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AIP Volunteer Agreement Form

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Ark in the Park
Volunteer Agreement Form


Phone Numbers: Home: Mobile:



Next of Kin:
Name Relationship Phone Number

Emergency Contact:
Name Relationship Phone Number

Medical Conditions/Serious Allergies
Please detail below any medical conditions or recent illnesses that we should be aware of
(particularly bee and wasp allergies or diabetes), sensitivity to chemicals, chronic condition or old
injury that could get worse, possibly as a result of the work you may be doing. Please ensure you
carry your own medicine and any instructions for administering in an emergency.

I wish to participate as a volunteer for the Ark in the Park project.
I have read and understood the Health & Safety Guidelines and I agree to follow them.
I am aware of the hazards involved and will take all care in keeping myself and others safe.
I have read the Procedures for Avoiding Spread of Kauri Dieback and Weeds and agree to
take all care in following them.

Are you a Forest and Bird Member? Yes No

How did you hear about Ark in the Park?

Signature: Date:

Welcome thanks for your help! We hope you enjoy your experience with us.

Ark in the Park Volunteer Health and Safety Guidelines 22 July 2014

Volunteer Health and Safety Guidelines
Please write your intentions in the red intentions book on the bench in the Ark Store. When not leaving
from the Cascades leave your intentions with a family or friend, let them know your whereabouts (baitline
or stoatline) and expected time of return. Please provide them with the relevant contact numbers (see Ark
contacts below) to call if you do not contact them by the agreed time. If you dont have an external
contact, please let an Ark in the Park staff member know of your intentions. ENSURE YOU CALL THEM ON
Bush Safety
Please read the Hazard Register. There is variable mobile phone reception on the Upper Kauri, Ridge Road
and Long Road Tracks, otherwise most of the park DOES NOT HAVE MOBILE COVERAGE. Please carry your
mobile with you anyway. If working alone ALWAYS take a radio with you.
All traps present in the Ark should be treated as set. Please read the Trap Safety Guidelines to assist you in
identifying the type of trap, and to aid in judging its potential. On your return make sure you wash your
hands thoroughly, especially before eating or smoking.
If you have a known wasp allergy PLEASE let the volunteer coordinator know and carry appropriate
medication. Please read the Wasp Safety Guidelines.

Essential Gear Recommended Gear
First Aid Kit (including antihistamine) Radio (RT)
Spare warm clothing Sunscreen
Baitline description Card Insect Repellent
Compass Pack liner or rubbish sack
Food Map of Waitakere Ranges Regional Park
Emergency Procedures list
Cell phone
Personal medication if required
Gloves (when handling bait, clearing traps using

Ark Contacts
Laurence Bechet: Cascades Office : 810 7014 Mobile: 021 026 94935
Gillian Wadams: Cascades Office: 810 7014 Mobile: 021 753 756


Ark ln Lhe ark PealLh and SafeLy Pazard 8eglsLer 12 March 2013

Bazaiu Registei
Pazard MlLlgaLlon
CeLLlng losL Maps and compasses provlded Lo anyone golng lnLo
Lhe fleld
8alLllne descrlpLlons up Lo daLe and accuraLe
1ralnlng provlded, volunLeers encouraged Lo aLLend
1ake cell phone
8adlo provlded where posslble
lnLenLlons reglsLered
volunLeers' experlence and sulLablllLy assessed and
asslgned approprlaLe buddy
1ake gear on 'essenLlal' llsL
llrsL ald klLs provlded
volunLeers provlded wlLh 8ush SafeLy Culdellnes
SLream crosslngs All sLream crosslngs lncluded ln balLllne descrlpLlons
uangerous sLream crosslngs avolded durlng and afLer
heavy ralnfall
Wasp sLlngs lleld work noL carrled ouL durlng peak wasp season
llll ln Wasp AcLlvlLy on balL upLake card
eople wlLh allergles carry approprlaLe medlcaLlon
volunLeers provlded wlLh Wasp SafeLy Culdellnes
llrsL ald klL provlded wlLh anLlhlsLamlne
SeLLlng/checklng Lraps MandaLory Lralnlng
1raps regularly checked and malnLalned
volunLeers provlded wlLh 1rap SafeLy Culdellnes
ln[ury from Lools no use of macheLes ln Lhe fleld
Wear gloves
1ralnlng provlded
llrsL ald klLs provlded
volunLeers provlded wlLh 1ools SafeLy Culdellnes
ln[ury whlle ln Lhe fleld Wear approprlaLe fooLwear and cloLhlng
llrsL ald klLs provlded
1ake cell phone
8adlo provlded where posslble
lnLenLlons reglsLered
1ake gear on 'essenLlal' llsL
know emergency procedures
volunLeers experlence and sulLablllLy assessed and
asslgned approprlaLe buddy
volunLeers provlded wlLh 8ush SafeLy Culdellnes

