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Year 3/4 2013/14 Curriculum Overview Cycle 1

Aut 1 Aut 2 Spr 1 Spr 2 Sum 1 Sum 2

Why were the
Romans so powerful
and what did we
learn from them?
Why is the Mersey
so important to
Liverpool and
How can we re-
discover the
wonders of Ancient
Whole school
pro"ect to #e
$% pro"ect What is so special
a#out &taly?
The Roman Empire and
its impact on Britain
An overview of the
impact the Ancient
!yptians had on
our society'
() focus
*ity study
Map Study urope + &taly
Similarities and
throu!h the study
of human and
!eo!raphy of an
area in a uropean
%o improve their
mastery of art and
desi!n- *lay'
$esi!n. ma/e and
evaluate !yptian
$esi!n. ma/e and
evaluate food
)O) Starter
&ny vi"it"
*i"it!r" /
lin+" t! the
wi,er w!rl,
&nvade another
0isit to Liverpool.
wal/ down the
Set the hall up as
an &talian
restaurant + have
an &talian meal'
L!cal /
Museum 12olton
4ohn rylands.
!yptian section
Manchester li#rary
+ dome lin/ to
&%%licati!n !
5planation Recount
7ersuasion 7oems to
&%%licati!n !
$i!ital animation &pad #oo/
&ny !ther
$% desi!n. ma/e
and evaluate a
$ance &talian music
'i"crete curriculum
8ear -9 Animals
8ear :9 Animals
8ear -; :9 Roc/s
8ear -; :9 7lants
8ear -; :9
8ear -; :9 Li!ht
8ear -; :9 Sound
*hristianity &slam 2uddhism
How do rules and
laws affect me?
Local Democracy for
Young Citizens
Getting on and
falling out
Taking part Skills,
Going for goals
Drugs ducation
including Drugs
awareness week
Good to !e me
Healt"y c"oices
SR scheme years
:. = and >
Respect for
#ew !eginnings
$ules and
$oad safety
and participation
Say no to !ullying
7ro!rammin! an
thin/in!. <ndin!
and correctin!
#u!s in a
$evelopin! a
simple educational
5plore *omputer
and colla#oration
safely on the
.ngli"h / writing
0!n/chr!n!l!gical -e%!rt"
P!em" t! %er!rm
7lace value and roundin!
Addition and su#traction
Multiplication and division
Measurement 1len!th. mass. volume3
7roperties of shapes
7osition and $irection
8ear -;: 7rime Learnin! *hallen!e9 Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them?
6ational curriculum covera!e9
The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
Know and understand the history of British islands as a coherent, chronological narrative, from the earliest times to the present day: how
peoples lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world
The expansion and dissolution of empires characteristic features of past
AfL statements:
I can describe events from the past using dates when things have happened(Y3)
I can plot events on a timeline using centuries (Y4)
I can use a timeline within a specific period of history to set out the order that things may have happened (Y3)
I can use my mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events happened (Y3)
I can use my mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades (Y4)
I can explain some of the times when ritain has been invaded!(Y3)
I can use research skills to find answers to specific historical "uestions!(Y3)
I can research in order to find similarities and differences between two or more periods of history! (Y3
I can explain how the lives of wealthy people were different from the lives of poorer people! (Y4)
I can explain how historic items and artefacts can be used to help build up a picture of life in the past! (Y4)
I can explain how an event from the past has shaped our life today! (Y4)
I can research two versions of an event and explain how they differ! (Y4)
I can research what it was like for children in a given period of history and present my findings to an audience! (Y4)
7upils should #e tau!ht9
To create s!etch boo!s to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
To improve their mastery of art and design techni"ues, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials #for example,
pencil, charcoal, paint, clay$
To find out about great artists, architects and designers in history%
AfL statements:
& I can use sketches to produce a final piece of art! (Y3)
& I can use different grades of pencil to shade and to show different tones and textures! (Y3)
& I can create a background using a wash!(Y3)
& I can use a range of brushes to create different effects in painting! (Y3)
& I can identify the techni"ues used by different artists!(Y3)
& I can compare the work of different artists! (Y3)
& I recognise when art is from different historical periods! (Y3)
& I can use marks and lines to show texture in my art! (Y4)
& I can sculpt clay and other mouldable materials! (Y4)
& I can experiment with the styles used by other artists! (Y4)
& I can explain some of the features of art from historical periods! (Y4)
Science (Not linked to topic)
'dentify that animals, including humans, need the right amount of nutrition, and that they cannot ma!e their own food they get nutrition
from what they eat ()*+
,onstruct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey ()-+
