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Organismo Pblico Descentralizado del Gobierno del Estado de Puebla

Ingeniera en Tecnologas para la Automatizacin

Ingles I

Homework II

Gonzlez Chiu Ana Karina

vila Moreno Erick Eduardo

7 A

Things to do by the age of 30

Currently I have a car but I would like a van.
I would like to travel with my family, because since I was 15 years we have
not left the country.
I would like to read all my favorite books I have not read yet.
Would fulfill my dream of getting to know Germany with my family.
I wish I had a bigger house than the one I have now
I would like to write a book of poetry
To pursue a master's degree in World Literature at the Universidad
Iberoamericana, as currently I do not even finish my engineering.
I would like to get a Ph.D.

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