Ark ln Lhe ark PealLh and SafeLy Pazard 8eglsLer 12 March 2013

Pazard MlLlgaLlon
lnfecLlon Wear gloves
use anLlbacLerlal wlpes/gel
Wash and dry hands
8alL polsonlng Wear surglcal gloves
Wash and dry hands
8alL ln sealed bags
MuS MaLerlal uaLa SheeL avallable
volunLeers provlded wlLh 8alL SafeLy Culdellnes
WeaLher volunLeer sesslons cancelled ln severe weaLher
uangerous sLream crosslngs avolded durlng and afLer
heavy ralnfall
volunLeer CoordlnaLors follow Sesslon CancellaLlon

Ark in the Park Tool Safety Guidelines Issue 2.0 July 2013
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Tool Safety Guidelines
The following guidelines are to assist you in handling the various tools used in Ark in the
Park while maintaining baitlines and preparing rabbit bait for traps. Any injury from a
tool, requiring third party treatment, should be recorded in the accident register.

Tools in use within the Ark: Loppers, Secateurs, Silky saws, machetes (for
rabbit bait preparation only).
Description : Two long handled handed scissor action cutting tool used on vegetation
up to about 3 cm in diameter
Danger : When carrying. When working in close proximity to others. When used
Safe : If working at a safe distance from others. When carried with the blade end
closest to the ground (not pointing towards you). When supplejack is cut closest to the
ground at right angle flat. When small branches are cut flush to the trunk. When
supple jack is cut in 1m lengths and disposed of to the side. When supplejack is cut high
up so as not to poke anyone passing in the eye or face.

Description : Single or double handed scissor action cutting tool used on vegetation up
to about 1.5 cm in diameter.
Danger : When carrying. When working in close proximity to others. When used
Safe : If working at a safe distance from others. When carried closed.

Silky Saws
Description : single or double handed use pull saw. For vegetation of diameter half the
length of the blade.
Danger : When carrying. When working in close proximity with others. When used
Safe : if working at a safe distance from others. When carried in their sheath.

We do not provide guidelines for tools we do not provide.
Note: Staff Document: To include maintenance of tools

Ark ln Lhe ark 1rap SafeLy Culdellnes 12March 2013

Tiap Safety uuiuelines
All Lraps presenL ln Lhe Ark should be LreaLed as seL. uo noL aLLempL Lo seL/unseL any Lrap
unless you have been Lralned and are confldenL Lo do so.

1he followlng guldellnes are Lo asslsL you ln ldenLlfylng Lhe Lype of Lrap, and Lo ald ln [udglng
lLs poLenLlal. Any ln[ury from a Lrap, requlrlng Lhlrd parLy LreaLmenL, should be recorded ln
Lhe accldenL reglsLer.

1raps |n use w|th|n the Ark: Doc200, Ienn Mk6, 1|mms (ossum 8ox 1rap),

Doc 200
Descr|pt|on : Wooden box 20x20x30cm, wlLh mesh ends, Lhe meLal Lrap lnslde ls aLLached
Lo Lhe base. esL access ls Lhrough Lhe flrsL (ouLer) hole ln Lhe mesh, Lhen Lhe lnner mesh
baffle. 1he balL ls lndependenL of Lhe Lrap.
Danger : When Lhe Lop lld of a seL Lrap ls open.
1rap |s set : lf Lhe Lreadle plaLe ls noL covered by Lhe klll bar (grlll llke seL of bars).
1r|gger : ls Lhe flaL recLangular Lreadle plaLe (7x10cm).
Safe : lf Lhe klll bar ls on Lhe Lreadle plaLe.

