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Study Guide Rise of Industry Test US History II

1. Switch from Agriculture to Industry

2. Approximately when did the US begin to rapidly industrialize?

3. Forms of Black Gold

4. Iron and Steel

5. Role of Natural Resources

6. How industrialization changed the nature of work

7. Importance of the Railroads. Why were they important?

8. How railroads affected time

9. The Grange

10. Panic of 1893

11. What is a robber baron? Examples of robber barons

12. Robber Barons

13. Social Darwinism

14. Monopolies, Trusts, and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

15. Vertical and Horizontal Integration

16. Labor Unions Why they formed Why they were important

17. George Pullman, the Pullman Company, Pullman Illinois

18. John D. Rockefeller

19. Andrew Carnegie

20. J.P Morgan

21. Big Bill Haywood

22. Eugene Debs

23. Samuel Gompers

24. Strike

25. Sit-down strike

26. Sabotage

27. Pullman Strike

28. Boycott

29. Craft Union

30. Industrial Union

31. Collective Bargaining

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