AfL Statements
I can explain the importance of a nutritious# balanced diet (Y3)
I can explain how nutrients# water and oxygen are transported within humans and animals (Y3)
I can describe and explain the skeletal system of a human (Y3)
I can describe and explain the muscular system of a human (Y3)
I can describe the purpose of the skeleton in humans and animals (Y3)
I can identify and name the parts of the human digestive system (Y4)
I can describe the functions of the organs in the human digestive system (Y4)
I can identify and describe the different types of teeth in humans (Y4)
I can describe the functions of different types of teeth in humans (Y4)
I can use food chains to identify producers# predators and prey (Y4)
I can construct food chains to identify producers# predators and prey (Y4)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 3
LC 4
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge !hy is the "ersey so important to Li#erpool and "anchester$
National c%rric%l%m co#erage
Locational kno'ledge
.ame and locate cities of the /nited Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, !ey
topographical features (rivers+
0escribe and understand !ey aspects of:
1hysical geography, including, rivers, and the water cycle
Economic activity including trade lin!s, and water
&eographical skills and (ield'ork
/se maps, atlases, globes and digital2computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
/se fieldwor! to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including
s!etch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies%
AfL statements:
& I can use the correct geographical words to describe a place! (Y3)
& I can use some basic $rdnance %urvey map symbols! (Y3)
& I can use grid references on a map! (Y3)
& I can use an atlas by using the index to find places! (Y3)
& I can carry out research to discover features of villages# towns or cities!(Y4)
& I can plan a &ourney to a place in 'ngland! (Y4)
& I can collect and accurately measure information (e!g! rainfall# temperature# wind speed# noise levels etc)! (Y4)
& I can explain why people may be attracted to live in cities! (Y4)
& I can explain why people may choose to live in one place rather than another! (Y4)
& I can find at least six cities in the () on a map! (Y4)
Science (not linked to topic)
,ompare and group together different !inds of roc!s on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties ()*+
0escribe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within roc! ()*+
Recognise that soils are made from roc!s and organic matter ()*+
AfL Statements:
I can compare and group rocks based in their appearance and physical properties# giving a reason (Y3)
I can describe how fossils are formed (Y3)
I can describe how soil is made (Y3)
I can describe and explain the difference between sedimentary and igneous rock (Y3)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 3
LC 4
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge Ho' can 'e re)disco#er the 'onders o( Ancient *gypt$
National c%rric%l%m co#erage
The achievements of the earliest civili3ations 4 an overview of where and when the first civili3ations appeared: 5ncient Egypt
Know and understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world: the nature of ancient civilisations the expansion and dissolution of
empires characteristic features of past non6European societies achievements and follies of man!ind
7ain and deploy a historically grounded understanding of abstract terms such as 8empire, 8civilisation, 8parliament and 8peasantry
AfL statements
& ' can describe events from the past using dates when things happened% ()*+
& ' can use a timeline within a specific period of history to set out the order that things may have happened% ()*+
& ' can use my mathematical !nowledge to wor! out how long ago events happened% ()*+
& ' can use research s!ills to find answers to specific historical "uestions% ()*+
& ' can research in order to find similarities and differences between two or more periods of history% ()*+
& ' can plot events on a timeline using centuries% ()-+
& ' can use my mathematical s!ills to round up time differences into centuries and decades% ()-+
& ' can explain how the lives of wealthy people were different from the lives of poorer people% ()-+
& ' can explain how historic items and artefacts can be used to help build up a picture of life in the past% ()-+
& ' can research what it was li!e for children in a given period of history and present my findings to an audience% ()-+
7enerate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated s!etches, cross6sectional and exploded diagrams,
prototypes, pattern pieces and computer6aided design
9elect from and use a wider range of tools and e"uipment to perform practical tas!s #for example, cutting, shaping, :oining and finishing$,
Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their wor!