Possum box trap {Timms]
Descr|pt|on : ?ellow, green, or red/orange plasLlc Lall box (16x18x23cm) wlLh a key hole
shaped enLrance on Lhe fronL face and a sLrlng loop on Lhe back. 1he Lrap mechanlsm ls parL
of Lhe lnslde of Lhe plasLlc box. 1he Lrap ls pegged Lo Lhe ground. 1he balL ls aLLached Lo Lhe
Danger : lf a seL Lrap ls accessed Lhrough Lhe key hole or from Lhe base.
1rap |s set : lf Lhe sLrlng loop aL Lhe back ls 23cm long.
1r|gger : A verLlcal rod, hanglng cenLral, when vlewed Lhrough Lhe keyhole.
Safe : When Lhe sLrlng loop ls shorL.

Fenn Mk {witb safety]
Descr|pt|on : An open Lrap(s) placed under a Lunnel. A Lrap ls made from wlre and flaL sLeel.
8alL ls lndependenL of Lhe Lrap. 1he Lrap ls LeLhered Lo Lhe ground. 1he Lunnel ls pegged Lo
Lhe ground.
Danger : lf Lhe Lunnel ls llfLed.
1rap |s set : A lenn ls seL when lL appears flaL. lL may be, 'on lLs safeLy' ln Lhls poslLlon. 1he
sprlngs are sLlll loaded, Lhe Lrap could release wlLh force, lf noL conLrolled.
1r|gger : square plaLe (3x3cm) ln Lhe cenLre of Lhe Lrap.
Safe : When Lhe Lrap forms a Lrlangular shape, vlewed from Lhe slde.
Ark ln Lhe ark 1rap SafeLy Culdellnes 12March 2013

Feral Cat trap System {Cbimney]
Descr|pt|on : A 8ellsle Lrap, sLood on edge, lnslde a wooden box (30x30x100cm), wlLh one
mesh end (balL end) and one open end, accessed down a chlmney. 1wo sprlngs proLrude,
from each long slde, of Lhe box. 8alL ls lndependenL of Lhe Lrap.
Danger : When an ob[ecL enLers Lhe chlmney. When Lhe balL access lld ls opened. When Lhe
Lrap access lld ls opened.
1rap |s set : lf Lhe sprlngs are compressed (l.e. are noL Louchlng Lhe ends of Lhe flaL slde
1r|gger : upslde down "v" shaped prongs hanglng from Lhe cenLer of Lhe Lrap. vlslble from
Lhe mesh end only.
Safe : When Lhe slde sprlngs are relaxed (l.e. Louchlng Lhe ends of Lhe flaL slde sloLs).

Wash your hands thorough|y, espec|a||y before eat|ng or smok|ng.
Ark ln Lhe ark Wasp SafeLy Culdellnes lssue 1.0 21 March 2013
age 1 of 1
Wasp Safety uuiuelines
?ou are llkely Lo come across wasps when lnLeracLlng wlLh Lraps and balL sLaLlons, especlally
when handllng fresh balL durlng Lhe summer monLhs.

