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The Early Republic Of Rome

1. Sometime around 600 B.C., a man rose to be king of Rome. Rome at the time was a
collection of seven hilltop villages, then it became a flourishing city. Decades after,
various kings ordered to make temples and public centers, the most popular being
the Forum.

Rome became a well-known city.

Rome became the City of Seven Hills because
of the seven hilltop villages that were
originally Rome.

2. The last known king of Rome was Tarquin the Proud, a tyrant that ruled until 509
B.C. This made the Romans begin a Republic (derived from Res Publica lit. Public
Affairs). A government where the citizens vote for their leader, but only free-born
male citizens could.

This made Rome last long.

This is what gave the Roman Empire power.

3. Two group of citizens were struggling for power. The first group was the
Patricians, wealthy landowners. Then there was the Plebeians, merchants, traders,
and farmers.

Patricians had more power.

Plebeians are the lowest group of citizens.

4. Patricians held much power and social status, such as making the laws. Plebeians
had some power and rights, like voting, but they were barred with laws. This made
Plebeians making whats called a Tribune, a protector of Plebeian rights from unfair
acts of the Patricians.

Plebeians wanted more power.

They get it later.

5. Plebeians finally demanded a written law. Thats when the Twelve Tables were
made, a set of written laws that were the basis of the Roman laws.

This gave Plebeians more social status and


The Roman Empire had a written law.

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