AfL statements
& I can design a product and make sure that it looks attractive! (Y3)
& I can choose a textile for both its suitability and its appearance! (Y3)
& I can work accurately to measure# make cuts and make holes! (Y3)
& I can use ideas from other people when I am designing! (Y4)
& I can produce a plan and explain it! (Y4)
& I can evaluate and suggest improvements for my designs!(Y4)
& I can evaluate products for both their purpose and appearance! (Y4)
& I can explain how I have improved my original design! (Y4)
& I can present a product in an interesting way! (Y4)
& I can measure accurately! (Y4)
Locational kno'ledge
locate the worlds countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia+ and .orth and 9outh 5merica, concentrating on
their environmental regions, !ey physical and human characteristics, countries, and ma:or cities
identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, E"uator, .orthern ;emisphere, 9outhern ;emisphere, the Tropics of ,ancer and
,apricorn, 5rctic and 5ntarctic ,ircle, the 1rime27reenwich <eridian and time 3ones (including day and night+
use maps, atlases, globes and digital2computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied%
AfL statements
& I can use the correct geographical words to describe a place! (Y3)
& I can use an atlas by using the index to find places! (Y3)
& I can name a number of countries in the northern hemisphere!(Y3)
& I can explain why people may be attracted to live in cities! (Y4)
& I can explain why people may choose to live in one place rather than another! (Y4)
& I can locate the *ropic of +ancer and *ropic of +apricorn! (Y4)
Science (not linked to topic)
'dentify and describe the functions of different parts of a flowering plant roots, stem2trun!, leaves and flowers ()*+
Explore the re"uirements of plants for life = growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, = room to grow+ = how they vary from plant to
plant ()*+
'nvestigate the way in which water is transported within plants ()*+
Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of a flowering plant, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal ()*+
AfL Statements
I can describe the function of different parts of flowering plants and trees (Y3)
I can explore and describe the needs of different plants for survival (Y3)
I can explore and describe how water is transported within plants (Y3)
I can describe the plant life cycle# especially the importance of flowers (Y3)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 3
LC 4
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge6 '( %r!ject
0ati!nal curriculum c!verage
/se research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at
particular individuals or groups
7enerate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated s!etches, cross6sectional and exploded diagrams,
prototypes, pattern pieces and computer6aided design
9elect from and use a wider range of tools and e"uipment to perform practical tas!s #for example, cutting, shaping, :oining and finishing$,
9elect from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to
their functional properties and aesthetic "ualities
'nvestigate and analyse a range of existing products
Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their wor!
/nderstand how !ey events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world
AfL statements
& I can prove that my design meets some set criteria! (Y3)
& I can follow a step,by,step plan# choosing the right e"uipment and materials! (Y3)
& I can design a product and make sure that it looks attractive! (Y3)
& I can choose a textile for both its suitability and its appearance! (Y3)
& I can select the most appropriate tools and techni"ues for a given task! (Y3)
& I can make a product which uses both electrical and mechanical components!(Y3)
& I can work accurately to measure# make cuts and make holes! (Y3)
& I can describe how food ingredients come together! (if appropriate# Y3)
& I can use ideas from other people when I am designing! (Y4)
& I can produce a plan and explain it! (Y4)
& I can evaluate and suggest improvements for my designs! (Y4)
& I can evaluate products for both their purpose and appearance! (Y4)
& I can explain how I have improved my original design! (Y4)
& I can present a product in an interesting way! (Y4)
& I can measure accurately! (Y4)
& I can persevere and adapt my work when my original ideas do not work! (Y4)
I know how to be both hygienic and safe when using food! (If appropriate, Y4)
Science 7n!t lin+e, t! t!%ic8
Reco!nise that they need li!ht in order to see thin!s and that dar/ is the a#sence of li!ht 18-3
6otice that li!ht is reAected from surfaces 18-3
Reco!nise that li!ht from the sun can #e dan!erous and that there are ways to protect their eyes 18-3
Reco!nise that shadows are formed when li!ht from a li!ht source is #loc/ed from a solid o#"ect 18-3
@ind patterns in the way that the siBe of shadows chan!e 18-3
AfL Statements
I can describe what dark is (the absence of light) (Y3)
I can explain that light is needed in order to see (Y3)
I can explain that light is refected from a surface (Y3)
I can explain and demonstrate how a shadow is formed (Y3)
I can explore shadow size and explain (Y3)
I can explain the danger of direct sunlight and describe how to keep protected (Y3)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 3
LC 4
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge6 )hy i" 2taly "! "%ecial9
0ati!nal curriculum c!verage6
L!cati!nal +n!wle,ge
Locate the worldCs countries. usin! maps to focus on urope 1includin! the location of Russia3 /ey physical and human
characteristics. countries. and ma"or cities
Place +n!wle,ge
(nderstand !eo!raphical similarities and di,erences throu!h the study of human and physical !eo!raphy of a re!ion of the (nited
)in!dom. a re!ion in a uropean country
Human !eo!raphy. includin!9 types of settlement and land use
$e!gra%hical "+ill" an, :el,w!r+
(se maps. atlases. !lo#es and di!ital;computer mappin! to locate countries and descri#e features studied
AfL statements
& & can use the correct !eo!raphical words to descri#e a place' 18-3
& & can use some #asic Drdnance Survey map sym#ols' 18-3
& & can use !rid references on a map' 18-3
& & can use an atlas #y usin! the inde5 to <nd places'' 18-3
& & can name a num#er of countries in the northern hemisphere' 18-3
& & can name and locate the capital cities of nei!h#ourin! uropean countries' 18-3
& & can carry out research to discover features of villa!es. towns or cities' 18:3
& & can e5plain why people may #e attracted to live in cities' 18:3
& & can e5plain why people may choose to live in one place rather than another' 18:3
& & /now the countries that ma/e up the uropean (nion' 18:3
%o improve their mastery of art and desi!n techniEues. includin! drawin!. paintin! and sculpture
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 3
LC 4

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