Wasp ground nesLs can be presenL !anuary-Aprll. |ease carry a f|rst a|d k|t w|th ant|-
h|st|m|ne tab|ets at a|| t|mes. lf you have a known wasp a||ergy LLASL |et the Vo|unteer
Coord|nator know and carry med|cat|on w|th you. We wlll noL balL ln Lhe hlgh wasp season
(mld-laLe leb Lo mld- laLe Aprll).
Walklng even a meLer away from a nesL ls usually Ck buL walklng on Lhe nesL
provokes an aLLack.
Wasps are elLher Lhe common or german wasps whlch are boLh large wlLh yellow
Wasps bulld Lhelr nesLs on Lhe ground and bulld up ln numbers unLll March/Aprll.
Wasps llke dry areas eg -slopes, rldges, or holes ln fallen Lrees where Lhe nesL wlll
noL geL weL.
Wasps are sald Lo be aLLracLed Lo Lhe colours blue and purple.
1he usual scenarlo ls LhaL Lhe flrsL person sLands on or near Lhe nesL and dlsLurbs Lhe
wasps whlch Lhen emerge Lo sLlng Lhe second person Lo arrlve aL Lhe slLe.
AlLernaLlvely, Lhe flrsL person geLs sLung by a 'ranger wasp' whlch Lhey squash, Lhls
releases a pheromone whlch ln Lurn alerLs Lhe nesL occupanLs Lo aLLack.
Metbods of Defence

1. Wear cloLhlng Lo cover up (a plLy on hoL days) and no blue or purple colours.
2. 1he nests 'hum', so |f you GC SLCW IN Dk AkLAS AND LCCk AnLAD you can often
hear and then see them com|ng out from ground |eve| and can thus avo|d nests by
c|rcumnav|gat|ng them.
3. lf you are sLung beaL a hasLy reLreaL and make a new rouLe bl-passlng Lhe area.
4. All Ark flrsL ald klLs and conLaln anLlhlsLamlne pllls and sLlngose. 1he pllls combaL Lhe
swelllng and lLch and sLlngose helps ease Lhe paln.
3. 1ry Lo puL up some markers (flagglng Lape marked wasps nesL) ln Lhese areas and leL Lhe
coordlnaLor know lf you flnd a nesL and lLs whereabouLs.

1he usual reacLlon ls paln, redness and varlable swelllng around Lhe sLlngs. 1hls ls a local
reacLlon Lo Lhe chemlcals ln Lhe sLlng and ls noL an allerglc reacLlon.

A very small percenLage of people (<1) have an acuLe generallsed rash and swelllng and
need acuLe medlcal aLLenLlon (adrenallne vla an eplpen) 1hese peop|e shou|d not go |nto
the bush |n the wasp season (m|d-|ate Ieb to m|d- |ate Apr||) and shou|d carry an ep|pen
w|th them at a|| t|mes.

8elng sLung frequenLly can lncrease your llkellhood of developlng an acuLe reacLlon.
eople wlLh oLher allerglc condlLlons eg hayfever and asLhma are noL more llkely Lo have an
acuLe reacLlon.
Ark ln Lhe ark rocedures for Avoldlng Spread of kaurl uleback and Weeds 12 March 2013

Pioceuuies foi Avoiuing Spieau of
Kauii Bieback anu Weeus

Pbytopbtbora taxon Agatbis - Kauri dieback disease

kaurl dleback ls caused by a paLhogen (a dlsease-causlng agenL) known as hyLophLhora
Laxon AgaLhls (1A). SympLoms lnclude yellowlng of follage, canopy Lhlnnlng, dead branches
and Lree deaLh. AffecLed Lrees can also develop leslons LhaL bleed resln. lL kllls kaurl of all
ages and slzes. 1he d|sease has been found |n the Wa|takere kanges |nc|ud|ng |n the 4rk in
the Pork area.

1A ls a soll borne dlsease, whlch spreads relaLlvely slowly, by rooL-Lo-rooL conLacL, from Lhe
passage of waLer ln Lhe soll and from anlmals movlng lL around (lncludlng us!). 1he
WalLakere 8anges have a hlgh ralnfall, whlch makes Lhe 'naLural' spread fasLer Lhan ln drler
areas. Pumans, plgs and vehlcles (lncludlng blkes) can move Lhe dlsease around aL a far
greaLer raLe. numan act|v|ty |s a r|sk for spread|ng the d|sease w|th|n the Ark |n the ark
area, around the Wa|takeres and to other areas.

We must ||m|t the movement of so|| (on shoes and gear) dur|ng our act|v|t|es |n Ark |n the
ark. It |s |mportant that we do th|s to protect our prec|ous forests.

