to use products a second time. *he motto of
the recycling movement is JReduce, Reuse, RecycleJ.
The first step is to reduce garbage. (n stores a shopper has to buy products in blister pac!s
boxes and expensive plastic #rappings. % hamburger from a fast food restaurant comes in lots of
pac!aging= usually paper a box and a bag. %ll that pac!aging is #asted resources. Beople should try to
buy things that are #rapped simply and to reuse cups and utensils dung, dung cu. %nother #ay to
reduce #aste is to buy high65uality products. 3hen lo# 5uality appliances brea! many customers
thro# them a#ay and buy ne# ones 6 a loss of more resources and more energy. Lor example. if a
customer buys a high65uality appliance that can be easily repaired the manufacturer receives an
important message. (n the same #ay. if a customer chooses a product #ith less pac!aging that
customer sends an important message to the manufacturers. *o reduce garbage the thro#a#ay must
The second step is to reuse. (t is better to buy juices and soft drin!s in returnable bottles. %fter
customers empty the bottles they return them to the store. *he manufacturers of the drin!s collect the
bottles #ash them and then fill them again. *he energy that is necessary to ma!e ne# bottles is saved.
(n some parts of the #orld returning bottles for money is a common practice. (n those places the
garbage dumps have relatively little glass and plastic from thro#a#ay bottles.
The third step is being environmentally sensitive is to recycle. &pent motor oil can be cleaned
and used again. %luminum cans are expensive to ma!e. (t ta!es the same amount of energy to ma!e one
aluminum can as it does to run a color *) set for three hours. 3hen people collect and recycle
aluminum Efor ne# cansF they help save one of the #orld1s precious resources.
61 !hat is the main topic of the passage/
%. ho# to reduce garbage disposal 7. #hat people often understand about the term 1recycle1
,. #hat is involved in the recycling movement $. ho# to live sensitively to the environment.
6" !hich is described as one of the most industriali#ed areas/
%. Iurope 7. %sia ,. 2iddle Iast $. &outh %merica
63. 3hat does the #ord 1sensitive1 in the phrase $sensitive to the environment$ mean/
%. cautious 7. logical ,. friendly $. responding
6% &eople can do the follo'ing to reduce 'aste IM,IB*
%. buy high65uality product 7. buy simply6#rapped things ,. reuse cups $. buy fe#er hamburgers
6( !hy is it a 'aste and customers buy lo')*uality products/
%. 7ecause people #ill soon thro# them a#ay. 7. 7ecause they have to be repaired many times.
,. 7ecause customers change their ideas all the time. $. 7ecause they produce less energy.
77. The !o"# 8motto8 is closest in meaning to_________
%. meaning 7. value ,. belief $. reference
6'. 3hat best describes the process of reuse/
%. *he bottles are collected #ashed returned and filled again.
7. *he bottles are filled again after being returned collected and #ashed.
,. *he bottles are #ashed retuned filled again and collected.
$. *he bottles are collected returned filled again and #ashed.
6+ The garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plastic because
%. people are ordered to return bottles. 7. returned bottles are fe#.
,. not many bottles are made of glass or plastic. $. each returned bottles is paid.
6-. *he #ord 1practice1 is closest in meaning to_________
N%. drill 7. exercise ,. deed $. belief
'0. 3hat are the t#o things mentioned as examples of recycling/
%. %luminum cans and plastic #rappings. 7. 9amburger #rappings and spent motor oil.
,. %luminum cans and spent motor oil. $. *) sets and aluminum cans.
C. 90%% (* e&.h *0/'e"e# '%&*: !(h o*e s0(&'%e !o"# o" +h"&se.
&ince ,hina adopted its open6door E'1F _____ approximately t#enty6five years ago ,hinese higher
education has begun once again to dra# closer to the E'2F _____ 3estern #orld. ,hina1s E'3F _____ to
send scholars and students to the Hnited &tates at the end of the 1-'0s after thirty years of hostility
bet#een the t#o countries mar!ed a dramatic turning E'4F _____ in the nation1s educational history.
*oday about 50000 ,hinese students are studying in the Hnited &tates accounting E'5F _____ 10
percent of the total international students in the country. 2ore and E'6F _____ ,hinese students have
gone to other countries to study. %ccording to statistics from the Hnited "ations Iducational
&cientific and ,ultural ArganiGation EH"I&,AF ,hina E''F _____ more students than any other
country to study abroad. (n the other direction many students from the Hnited &tates and E'+F _____
are going to ,hina to study language culture history traditional ,hinese medicine science
engineering and other E'-F ______. *he increasing number of international students #orld#ide
demonstrates a relatively 5uic! change in the E+0F _____ of global education.
'1. a. #ay b. la# c. rule d. policy
'2. a. progress b. advanced c. head d. reach
'3. a. decide b. decisive c. decision d. decider
'4. a. point b. spot c. top d. stain
'5. a. for b. to c. up d. over
'6. a. as b. more c. than d. much
''. a. regards b. mails c. posts d. sends
'+. a. else#here b. #herever c. #here d. #hereas
'-. a. matters b. things c. fields d. items
+0. a. interfere b. integration c. exchange d. mixture

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