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The Teacher

Reflective note – Chapter 2

September 29, 2009
Hibam Iru Dionisio Alor

“In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for
out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return” Genesis 20

Teaching is one of the hardest works that one can perform. First, you must

know about your topic and then you must know about everything. To be a

teacher means, learning and taking from all disciplines to become a good model

for students. It requires a lot of mental and physical effort. Although nowadays it

is not as well paid as it should be, it is one of the most regarding activities in the


Somehow we all are teachers at a state of our life. Some were born to be

teachers and find it easy to transmit knowledge to other people. Others learn

how to transmit knowledge but the amount of teachers who really know how to

teach at schools (formal education) is too low. Everywhere we go and every

subject we take is an uncertainty whether we will have a good or bad teacher.

We must do something about it if we want to improve the quality of education.

Besides, there are good teachers, also there are excellent teachers that not

only know how to transmit knowledge but they know how to deal with the

human that is behind the students. They recognize that students are different

and due to that fact he must take all the differences into consideration in order

to prepare an appropriate class that covers all the different students’ needs.

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