Wben you come to tbe Ark in tbe Park:

1) Clean your fooLwear Lhoroughly of all soll before arrlvlng aL Lhe Cascades and agaln
when you leave. 1here ls a cleanlng sLaLlon aL Lhe 8anger sLaLlon.
2) Clean seeds and planL fragmenLs from your shoes and cloLhlng.
3) Always Lake a Lrlgene spray boLLle wlLh you.
4) Always use Lhe cleanlng sLaLlons for your fooLwear - Lhey wlll llmlL Lhe spread of
lnfecLed soll ln Lhe park.
3) When you leave Lhe Lracks spray your fooLwear Lhoroughly lncludlng any oLher muddy
areas such as galLers, and agaln before comlng back onLo Lhe Lracks (see polnL 8).
6) Spray your fooLwear lncludlng any oLher muddy areas such as galLers, beLween kaurl
Lrees or areas of kaurl especlally where you have seen kaurl bleedlng aL Lhe base.
7) Clean and spray your fooLwear agaln afLer havlng been ln Lhe bush, before you leave.
8) lrom Llme Lo Llme sLrlcLer requlremenLs may be needed ln even more senslLlve areas.
?ou wlll be brlefed on Lhese and Lhe balLllne descrlpLlon cards wlll have furLher

Ark ln Lhe ark 8adlo roLocol 12 March 2013

Rauio Piotocol
1he Ark kad|os and channe|s are the ones that Auck|and Counc|| kangers use. 1hey
transm|t across Auck|and w|th the he|p of repeaters (channe|s 1-4). Ior norma| use, |ns|de
the Ark, we on|y use channe| S.
A|| rad|os work by one person ta|k|ng (transm|tt|ng) at a t|me, to another person
(|dent|f|ed by ca|| s|gn). Any rad|o set to the same channe| may a|so rece|ve the
transm|ss|on. S|gna| strength w||| be reduced by d|stance, and ob[ects (bush, terra|n) or
overr|dden by a concurrent transm|ss|on (|e more than one rad|o send|ng a s|gna| at once).
1he fo||ow|ng rad|o procedure shou|d be adopted for the best chance of successfu|
1. 8efore you leave Lurn Lhe radlo on and seL Lo channel 3. 1urn Lhe volume up full.
ress Lhe Lalk buLLon - you should hear a squelchlng nolse, Lhls means LhaL Lhe radlo
ls worklng. LsLabllsh communlcaLlon wlLh oLher radlo holders before deparLlng.
2. use Channe| S Lo Lalk Lo oLher volunLeers (keep radlo use Lo a mlnlmum ln order Lo
conserve baLLery).
3. Use Channe|s 1 - 4 |n an LMLkGLNC CNL!
4. Stand st||| whenever us|ng a rad|o (for your safety and opt|ma| recept|on).
3. 1o Lalk: press Lalk buLLon down, Lalk, and release when flnlshed - Lhe oLher person
cannoL Lalk lf you have Lhe buLLon pressed down. ?ou wlll also need Lo walL for Lhem
Lo flnlsh Lhelr Lransmlsslon before you can Lalk.
6. When uslng a 8adlo call yourself Ark " eg. Ark 8ob. When maklng an
emergency call Lo AraLakl on channels 1 - 4, Lhelr call slgn ls arks Centre". Always
say who you are calllng Lwlce and walL for a reply. eg "arks Centre - arks Centre -
th|s |s Ark 8ob - do you copy - over?"
7. lf no reply ls heard afLer Lwo seLs of calls, slgn off wlLh "Noth|ng heard - Ark 8ob -
c|ear". SwlLch Lo Channel 2 and repeaL Lhe process (work your way Lhrough
channels 2 - 4 lf necessary, uslng Lhe same process).
8. When repeaLlng a serles of leLLers use Lhe phoneLlc alphabeL lf you know lL. Speak
clearly and slowly. Make sure Lhe lnformaLlon you glve ls correcL. Lnsure you have
all Lhe relevanL lnformaLlon le. people, locaLlon, problem.
9. 1o end a conversaLlon say "Ark - C|ear".

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