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A: welcome to the la casa de la moneda museum, we are going to do a short tour to

show you the most important works of art of the museum.
B: oh! This magnificent building has a main door, what materials has been used to build it?
A: The main entrance of this building has been carved in stone in the Baroque style.
B: oh! I see that looks great that still maintains the knockers that were made with bronze.
When was this building built?
A: It was built from 1759-1773.
entering ...
B: oh! I like that painting, who was painted it for?
A: Well, this painting was painted by Luis Nio in the nineteenth century, that painter was
considered one of the most complete painter in his time.
continue walking ....
B: Oh! I know this beautiful sculpture; I think this sculpture was considered one of the most
representative of his time.
A: Yes, that is right, it was called "immaculate" and it was made last century.

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